Mozillians/Phonebook/Edit Profile
The Mozillians Phonebook is looking to build out greater amounts of resources for Mozillians over the course of the year. We've been using a single pane for users to their profile, but taking this approach won't match our product needs.
Functional Principles
Editing profiles can become tricky. It's best to keep it simple and prioritize towards ease of use. The principles for the Edit Profile panes is much like the Phonebook, that is:
- Simple and lightweight
- The less steps to complete, the better
- Being organized is a virtue
Tabbed Layout
Mozillians will be able add/edit/remove more personal related information geared toward being found within our community. This will include First and Last name, Location (including timezone), profile photo, a 255-word-max bio and languages spoken by the user. Any changes made here affects how a user is found via our search functionality as well as what is displayed onto their Mozillians profile.
Groups and Skills have been separated into specific tiers with the following difference between them:
- Groups - "Groups" is a collection of people that are put together under some common reason. This will help users better communicate and find other Mozillians who work on the same teams, products, projects or sub-communities via our Search functionality and find more relevant Events.
- Skills - "Skills" are a capability to do some sort of action and will tap into what type of tasks and events are better matches to the user via the Taskboard and Events Manager.
The former is more of a personal set of tags that explain what you are a capable of performing, while the latter explains what you are interested in. In terms of UI, users will be able to type in a single group or skill into the respective text field (autocomplete suggestions show for tags with more than 10 people in them). Once that happens, a tag is added below it and appended to the already created list. To delete, a user can click on the "X" located in the tag.
The Vouching/Invite interface has a split functionality depending on the type of user. For Stewards/Reps, the panel displays non-vouched users related to their specified groups who need to be contacted and/or vouched as a part of the community. For a general user who is NOT in the Steward/Reps group, they will see a standard user panel that offers the ability to edit users they've vouched as well as invite Mozillians to the phonebook.
In this panel, users will be able to add their "username" (suggested to be their irc nickname), add any and all contact e-mails that they use in our community, change their password or simply delete their account.