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The Games Project is the driving effort for asm.js and emscripten projects. If the web can run your favorite games in a browser with out a plugin, we can run almost anything.

Get Involved!

If you are not yet and active Mozilla Contributor, please visit our How to Get Involved page to see how to contact us.

If you are an active Mozillian or just want dive right in and would like to get involved in the Games QA project you can start by reading through the section on how we are approaching the games testing and then checking out the public demos listed below and give them a try. Due to the large number of graphics and audio drivers and chip sets out there, we need as many different hardware/software combinations as possible to test on.


Many of the games will require use of WebGL. The easiest way to verify that your hardware supports this is to type "about:support" into your awesome bar and scroll down the Graphics section. There should be an entry WebGL if it lists manufacture Example:

 WebGL Renderer	NVIDIA Corporation -- NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine

If your systems does not support WebGL you will see:

 WebGL Renderer	Blocked for your graphics driver or version.

If you see this, you may only see a black screen or the game may fail to load if it requires WebGL.

Testing Approach

For games we are approaching the testing of each =each game as an End to End test case. Play the game/demo and watch for Audio/Video and game play anomalies.

Examples of things to watch for.

  • Graphics
    • Graphics tiling - blocky update of the graphics
    • Black squares - failed drawing up dates will often result in black squares appearing
    • "Janky" scrolling - animation is not smooth and fluid. Things move across the screen in fits and burts or have noticeable pauses during execution
    • Slow updates - Graphic are slow to redraw or lag behind the action
    • No Graphics - Black screen
    • Slow frame rate: Using either the pref to enable frame rate display in the browser or any built in FPS displays in the game, watch for regressions in average frame rate or areas that have significant slow down in the FPS.
  • Audio
    • Audio looping - sound effects start playing and continue in a loop in the background, each new trigger for a sound can add a new layer to the background loops
    • Audio Clipping - Sounds either exhibit pauses or hiccups during playback. Often caused by the triggering of another sound effect.
    • Garbled Audio - Sound play back is distorted in some manner.
    • No Audio - Some or all sounds do not play
    • Audio tracks continue after game end.
    • Proper stereo channels - sounds that should be audio left/right are in the correct channel
    • USB Headphones - different headphones will have different audio drivers with them and we have seen occasional bugs in this area.
    • Changing audio output devices mid stream - swap from headphones to speakers and back or swap headphones and check for any changes in audio playback.
  • Other
    • Game fails to load or crashes
    • Lags on input from keyboard/mouse/touch
    • Memory leaks - does the game slow down the longer you play?
    • Check about:memory for to see if the memory usage continues to rise or is fairly consistent.

Filing Bugs

When filing a bug for a games related issue please be sure to include "[games]" in the Whiteboard field. This will make sure the bug is included in the Games team's bug queries

Public Demos

These are some of the publicly available demos from our partners. These games should be checked once a week on nightly to verify we have not regressed or done anything that would affect their game play.

Internal Demos

For items that have not yet been publicly shared we have an internal server with copies of the work in progress we can use for testing. These will require a Mozilla LDAP or VPN login to access

One and Done Tasks

  • Tasks on this page can be tracked in our One and Done system under Games

Moztrap Tests

Related Prefs

Turn on frame rate counter in upper left hand corner of browser:

  • layers.acceleration.draw-fps - Default False

Related Features

Game Pad API.


Game Focused Benchmarking

Triage Unconfirmed bugs

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Check for qawanted whiteboard tag

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

check fixed bugs for verifyme tag

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Fixed bug triage

These are games bugs marked as RESOLVED FIXED, that don't yet have a qa-related tag in the QA Whiteboard field.

