Necko: Sandboxing TCP/UDP socket in a separate process
From MozillaWiki
Move all the network and socket operations to an isolated process.
- For security
- Sandboxing network access into a separate process, preventing chrome process from opening socket
- Preventing protocol security hole to be used to control the entire browser
- For stability
- Allow recovering network layer without rebooting firefox, if crash/assertion is detected in the socket process
- For performance
- No major regression found for start-up performance and network throughput
HTTP Channel
- load protocol configuration from Gecko preference
- Alternative Service, uses AlternateServices.txt
- Cookie access need to stay on chrome process
- WebRequest can intercept http request/response
- Download triggered by unknown content type needs to divert back to chrome process
FTP Channel
TCP Socket
- permission controlled by chrome process
- prevent system port to be bind
UDP Socket
- permission controlled by chrome process
- prevent system port to be bind
- permission to do system call for DNS query
- thread pool for doing blocking operation in parallel
- allow both chrome process and content process to request DNS query directly to socket process
- choice #1: stay in chrome process:
- need a copy of full http response from socket process
- for RCWN, need to delay the construction for ODA IPC endpoint until we know cache win or network win
- choice #2: move to socket process:
- need access cache data file from socket process
- need to move cache evaluation code from nsHttpChannel to other class on socket process
Tracking Protection
- load proxy configuration from Gecko preference
- PAC loading and execution, require JS runtime
- access system proxy setting
- create and connect to name pipe
- touches the preferences and various txt files in the profile
- Cert store, uses cert*.db and key*.db
- revocation information (i.e. nsICertBlocklist), uses revocations.txt
- certificate error overrides (nsICertOverrideService), uses cert_override.txt.
- HSTS/HPKP information (nsISiteSecurityService, although we've already implemented a way to access this information in non-parent processes), uses SiteSecurityServiceState.txt, SecurityPreloadState.txt
- external PKCS#11 module, require DLL loading from arbitrary file path
- uses the cert/key/secmod.db files as well as pkcs11.txt.
- access system file, e.g. /dev/urandom and system policy files under /etc
doesn't interact with preferences or file directly.
- Chrome process is still the only secure zone. Every IPC interface received at Chrome process should be audited
- IPC to content process or socket process should at least do sanity check in the receiver side
- Better not providing interface to create arbitrary TCP/UDP connection
- require TCP/UDP socket
- require JS runtime for devtool protocol
Start-up Procedure
Create HTTP Channel
Create WebRTC Channel
Update Preference
Override Certificate
- hook ProcessHangMonitor
- hook CrashReporter
- hook MemoryPresure
- hook MemoryReporter
- ensure Telemetry works
- ensure MOZ_LOG works
- remove XPCOM and support only C++ implementation