From MozillaWiki
- Win32: ReferencePlatforms/Win32
- Related bug and hg links
- Q: Why to bore ourselves with firewall rules? Use an open firewall like in Linux...
- Linux: ReferencePlatforms/Linux-CentOS-5.0
- Suggestion: use sed instead of perl for root
- Overall
- Suggestion: Simplify ssh configuration by distributing `known_hosts' files or by using expect(1) scenarios.
- Continue reading from ReferencePlatforms/Linux-CentOS-5.0#Version_3
- Suggestion: Use separate repositories (or explicit/named branches) for staging and production configs. In this case diffing and merging tasks will be easier.
diff -urN mozilla2 mozilla2-staging > staging.patch; less staging.patch; patch < staging.patch; is stateless, while merging between repos/branches tracks all relations between staging and production areas.
Change Sources
- buildbotcustom.misc.generateBranchObjects(config, name)['change_source']:
- HgPoller
- HgAllLocalesPoller (if enable_l10n is set)
- used in master1.cfg with ACTIVE_BRANCHES = ['mozilla-central', 'mozilla-1.9.2', 'places']
- used in master2.cfg with ACTIVE_BRANCHES = ['tracemonkey', 'mozilla-1.9.1', 'electrolysis', 'firefox-lorentz']
- master-main.cfg:
- PBChangeSource
- master2.cfg:
- HgAllLocalesPoller for mozilla-1.9.1 and mozilla-1.9.2
- HgPoller for mozilla-central and mozilla-1.9.2
- release_master.py:
- FtpPoller ("post_signing" branch, searches for "win32_signing_build") triggers "partner_repacks", "l10n_verification" and "updates" Schedules
- mobile_master.py:
- HgPoller (mobile-browser)
- buildbotcustom.misc.generateBranchObjects(config, name)['schedulers']:
- MozScheduler
- NoMergeScheduler or Scheduler
- NightlyRebuild
- Nightly
- NightlyL10n
- Nigtly (weekly)
- used in master1.cfg with ACTIVE_BRANCHES = ['mozilla-central', 'mozilla-1.9.2', 'places']
- used in master2.cfg with ACTIVE_BRANCHES = ['tracemonkey', 'mozilla-1.9.1', 'electrolysis', 'firefox-lorentz']
- release_master.py:
- Scheduler (name='repo_setup')
- Dependent (name='tag'), depends on repo_setup
- Dependent (name='source'), depends on tag
- Dependent (en-US build), depends on tag
- DependentL10n (l10n repack), depends on en-US build scheduler
- Scheduler for partner repack, 'post_signing' branch
- Scheduler for l10n verification, 'post_signing' branch
- Scheduler for updates, 'post_signing' branch
- Scheduler for release-unittest for each platform in unittestPlatforms
- release_mobile_master.py:
- Scheduler (name='mobile_repo_setup')
- Dependent (name='mobile_tag'), depends on mobile_repo_setup
- Dependent (name='mobile_source'), depends on mobile_tag
- Dependent (en-US build), depends on mobile_tag
- DependentL10n (l10n repack), depends on en-US build scheduler
- mobile_master.py:
- Nightly
- NightlyL10n if enable_l10n is set
- MozScheduler
- Scheduler (branch="mobile-browser", treeStableTimer=3*60)
Interesting bugs
- Release related: Bug 505318, Bug 505392
- Updates related: Bug 507024
- L10N/Marketing related: Bug 511532: Generate ISO images of the latest Firefox release automatically
- pushsnip (?): Bug 508417