Releases/Fennec 14.0b5/BuildNotes
Notes About Releasing
Please update the Aurora Notes Template and the Release:Primer for future releases (bug fixes, changes to automation) as needed.
You will need to build a 14.0b5 build using the fennec mozilla-aurora config files, then a new build or respin (depending on code changes) of the 13.0b2 build3 android-xul build for tablets. Both will go to the market.
Bugs hit
Enter any bugs pre-existing or newly discovered and filed during the release:
Build Engineers
{aki} - Tracking bug: bug 758785
Signed-off Revision(s)
- Build 1: 3dbfe52b2649
- 13.0b2 build3 spin5: #
L10N changesets
- 14.0bN will get Aurora changesets from this dashboard link. This link will change over time, so won't be useful for verifying later, but isn't dependent on a milestone being created per beta.
- 13.0b2 build# spin# will have an empty l10n-changesets_mobile-beta.json
Manually tag the automation code, then record the generated tags below. (details)
Build # | Branch, Tags | Changeset |
1 | MOBILE140_2012053010_RELBRANCH, FENNEC_14_0b5_RELEASE, FENNEC_14_0b5_BUILD1 | 3dbfe52b2649 |
13.0b2 build3 spin5 | MOBILE130_2012050119_RELBRANCH FENNEC_13_0b2_BUILD3 FENNEC_13_0b2_RELEASE | 88ee14110a74 |
Build data
Build # | Type | Build ID | Build machine | Time to build |
1 | android | 20120601133453 | linux-ix-slave29 | 48 mins, 48 secs |
android-xul | linux-ix-slave01 | 48 mins, 34 secs | ||
13.0b2 build 3 spin 5 | android-xul | 20120601165428 | linux-ix-slave19 | 46 mins, 35 secs |
Build 1
Preparing to start Automation
- Set clobbers for mozilla-aurora
- Reserved 3 slaves on bm12
- Updated l10n changesets for mobile (see above)
- Landed configs
- Tagged buildbot-configs, buildbotcustom, & tools with build & release tags.
hg tag -f FENNEC_14_0b5_{RELEASE,BUILD1}
- updated and reconfigured the master
- noticed that the master wasn't enabled in pm.json.
- landed a fix and re-tagged, re-updated, reconfiged
- release-sanity
# For 14.0b5 build 1: # cltbld@bm12 cd /builds/buildbot/build1/master source ../bin/activate PYTHONPATH=. ../bin/python ../tools/buildbot-helpers/ -u aki -V 14.0b5 --branch mozilla-aurora --build-number 1 -c -m -l --products fennec --dryrun localhost:9001 2>&1 | tee aki.out
- start automation ← monitor progress on buildbot (e.g. aurora)
PYTHONPATH=. ../bin/python ../tools/buildbot-helpers/ -u aki -V 14.0b5 --branch mozilla-aurora --build-number 1 -c -m -l --products fennec localhost:9001 2>&1 | tee aki2.out
E-mail Metrics
Use the address "metrics-alerts < AT > mozilla < PERIOD > org"
# For 14.0b5 : Fennec,firefox-mobile,fennec,14.0b5,14.0
No problems.
No problems.
No problems.
Fennec repacks
No problems.
Android Signing
Hung on one download; ctrl-C'ed and ran again. No problems.
# cltsign@signing1 cd signing-work hg --cwd mozharness pull hg --cwd mozharness up -C -r default python26 mozharness/scripts/ --cfg signing/ --platform android
email r-d
Emailed r-d that all native fennec builds are ready for testing
Reset reserved slaves
13.0b2 build 3 spin 5
Preparing to start Automation
- Set clobbers for mozilla-beta
- Reserve slave on bm13
- L10n changesets for 13.0b2 build3 spin1 will remain empty {}
- Verify that nothing has changed in 13.0b2 land since the previous spin.
If no code has changed since the previous 13.0b2 build, we can just respin the previous build:
- Create a build3-spin5 directory on stage, and softlink the build3 to it.
- The spin# will increment instead of the build#.
- For build3-spin5:
# ffxbld@stage cd /pub/ mkdir build3-spin5 rm build3 ln -s build3-spin5 build3
- Hit "rebuild" on the latest release-mozilla-beta-android-xul_build.
- This will upload into the build3-spin5 directory instead of overwriting the previous build.
No problems.
Android Signing
No problems.
# cltsign@signing1 cd signing-work hg --cwd mozharness pull hg --cwd mozharness up -C -r default python26 mozharness/scripts/ --config-file signing/
Release Day
Publish Fennec to the Play Store (for beta releases and release releases)
Push the files (for beta releases and release releases)
- Use this script and run it as ffxbld@stage (please push you changes prior to using it, and grab latest on stage via curl -O
Play Store (for beta releases and release releases)
IMPORTANT - Make sure to follow instructions!
The 14.0b5 build *must* be uploaded before the 13.0b2 build!
- download 14.0b5 and 13.0b2 multi apk (e.g. [1] and [2])
- visit
- choose "Firefox Beta" or "Firefox"
- select the "APK Files" tab and choose "Upload APK"
- choose the 14.0b5 multi apk that you downloaded and hit "upload"
- NOTE: the progress bar does not seem to show progress (at least on Google Chrome)
- when it finishes uploading, verify the versionCode is the build date (almost anyway, the market reports an hour later than our buildID)
- hit "Save"
- choose the 14.0b5 multi apk that you downloaded and hit "upload"
- Repeat with the 13.0b2 multi apk
- when it finishes uploading, verify the versionCode is larger than the 14.0b5 versionCode.
- activate new 14.0b5 and 13.0b2 apks (You should see an Error message since both apk's are active)
- deactivate old apks (You should not see the Error message anymore)
- hit "Save"
- If this is a beta 1, go to "Product Details" tab -> Recent Changes, change the url to{VERSION}beta/releasenotes/
- and hit "Save"