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Fx3 Bookmarks/History Meeting Notes
1/11/07 Talking about bookmarks/history features in Fx3, contrasting the themes from the [Places meeting at the Fx Summit] against the [Fx3 Requirements].
This is mostly as talked about in the meeting, with some organization done by me for readability.
theme #1 - making search smarter
- problem: hard to find bookmarks if you have a lot
- unify the output of the different locations: urlbar/searchbar/etc to include bookmarks?
- motivation: can't find what you're looking for
- NFR - improve discoverability of where you've been before
- FR - list bookmarks in location bar dropdown
- FR - "see more" under the last 5 hist entries
- FR - sort location bar dropdown by MRU (if user uses bms, then put those first, if stars, else history)
- FR - sort location bardropdown by MRVisited (and what other metadata?)
- location bar vs search: your stuff vs web stuff
- if it's clear that user is not entering a url, switch to search bar behavior
- flock search suggest, spotlight - search bar dropdown shows everything we have
- NFR: "search across local web experience"
- FR: unify the result set (querying for data)
- FR: UI about when/where you want that search
- FR: UI about parsing/viewing the results
- FR: add favicons to locbar dropdown, elsewhere?
- FR: better search of history in location bar (search page title and fti not just url)
- FR: type-ahead search based on multiple criteria
- NFR: people type a bunch of shit into locbar, we can make it more useful
- do we need for N/FRs for management of metadata?
- NFR: gotta search for things based on when you saw it, what it's called, what you were searching for, where it came from, whether you found it interesting
- use aggregate information to increase usefulness of search
- managing by annotation?
- don't need management organizer if the search results UI allows delete/edit
- NFR: "shortcuts" vs bookmarks - is this same as "auto-bookmarking"
- what's the motivation for deleting? (these are possibly NFRs)
- false positives (that search result sucks, never show it to me again) - UI-entanglement: "never remember passwords", etc
- clean up history
- removing clutter (un-boomark, un-star)
theme #2 - starring/tagging
- NFR - mark something of interest
- NFR - unmark it
- NFR - view/search pages of interest
- FRs for add/edit/delete interestingness
- FR: annotate a page, to say that it's interesting
possible UIs for marking things as interesting:
- star
- beltz: add a sticky note (possibly w/ tags/annos as added metadata)
- delicious: explicit management
theme #4 - places as platform
- eat places-platform dogfood and implement starring/tagging as extension
- need to enumerate the platform requirements for places, add to docs
- should hook up w/ shaver+team to talk about places platform requirements for extension developers