Project Management/2012 Q1/Meetings/2012-02-17
From MozillaWiki
Project Management Initiative Check-in - 2012-02-17
- cmore
- ckoehler
- malexis
- bensternthal
- jv
Previous Action Items
- PM Team to reach out to teams who have submitted projects to prioritize them. DONE 70% converage.
- Input from Jim Cook
- Next steps
- Create list is only P1s and P2s from:
- Determine team (IT, QA, Security, Webdev, etc.) needs (High, Medium, Low, None) for each of those projects
- Aggregate team needs
- Reality check with the teams on if all of the P1s and P2s are possible.
- Post sub-set of what is possible in the short term
- Web Prod team is going to do a test run of Teambox 4 on real projects to determine if it is in or out.
- Repeat process in March
- Project needs: High, Low, None
- Deadline for project needs: Feb 23rd
Action items
- cmore to create spreadsheet with P1s and P2s and columns for team needs
- Web prod team to fill in what they can and reach out to teams to gather more info.