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What's your Mozilla story?
What's your Mozilla story?

What's your Mozilla story?

MozTales is a project to energize the Mozilla community by sharing stories of how Mozilla values are reflected outside of technology, and how those phenomena can have ripple effects back into Mozilla.

Who we are

Chris Lawrence, Mark Mayo, Rob Middleton, Monica Chew

Contact us

Email (a public list)

Story ideas

  • Genomics company that organized and made accessible parts of a human genome
  • Open source furniture in Mozilla Japan
  • Open science/reproducibility efforts
  • Open library (, Gutenberg, IMSLP)

Deliverable ideas

  • A MozTales website with seed videos for people to remix with Popcorn Maker, and contribute new media
  • Story-telling booths in public areas of Mozilla offices for contributors and community members to share their Mozilla story
