QA/Services Archive
This is an archive for old links!
Mozilla Services is the branch of mozilla where Client products meet Server interaction. Services can be expanding into any products that can utilize modular and scalable API's, to provide web developers the flexibility on creating products within the server-client interaction. Current products like Sync and Identity, make up the beginnings of existing products that drive this offering.
Team Details
The Services QA team is committed to qualifying products and releases through client-server testing. Consisting of Client and server product testers, we also plan to diverge into performance and load testing in staging and production environments.
Team Members and Assignments
Name | Contact | Availability | Project Assignments |
Edwin Wong | | MoCo Employee (full time) | Services QA Manager |
John Morrison | | MoCo Employee (full time) | Server side QA |
James Bonacci | | MoCo Employee (full time) | Server side QA |
Karl Thiessen | | MoCo Employee (full time) | Server side QA |
Current Status
- Updated: March 28, 2013
- BrowserID
- Shipped BigTent
- PiCL: In design
- Push Notification: In design
Weekly Trains and Releases
Each week, or for each scheduled release, QA receives a new build for testing in the Beta (BrowserID) or Stage (SyncServer) environment. The Dev teams write, test, and release the build to the OPs team. The OPs team is responsible for deploying the build to the Beta or Stage environment. Once the new build is deployed, the QA team verifies the deployment, then completes all required testing and signs-off on the results. Once this process has completed, the OPs team is cleared to deploy the build to production.
This section should contain a list to the active current team project page. The section will be included as part of the top level QA organization page.
Project | Description | QA Owner |
Firefox Sync Test Plan | Firefox Sync site (both extension and Integrated feature) summarizing Test strategy, testcases, Milestone testplans, and schedules | Tracy |
Sync Server Test Plan | Sync Server and Client Test Plans, Grinder information, and Smoke Test Information (this Test Plan needs to be completely reworked for Sync 1.1 and future projects) | Tony/John |
BrowserID Test Plan | BrowserID allows users with a verified email address against Mozilla platform to request access to websites | John |
Syncorro | Project to automatically gather sync logging data and reporting | Tracy |
Notifications Spec | Push notifications from the cloud to the browser and other 3rd party clients | TBD |
Firefox Share Test Plan | A feature for the browser that allows you to share links in a fast and fun way. One is able to share links from within the browser without leaving the page using the same services one already know and uses | TBD |
Load Test Refactoring | Refactoring current Grinder tests to support functional tests with FunkLoad environment | Owen |
Services projects use a handful of environments to get their work done. Generally, it's broken down by:
- Development Sandbox
- Staging
- Beta (Q3 goal)
- Production
A handful of environments are listed here. However, many of them require Mozilla Internal access and VPN, so if you are part of a special project, please see the QA staff for more info.
- Sync Client and Server Test Documents
- Sync Server Installation and Configuration
- QA Sync Server documentation
- QA Persona/BrowserID documentation
- QA AITC/TokenServer documentation
- Automated Testing
- [BrowserID Automation]
Team Goals
Community Contribution
Anyone can participate. There are several ways in which YOU can participate:
- File bugs
- Triage bugs (confirm existing bugs and assign them to the right buckets)
- Help test new features
- Write test cases
- Plan new features testing
- Help others who want to get involved.