  • Mark fixed bugs [qa+] or [qa-] (sort by severity/priority)
Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys Priority Severity Qa whiteboard
157681 [DHTML]We reflow when we should just move Layout All P2 major No cf_qa_whiteboard
347010 KeyUp for the Alt-key isn't always fired Widget: Win32 Windows XP -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
380637 Should web pages be restricted from being able to override the browser's keyboard shortcuts? DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
504553 WebSocket in Workers DOM: Workers All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
598873 Tracking: Off-main-thread compositing Graphics All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
604039 Prototype DOM Gamepad (Joystick) API DOM: Events All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
619558 [meta] Implement generational garbage collection JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
641025 Incremental GC JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
654787 Looping <audio> files should be seamless Audio/Video: Playback macOS P3 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
668449 Need to be able to play independent sounds with low latency Audio/Video Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
676138 WebGL performance regression tests Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- major No cf_qa_whiteboard
690446 Emit GNAME ops in strict mode code JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
701634 IndexedDB: Support database access from worker threads Storage: IndexedDB All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
709490 Run WebGL on Web Worker with commit() Graphics All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
716859 Streaming WebGL Buffers (Double-buffering, etc) Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
720083 Workers: add support for transferable objects from HTML5 spec DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
728017 Implement WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
728524 OMTC: Implement WebGL OGL texture sharing Graphics: Layers Android P3 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
730424 window.applicationCache.status not getting updated when resources finish loading DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
731974 requestAnimationFrame generates too short/long frames, especially at the beginning of animation XPCOM Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
732660 Efficient drawElements validation on subarray and/or dynamically updated array Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
735099 Re-enable incremental GC on desktop platforms JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
737100 Extend Pointer Lock (Mouse Lock) for non-fullscreen elements DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
738869 Implement WebGL OES_vertex_array_object extension Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
749721 Kilimanjaro: Hardware Acceleration Tracker Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
750862 Implement WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
753184 Emscripten logo Design macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
753453 requestAnimationFrame callback should return DOMHighResTimeStamp DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
756936 Incorrect MouseEvent.mozMovement{X,Y} values when pointer locked on secondary monitor DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
757408 Opening debugger hangs completely on large scripts Debugger All P2 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
757483 Score Rush gets more choppy w/ igc JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
760642 IonMonkey: Refactor IonAssemblyBuffer JavaScript Engine Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
764188 Use a better event for trigger java screenshots General macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
765435 Make JS heap growth factor depend on the heap size after a GC and GC frequency JavaScript Engine Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
767064 WebGL should prefer 565 (or native) on mobile for alpha-less contexts Graphics: CanvasWebGL Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
769150 Pointer lock doesn't work in web apps DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
772434 Blob support for Zip file contents DOM: Core & HTML Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
774364 IonMonkey: Inline Math.random(). JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
777967 Optimize WebGLContext::ValidateBuffers Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
778006 mochitest content/canvas/test/webgl/test_webgl_conformance_test_suite.html disabled on android Mochitest Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
778724 Allow purging analysis-temporary while retaining jitcode JavaScript Engine macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
779297 Implement and ship Web Audio Web Audio All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
782777 mousemove events are dispatched with movementX and movementY both set to 0 every other time DOM: Core & HTML macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
790712 Implement WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
799523 Crash on entering full screen mode in OS X (Retina HiDPI) Widget: Cocoa macOS -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
820583 Compile very large functions JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
829747 Do Async Canvas layers update Graphics: Layers All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
846558 [HiDPI] Banana Bread is unplayable, player keeps staring at ground Widget: Cocoa macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
850102 [Buri][Cut the rope] Landscape only apps show weird transition and snapshot in task switcher Gaia Gonk (Firefox OS) P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
851642 lockOrientation stops working, lets homescreen/apps freely rotate DOM: Core & HTML Gonk (Firefox OS) -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
852421 Slow performance in JSIL Vector3 test case JavaScript Engine Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
865516 Asm.js: optimize heap access when the index and length range are known. JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
866787 Support orientation property in manfiest for packaged apps Web Apps (PWAs) Android P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
868914 Prevent a background app/page to call mozLockOrientation General Gonk (Firefox OS) -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
880204 Odinmonkey: Add support for constant variables. JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
880538 OdinMonkey: avoid parse node memory spike by LifoAlloc::release()ing after every function JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
886889 bananabread multiplayer demo has stopped working Demo Studio / Dev Derby Other -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
886966 Odin ARM issue with many-argument FFI call JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
889977 [meta] WebGL2 Support Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P3 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
