Participation/Community Gatherings

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Home | Community Gatherings | Projects

Events listed here are organized by the Participation team and aim to support the following goal:

"A focus set of relevant training and learning opportunities for mobilizers are systematized and they regularly access these opportunities to be more effective in their contributions and as a result providing more impact to Mozilla’s main initiatives."

Do you want to organize a Gathering for your local Community?

Community Gatherings are important events to share learning and knowledge with your communities and align your plans and ideas with Mozilla's goals. Community Gatherings had a set of common goals:

  • Align Mozilla’s community with Mozilla’s goals
  • Improve mozillians’ team and individual skills

Your local community can add another if you need something specific.

We recommend the following path to propose a Community Gathering:

  • Read Logistic and Content playbook (both have a long version and a slide deck. You can find it in the Drive folder)
  • Read Community Gathering FAQ at Discourse (still to be created)
  • Write a Briefing document with your current plan
  • Sent the Briefing to Reps/regional Team and Reps Council
  • After their review, begin to work in the rest of documents and planning
  • Begin the organization process through Reps program



Strategy for 2015 was under the Global gatherings project.