Mozillians/Release Checklist

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  • Product lead: aakashd
  • Dev lead: tofumatt
  • L10n lead: Milos
  • QA lead: mbrandt
  • IT lead: Jason/Jabba/oremj/fox2mike

Get Ready

  1. Decision on release date and features - Product/Dev Lead
    • Update Mozillians page - Product lead
    • Email friendlydinos@mo with proposed schedule and version number - Product lead
  2. Triage of blocking/approval requests as needed - Product/Dev Lead
  3. Triage features and bugs for string requirements - <fond color="blue">Product</font>
  4. Update staging data from prod if necessary.
  5. Are builds passing in Jenkins - QA Lead/Dev Lead

Get Set

  1. Declare a string freeze - Dev lead
    • Notify localizers on Thursday before the week of release.
  2. File push bug in Operations - Web Content Push - Dev lead
    • Offer a date and time to IT - Dev lead
  3. Enact a code freeze - Dev lead
    • Email friendlydinos@mo with notification
  4. Staging verification - QA Lead
    • QA performs release testing
    • When signed off, email friendlydinos@mo with notification
    • Update push bug with QA sign off
  5. Create release notes blog post - Product Lead
    • Confirm release notes with Dev lead, QA lead, others as appropriate
  6. Determine a Go or no Go - Product lead
    • If No Go, email input@mo with a formal "stop" notification and a second "go" notification when the process is started again
    • If Go, mention on push bug and friendlydinos@mo 8 hours ahead of time.
      • Make sure an IT lead is assigned to the bug and there is a push time.
      • Tag the branch for release with the appropriate version - Dev lead


  1. All drivers go to #mozillians-release on
  2. Tag the release by updating the prod branch Dev lead
    • git checkout last_known_good && git reset --hard prod && git push origin HEAD
    • git checkout prod && git reset --hard origin/master && git push origin HEAD
    • For version 3.3.3, for example:
      git tag -m 'version 3.3.3 as pushed to prod' 3.3.3 HEAD
    • git push origin --tags
    • kick the wsgi daemon
  3. Push to production at assigned time - IT lead
  4. QA verifies production changes - QA Lead
  5. Send out the blogpost - Product lead (content: summary/story, screenshots of new features/highlights, feature breakdown, thank you's, bug query link)

Post Mortems