893363 Ionmonkey: improve support for the Linux perf performance tool JavaScript Engine Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
900669 OdinMonkey: serialization/deserialization of AsmJSModule JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
900756 Ionmonkey (ARM): add float32 support JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
902506 OdinMonkey: make "use asm" compatible with off-thread compilation JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
906371 Use off thread JS parsing when loading <script async> scripts from HTML documents JavaScript Engine macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
911254 Odinmonkey: (ARM) use the 'compare immediate' instruction for bounds checks JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
912196 Add support for ANGLE D3D11 path Graphics: CanvasWebGL Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
916413 Odinmonkey: disable attempts to hoist bounds checks when compiling asm.js code as it is not applicable JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
917568 We need a way to launch apps from adb/command line General Gonk (Firefox OS) -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
919040 all Turublenz demos fail with r.gain is not defined Site Reports Windows 8 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
919958 Ionmonkey: correct instruction numbering in alias analysis and re-enable heap load movement. JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
922875 Stencil test fails even if there is no stencil buffer in the current FBO. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
924264 webgl glUniform*fv() on a location pointing to a nonzero array index of an uniform array fails. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Windows 8 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
924574 Packaged app transfer time is slow WebIDE All P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
925025 CSS blur filter is order of magnitude slower than Chrome Graphics All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
927625 requestAnimationFrame-based WebGL animation periodically stutters in Firefox. General Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
929595 crackling when walking in Goo Technologies Web Audio Demo Web Audio Windows 8 -- major No cf_qa_whiteboard
931864 can we remove the activeGCInAtomsZone limitation in JS::CanCompileOffThread? JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
932398 Add portable version of msync/FlushViewOfFile NSPR All P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
935229 Can't connect app manager to LG d300 (timeout) WebIDE All P1 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
936236 Notify memory-pressure observers when allocating a large ArrayBuffer fails JavaScript Engine All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
948917 Add support for packaged app deployment automation from command-line. General All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
953221 Rendering to a depth-only FBO does not work. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Windows 7 -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
964561 Use the size of structured clone data to choose whether it will be stored in the database or in the filesystem Storage: IndexedDB All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
966493 Cannot request fullscreen when inside a touchstart event. DOM: Core & HTML Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
968272 use less conservative temporary storage policy in QuotaManager DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
973625 WebGL glDrawArrays and glClear spend excessive time in validating framebuffer completeness. Graphics: CanvasWebGL macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
987828 WebGL backend does FakeVertexAttrib0-machinery when targeting pure GLES2 devices, but it shouln't need to. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
987845 WebGL context MakeCurrent always unconditionally calls into eglGetError(). Graphics: CanvasWebGL Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1000640 Support fast WebGL compositing for new-layers D3D11 OMTC Graphics: Layers All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1001417 Forward fence objects in SharedSurfaceGralloc to Compositor Graphics: Layers Gonk (Firefox OS) -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1008216 WebGL rendering is not performed fully parallel to JavaScript execution. Graphics: CanvasWebGL All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1008453 support for navigator.hardwareConcurrency DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1011017 Certain WebGL operations take disproportionally long time compared to other platforms. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Gonk (Firefox OS) -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1013647 WebGL operation still calls to eglGetError() after almost each operation. Graphics: CanvasWebGL Android -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1062849 Implement AudioWorklets for Web Audio API Web Audio All P2 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1071275 [meta] Enable Silk on Other platforms Performance All P2 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1083852 Humble Bundle games get QuotaExceededError at 50mb, no UI prompt Storage: IndexedDB Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1121406 Enable WebSocket-in-Workers by default in release builds DOM: Core & HTML All -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1127188 Web Audio stuff on reloaded page is keeping the page alive due to ICC Web Audio Linux -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1147821 Only disable IndexedDB in third-party windows when the third-party cookie preference is set Storage: IndexedDB macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1161913 Handle preserveDrawingBuffer: false when capturing to a stream Graphics: CanvasWebGL Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1175510 Crash when running the DT2 demo Audio/Video Unspecified -- critical No cf_qa_whiteboard
1176157 WebGL exiting fullscreen when not using esc key causing a residual image to stay around in Unity products Graphics: CanvasWebGL Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1182987 IndexedDB ends with onabort( === QuotaExceededError) while processing deletion requests Storage: IndexedDB Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1186205 has wrong results on the rain test with D3D11 ANGLE Graphics: CanvasWebGL Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1188259 [meta] WebAssembly JavaScript: WebAssembly Unspecified P3 S4 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1202067 Size limit on IndexedDB Blob storing Storage: IndexedDB Unspecified P5 normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1232205 wasm: Baseline JIT JavaScript Engine: JIT Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1241485 Increase the limit for workers per-origin DOM: Workers Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
1271478 Implement webglcontextcreationerror Graphics: CanvasWebGL Unspecified -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard

