Releases/Firefox 34.0b4/BuildNotes
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< Releases
Build 1
Firefox Checklist
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
- At the same time, run pushsnip and publish in Balrog
- Post-release tasks
Fennec Checklist
(RelMan) Ship the l10n milestone - (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
Post-release tasks
- Fennec repack 9/10 failed to clean up 10G of space. Slave self-rectified, reran job
- Firefox mac en-US failed to download complete for 34.0b3 build1, because it should be trying to get build2
- correct with this push, reconfig, and rebuild en-US jobs
- we got 4 different buildIDs as a result, which confused QA. In retrospect doing a build2 would have been simpler, even if costs redoing a bunch of tagging/source/xulrunner work with no change