MozCampEU2012/How marketing Firefox OS is different

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Title of Session: How marketing Firefox OS is different and how you can help

Facilitators: William Reynolds


Etherpad notes

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid staff

Area of Contribution: Product Marketing, User Engagement

How are you currently involved with the community?: Product marketing, hosts the monthly Engagement meeting and works closely with our social media contributors

Location of Work: San Francisco, CA

Talk Length: 60 minutes

Summary: A non-technical workshop about Firefox OS (B2G), marketing it, and how Mozillians can help. We'll discuss how marketing for Firefox OS is different than anything else Mozilla has done. An example of topics we'll cover: competitive research in key markets, the unique value proposition, positioning for Firefox OS, and working with carriers and OEMs. Attendees will learn how they can help with conducting research, testing Firefox OS and providing early feedback in marketing initiatives.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( Educates Mozillians on go-to-market plans, recruits people to provide marketing feedback and test Firefox OS.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: Training on how to do competitive research to help Firefox OS marketing. Better understanding of Firefox OS for non-technical Mozillians as well as how we need to market it differently. Also, participants will be able to provide ongoing marketing feedback and research for Firefox OS.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Anyone interested in Firefox OS (B2G) and no technical experience is required. Mozillians who want to help provide market data, make Firefox OS awesome and tell the world about it should attend.

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): whiteboards, markers, post-its

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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