110 Total; 110 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Open Bugs

Full Query
ID Status Summary Component Op sys Priority Severity Qa whiteboard
904503 ASSIGNED Pointer-lock feature confirmation changes keyboard focus and breaks keyboard arrow keys controls DOM: Events All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
710398 NEW [meta] Tracking bug for making Gecko ready as a games platform General All -- -- No cf_qa_whiteboard
730113 NEW Coordinate requestAnimationFrame and Incremental GC Layout All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
732621 NEW Rendering/processing in onmousemove is very laggy in fractal demo Widget Linux -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
743183 NEW Add a .style like API for setting transform values CSS Parsing and Computation All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
750947 NEW IonMonkey: Optimize Uint32 values JavaScript Engine All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
754528 NEW Really poor canvas graphics performance (on Android) Graphics: Canvas2D macOS P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
762973 NEW All Canvas2d globalCompositeOperations except "source-over" are very slow Graphics: Canvas2D Windows 7 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
764498 NEW movementX and movementY have the wrong value for mousedown and mouseup DOM: Events All P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
765363 NEW WebGL: Schedule GC while frame resolving Graphics All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
768959 NEW Poor canvas performance in Scirra benchmark on Android Graphics: Canvas2D Android P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
783052 NEW nsBufferedAudioStream::Init fails intermittently Audio/Video: Playback Windows 7 P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
808136 NEW fullscreen window.innerHeight broken on OSX DOM: Core & HTML macOS P5 S4 No cf_qa_whiteboard
812201 NEW Scirra RenderPerf3 slower than chrome JavaScript Engine Windows 7 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
813530 NEW Add low memory event for JS content DOM: Core & HTML All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
813540 NEW Add 'critical memory event' in addition to current 'memory pressure event's Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
817446 NEW Tons of time spent in js::ion::GetElementCache JavaScript Engine Windows 7 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
824613 NEW Expose finer-grained mouse coords General All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
831926 NEW can't create a peer connection on without network connection WebRTC: Networking Linux -- S4 No cf_qa_whiteboard
846323 NEW Watchpoints for typed arrays Debugger macOS P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
848223 NEW limit saving/compressing JS source to only source under a certain size JavaScript Engine Windows 8 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
860574 NEW No performant way to construct a JS String from a typed array containing code points JavaScript Engine Windows 7 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
862249 NEW Poor performance for simple memcpy/memset loops in JavaScript JavaScript Engine Windows 7 P3 S3 qa-not-actionable
865959 NEW [meta] need more aggressive GC on reload for pages that use lots of memory DOM: Navigation All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
868884 NEW "too much recursion" when parsing compiled ioquake3 JavaScript Engine All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
887015 NEW Huge amounts of CPU time spent in memcpy when using XMLHttpRequest.responseText DOM: Core & HTML Windows 7 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
900120 NEW [meta] Float32 support in Spidermonkey JavaScript Engine All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
917628 NEW Reduce blocklisting of depth_texture to Mac+NV <=10.8.2 Graphics: CanvasWebGL macOS P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
918437 NEW Regression in 25 and 26 on Canvasmark Graphics: Canvas2D Android -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
918941 NEW cache results of shader compilation Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
921331 NEW Epic Demo starts lagging at around 5 mins of play General macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
921332 NEW Epic Demo unable to select weapons or enter console commands General macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
921669 NEW Epic Demo gives misleading error message when run on XP Other macOS -- normal No cf_qa_whiteboard
922363 NEW Add support for WebRTC (DataChannels) on WebWorkers (SharedWorkers and ServiceWorkers) WebRTC: Networking All P4 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
