MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/Sid Stamm
From MozillaWiki
Sid Stamm
Link to My Mozillians Account
What is the overall goal I want to accomplish by attending MozCamp Asia?
I want to share the security and privacy key messages and roadmaps and get Asian community feedback on our priorities and directions -- also want to drum up some interest in helping out with the large number of projects we have to do!
Specific things I want to learn more about (through the Mozilla Asia perspective):
- How are expectations for privacy/security and uses of mobile devices different here?
- What are the challenges with Firefox Security that are specific to Asia (banking, etc)
- What kind of web privacy concerns are unique to Asian users?
There's lots we can do to make the web safer; I'm excited about it, can I get you excited too?
What I want to achieve by Sunday (November 18th)
- met a whole lotta Asian Mozillians!
- learned how an Asian perspective of security and privacy can complement my own
- absorbed a few new things going on at Mozilla that I didn't know about
What I will achieve by December 2nd
- identified a few ways we can address Asians' needs for privacy and security
- adjusted our roadmaps according to global (not just US) needs
- begun involving more mozillians in our team's discussions
What I will achieve by December 16th
- get some new Mozillians into contributing to our privacy and security efforts