QA/Desktop Firefox/Releases/Configs/Fx30b1
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On-demand Functional
[testrun] script=functional report= [mac 10.6 64bit] platform=mac 30.0b1#1=ach da gu-IN ml sv-SE [mac 10.7 64bit] platform=mac 30.0b1#1=af el he mr sw te [mac 10.8 64bit] platform=mac 30.0b1#1=an en-ZA hi-IN nb-NO ta [mac 10.9 64bit] platform=mac 30.0b1#1=ar eo hr nl ja-JP-mac ms [linux ubuntu 12.04 32bit] platform=linux 30.0b1#1=as es-AR hu nn-NO th [linux ubuntu 12.04 64bit] platform=linux64 30.0b1#1=ast es-CL hy-AM or tr [linux ubuntu 13.10 32bit] platform=linux 30.0b1#1=be es-MX id pa-IN uk [linux ubuntu 13.10 64bit] platform=linux64 30.0b1#1=bg et is pt-PT vi ms [windows xp 32bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=bn-BD eu kk rm ms [windows vista 32bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=bn-IN fa km ro zh-CN xh [windows 7 32bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=br ff kn si zh-TW [windows 7 64bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=bs fi lij sk zu ms [windows 8 32bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=ca fy-NL lt sl [windows 8 64bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=cs ga-IE lv son [windows 8.1 32bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=csb gd mai sq ms [windows 8.1 64bit] platform=win32 30.0b1#1=cy gl mk sr
On-demand Update
note: adjust channel=<channelUnderTest> accordingly
[testrun] script=update report= target-build-id=20140428174145 channel=betatest [mac 10.6 64bit] platform=mac 29.0b1=en-US de pt-BR uk 29.0b2=en-US de ro 29.0b3=en-US it rm ru 29.0b8=en-US fr pt-PT [mac 10.7 64bit] platform=mac 29.0b4=en-US fr sl 29.0b5=en-US it si 29.0b6=en-US de sq sk 29.0b8=en-US it son [mac 10.8 64bit] platform=mac 29.0b7=en-US it 29.0b9=en-US de ach 29.0b1=en-US fr as 29.0b8=en-US de ar [mac 10.9 64bit] platform=mac 29.0b2=en-US it af 29.0b3=en-US de ach 29.0b4=en-US fr as 29.0b8=en-US de sr [linux ubuntu 12.04 32bit] platform=linux 29.0b5=en-US fr bg 29.0b6=en-US it ast hi-IN 29.0b7=en-US de bn-IN sv-SE 29.0b8=en-US it bn-BD be [linux ubuntu 12.04 64bit] platform=linux64 29.0b9=en-US de ca 29.0b1=en-US fr br hr 29.0b2=en-US it sw bs 29.0b8=en-US fr cs [linux ubuntu 13.10 32bit] platform=linux 29.0b3=en-US it el 29.0b4=en-US de cy hu 29.0b5=en-US fr en-ZA ta 29.0b8=en-US de en-GB da [linux ubuntu 13.10 64bit] platform=linux64 29.0b6=en-US fr es-CL 29.0b7=en-US it eo hy-AM 29.0b9=en-US de es-MX es-AR 29.0b8=en-US it es-ES [windows xp 32bit] platform=win32 29.0b1=en-US de fa 29.0b2=en-US fr et tr 29.0b3=en-US it fi te 29.0b8=en-US fr ff eu [windows vista 32bit] platform=win32 29.0b4=en-US it gd 29.0b5=en-US de fy-NL id 29.0b6=en-US fr gu-IN th 29.0b8=en-US de gl ga-IE [windows 7 32bit] platform=win32 29.0b7=en-US de vi 29.0b9=en-US fr kn 29.0b1=en-US is he 29.0b8=en-US fr ko [windows 7 64bit] platform=win32 29.0b2=en-US it lv 29.0b3=en-US de lij ja 29.0b4=en-US fr mk zh-CN 29.0b8=en-US de mai lt [windows 8 32bit] platform=win32 29.0b5=en-US fr mr kk 29.0b6=en-US it ml 29.0b7=en-US de nl zh-TW 29.0b8=en-US it nb-NO [windows 8 64bit] platform=win32 29.0b9=en-US de or 29.0b1=en-US fr nn-NO km 29.0b2=en-US it pl zu 29.0b3=en-US fr pa-IN [windows 8.1 32bit] platform=win32 29.0b4=en-US fr mr kk 29.0b5=en-US it ml 29.0b6=en-US de nl zh-TW 29.0b8=en-US it nb-NO [windows 8.1 64bit] platform=win32 29.0b7=en-US de or 29.0b9=en-US fr nn-NO km 29.0b1=en-US it pl zu 29.0b8=en-US fr pa-IN
Update RC29 to Beta
[testrun] script=update report= target-build-id=20140428174145 channel=betatest override-update-channel=firefox-mozilla-beta [mac 10.6 64bit] platform=mac 29.0=en-US de pt-BR uk de ro it [mac 10.7 64bit] platform=mac 29.0=en-US fr sl it si sk son [mac 10.8 64bit] platform=mac 29.0=en-US it fr as ar pt-PT [mac 10.9 64bit] platform=mac 29.0=en-US de ach fr as sr rm [linux ubuntu 12.04 32bit] platform=linux 29.0=en-US it ast hi-IN de bn-IN sv-SE bn-BD [linux ubuntu 12.04 64bit] platform=linux64 29.0=en-US de ca fr br bs cs be [linux ubuntu 13.10 32bit] platform=linux 29.0=en-US it el de cy en-ZA ta en-GB da [linux ubuntu 13.10 64bit] platform=linux64 29.0=en-US es-CL eo hy-AM es-MX es-AR it es-ES [windows xp 32bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US fa fr et tr te ff eu [windows vista 32bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US it gd de fy-NL id gu-IN gl [windows 7 32bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US de vi is he ko ga-IE [windows 7 64bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US it lv de lij mk zh-CN mai lt [windows 8 32bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US fr mr kk it nl zh-TW nb-NO [windows 8 64bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US de or fr nn-NO km zu pa-IN [windows 8.1 32bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US kk it ml de nl zh-TW nb-NO [windows 8.1 64bit] platform=win32 29.0=en-US de or km it pl zu pa-IN