924254 NEW PointerLock loses mouse ownership when alt-tabbing in windows 8 Widget: Win32 Windows 8 P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
926522 NEW JSIL game "Bytown Lumberjack" causes Firefox hang for about 30 seconds on exit General All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
930711 NEW Cannot get events for 4th and 5th mouse button. DOM: Events All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
937957 NEW OOM Error "Sound Decoding Error" will display sometimes when loading the Songs of Diridum Web Audo Demo from Goo Web Audio All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
941794 NEW Enable incremental GC for DOM workers JavaScript: GC All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
956574 NEW update MSG main thread state on first query in task - Emscripten-based SDL audio playback against Web Audio gives continuous static noise. Web Audio All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997523 NEW Sample all system key + mouse combinations [games] DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997528 NEW Capture Escape in Fullscreen mode General macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997530 NEW Capture Shift + Right Click in Desktop DOM: Events macOS P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997534 NEW Polling API for the keyboard and mouse state General macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997537 NEW Capture of pointer with multiple monitors Shell Integration macOS -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
997548 NEW requestFullScreen mode shows menu bar when cursor moves to top of screen on OSX DOM: Core & HTML macOS P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
999878 NEW Don't immediately force-lose WebGL contexts on backgrounding of app/page/process Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1000447 NEW IndexedDB storage for web application can become corrupted when clearing browser storage Storage: IndexedDB Windows 7 P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1003097 NEW [meta] Worker debugging Debugger macOS P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1008571 NEW WebGL D3D11 Compositor has lower framerate than in Chrome when GPU bound Graphics: CanvasWebGL Windows 7 P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1024566 NEW Provide an API to decode image data synchronously DOM: Workers All P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1025085 NEW Support copy-on-write for ArrayBuffers copied between (DOM Worker) threads JavaScript Engine All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1030456 NEW Audio stuttering/looping in Unity DT2 demo Web Audio Windows 8 P5 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1054841 NEW [meta] Shared memory for web workers JavaScript Engine All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1057530 NEW [meta] Reduce our GC max-pause JavaScript: GC All P3 -- qa-not-actionable
1065417 NEW OOM crash under WebAudioUtils::SpeexResamplerProcess Web Audio Android P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1066674 NEW Figure out how to clear ADDR_COMPAT_LAYOUT to win 1GB Android Studio and Gradle Integration Android -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1136675 NEW Support for hardware cursors on WebGL contexts General All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1136734 NEW Bypass compositor for WebGL canvas elements in fullscreen mode. Graphics: CanvasWebGL All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1154987 NEW [Meta] Move JS parsing off of main thread and enable incremental parsing JavaScript Engine Windows 8.1 -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1169000 NEW Render, Composite, and Present within 1 vsync interval Graphics Unspecified P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1169293 NEW [meta] Improve overall Web Audio API performance Web Audio Unspecified -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1184283 NEW support multiple vsync sources (for different rates and special situations) Graphics Unspecified P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1202072 NEW Crash when reading too much using FileReaderSync Storage: IndexedDB Unspecified P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1257692 NEW [meta] Improve WebGL success rates Graphics Unspecified P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1452873 NEW performance issue with javascript game emulation Graphics All P3 S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard
749678 REOPENED GLContext optimization: avoid calling slow getCurrentContext functions, instead use some TLS and use the fact that we dont share GLContexts across threads Graphics All -- S3 No cf_qa_whiteboard

67 Total; 67 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Nightly Sign-offs