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  • Stabilization is the process of backing out and preff-ing off features and changes
  • Downstream Repository is the repository from which an antecedent or Upstream Repository is merged to, for instance mozilla-aurora is the downstream repository for mozilla-central in the current



Q: What are the milestones for FF5?

A: mozilla-aurora merges to mozilla-beta on May 17. Other milestones are described here

Q: What are the milestones for the release after FF5?

A: The next merge from mozilla-central to mozilla-aurora should occur May 24.


Q: What repositories do we use for the rapid release process?

A: mozilla-central, mozilla-aurora, mozilla-beta and mozilla-release described here

Q: What is the Firefox version number used in each repository?

A: mozilla-central uses X.0a1, mozilla-aurora uses X.0a2, mozilla-beta X.0 as described here

Q: What is the gecko version number used in each repository?

A: Same as the Firefox version number as described here

Q: Does mozilla-central require approval flags in bugzilla?

A: No.

Q: Does mozilla-aurora require approval flags in bugzilla?

A: Yes. Set approval-mozilla-aurora? to request approval.

Q: How is one repository merged to another?

A: The mechanics are described here

Q: When does stabilization occur?

A: After the pull to the next downstream branch. For instance mozilla-central is merged to mozilla-aurora and then stabilization occurs on mozilla-aurora.


Q: How do I nominate a bug for action in the mozilla-aurora repository?

A: Set tracking5?

Q: How do I see what bugs have been nominated and approved?

A: Firefox/Aurora


Q: What channels exist for updates?

A: Nightly, Aurora, Beta and Release

Q: Where is the channel download page?

A: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/channel/

Q: Why isn't nightly on the channel download page?

A: Users getting nightlies should be very conscious of the risks.

Q: What locales will be built for the Aurora channel?

A: All 88

Q: What locales will be built for the Beta and Release channel?

A: All locales that have been shipped before or are new and well supported


Q: How are features handled?

A: Using feature pages, more details are at Features/Planning_and_Tracking

Q: What features are being worked on for the next release?

A: In general feature status is available on the release tracking page

Q: How do I suggest a feature?

A: You can write a feature page and submit it to the Inbox

Security & Stability Updates

Q: How will users get regular security and stability updates?

A: By being silently updated to the next release.

Q: Will there still be chemspill releases for critical issues?

A: Yes.