QA/Fennec/Allow device management from SyncedTabs menu and sidebar context menu
From MozillaWiki
Detail the purpose of this document. For example:
- The test scope, focus areas and objectives
- The test responsibilities
- The test strategy for the levels and types of test for this release
- The entry and exit criteria
- Any risks, issues, assumptions and test dependencies
- The test deliverables
Developer contact: :eoger
QA: :ninu
Overall Status
[LANDED] Nightly 55: first landed on - 13-03-2017
[NOT LANDED] Beta 53: NA
Testing Summary
Scope of testing
The testing will be focus on
- Verifying that in the Synced devices sidebar, there is a way to manage each synced device
- 1. Seeing when the device was last synced.
- 2. Disconnecting the device.
- 3. Renaming the device.
Testing will be performed on following devices:
- Desktop environment
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Phones (Android) (N/A)
- 5.x
- 6.x
- 7.x
- Tablet (Android) (N/A)
- 5.x
- 6.x
- 7.x
- Phones (Apple)
- 9.x
- 10.x
- Tablet (Apple)
- 9.x
- 10.x
- When a device name is shown in the sidebar or menu, we should offer a way to manage that device. All we need is a way to actually manage the device
- The user should be able to right-click each device and select from the drop-down menu any account managing soption available
- Behavior similar to :
Testing details
Test Cases
Testing days
Exploratory testing
- Creating a test plan
- Creating test-cases for the feature
- Create a test run and run the test cases
Bug Work
Tracking bugs
- bugs to track the feature
ID | Summary | Priority | Status |
1252117 | Handle fxaDeviceId field in Sync client records | P3 | NEW |
1269277 | Allow device management from SyncedTabs menu and sidebar context menu | P2 | RESOLVED |
1269348 | Show last sync date tooltip on Synced Tabs sidebar device names | P2 | VERIFIED |
1339861 | Send Tab: Device List shows devices disconnected from FxA but not yet expired by Sync | P1 | RESOLVED |
4 Total; 1 Open (25%); 2 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (25%);
Still issues
[NEW] Bug 1252117 - Handle fxaDeviceId field in Sync client records
Bug fixed
- All test cases should be executed
- All blockers, critical issues must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed
Nightly testing
- There were no blockers found while testing this feature.
Beta testing