MozCampAsia2012/l10n sprint
Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): B2G Localization How-To & Sprint Facilitator(s): Dwayne Bailey, Staś Małolepszy
Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Volunteer, Paid
Area of Contribution (Team Name): Localization
How are you currently involved with the community?: I'm the localization driver for B2G and Gaia. I also work on L20n. (stas)
Location of Work (where do you reside?): United Kingdom/South Africa (dwayne); Warsaw, Poland (stas)
Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 120 minutes
(stas) The localization effort for B2G and Gaia is currently underway. With many localizers gathered in Singapore, MozCamp will be a great opportunity to introduce them to the localization process for B2G.
I will go over the details of the localization process, explaining how to get started and how to set up an environment locally to be ready to localize. I'll demo some of the Gaia apps and explain how to test the localization. I'll explain the l10n process and the schedule.
(dwayne) We already use Pootle very successfully to localise Firefox in African and a growing number of Asian languages. It's working because the complexity is hidden from communities.
In this session we plan to teach teams about the features of Pootle that can benefit their communities. But more then that we plan to use this session to actually perform a translation sprint for b2g. For teams that are already translating b2g, this will be an opportunity to see how Pootle can help you. For those languages not localising b2g this is an opportunity to get started in translation.
We hope that at the end of the session we'll have screenshots and demonstration of some initial translations.
How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals:
- Community-based plans to increase usage in Asia - increasing usage through language
- Boot2Gecko contribution how-to workshop - using Pootle and localization as a platform for contribution to b2g
- It's a hands-on tutorial on how to localize B2G and Gaia, thus extending the global reach of the project.
Expected Outcome or Deliverable:
- Attendees know how to localise on Pootle
- Demoable localisation based on their work in the sprint
- All participants will learn how to set up a complete environment for localizing B2G and Gaia and will know how to test the localization on the desktop builds.
Desired Audience Type or Skill-set:
- Localizers
- Non-English speakers with a passion to see local language Firefox
Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):
- Tables and chairs to allow comfortable sitting when translating
To Be Completed by the Audience-
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