QA/Team Meeting/QA Team Meeting-2015-07-22

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Mozilla QA Meeting 2015-07-22

# Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Room: QA
# Vidyo:
# Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99456 (US/INTL)
#         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99456 (US Toll Free)
#         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 99456 (Canada)
# IRC:    irc://

Template available at:

Lead / Scribe

  • Lead: stephend
    • Lead is responsible for:
      • informing the Air Mozilla person in the Vidyo room when to start and stop recording
      • guiding the conversation according to the prepared agenda; eliciting questions and comments
      • handing off lead and scribe duties to a new volunteer for next meeting
  • Scribe: marcia
    • Scribe is responsible for:
      • adding the action items and takeaways to the current meeting's minutes
      • creating the agenda for the next meeting and carrying the action items and takeaways over to it
      • sending out a notice of the availability of that agenda along with the meeting invite
      • completing all of the above by the end of the week during which the meeting occurred

Actions From Last Week

  • [Karl] to investigate interaction between Google Analytics and Persona
    • Completed -- Persona logins are not substantially different from other kinds.
  • [Stephen] Making QA more visible to the Mozilla organization (Possibly a Q3 Goal)
    • Carry-over to next week(s)
  • [Marcia] Invite B2G people back to the QA meeting if they're interested
    • Completed - Pallavi added to invite, and the FXOS QA team knows about the ongoing meeting.
  • [Anthony] Work with Matt on the internal mailing list relating to QA/Work Weeks
    • Carry-over and Anthony/Matt on the internal mailing list

Deadlines and Schedules

Next Merge: September 30, 2024 Next Release: October 1, 2024
Central: 132 Aurora: 54 Beta: 131 Release: 130

Other Notable Dates/Events (Read Only)

Discussion & Updates for Team

  • Pick a notetaker for our notepad
  • Discussion item: Karl will be coming around to different groups in the next few weeks, asking about different mechanisms/policies to ensure quality in the releases of all our various engineering teams.
  • We had some stability issues on Nightly/Aurora desktop/mobile and Flash in the last week, all should be resolved now.

Lightning Talk

Community [read only updates]

  • Upcoming Events
    • Joint l10n-QA Event in Barcelona
    • October Date still Pending
  • e10s Testing Squad
    • Draft Plan
    • Looking for volunteers to help mentor testers - contact marcia if interested
  • Participation Team and the Page
    • The Participation team is currently conducting A/B tests and there are several different variations of the page


New Contributor Spotlight

These are new contributors, if you see them around, say hello

Contributor Honor Roll

For those that went above and beyond this week, we salute you here.

Quarterly Goals

Action Items and notes from the meeting

  • [team] Follow up with Karl is you are interested in the Ensuring Quality initiative
  • [team] Marc would like feedback on his Risk Report tool
  • ashughes and mbrandt: will follow up on circulating a document about community

Travel / PTO (Read Only)


Kitten, fox, or other cute animal gif of the week:

Next Meeting's Lead/Scribe

  • Lead: njpark
  • Scribe: stephend