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Urgent Bug Triage
Bugs tracked for upcoming Firefox releases:
GFX + Image, Canvas 2D, WebGL |
Layout | Media |
- layout/graphics work week coming up - need discussion topics -
- make sure your flights are booked
- add the extra information into the wiki page above if you haven't already
- summit and graphics topics
- Roc in Toronto, Bas/Jet/Matt for Santa Clara, Jeff/BenWa/George for Brussels
- 60 fps
- a worthy goal on devices
- no good way to test this on B2G
- Shumway inspector:
- jank and interruptions and lack of consistent frame rate may be more of a problem than raw throughput
- regression performance testing - A-team, Mobile Performance team are already looking at this part
- triage/guidance breakdown of where the slowness is coming from, that's probably more on us
- the profiler information is helping the platform developers, but not really the right thing for the Gaia developers
- we could try and measure the time spent in deep layer callback (content rendering), frame layer builder
- the triage of "is it Gaia or is it Gecko" is similar to "how do I make it faster on the Gaia side"
- how can we collect the experience of the experts and capture it in a tool?
- perhaps a summary report would help - total layers, pixels, etc.
- we may need to instrument and time stamp a lot more things - perhaps behind a preference?