Mobile/Testing/11 11 15

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Previous Action Items

Status reports

Dev team

Rel Eng

  • Temporary fix to address issues where Android 4.3 tests were running more often than SETA specified. Have to change the SETA code in our configs so that it consumes allthethings.json instead. bug 1174746
  • I'm giving a presentation on scaling Android testing at URES (release engineering workshop at LISA in Washington DC). Here are the slides if you have suggestions for improvement. The slides have very rough notes regarding what I'm going to talk about in the speaker note section below. Scaling Mobile Testing on AWS: Emulators All the Way Down. The only item I have in future work in the slides is to possibly run tests on Android 5.0. If you have any suggestions for future work in this area, they would be appreciated.
  • Does the autophone infrastructure seem to be scaling well for load?

A Team

  • android-2-3-armv7-api9 Total failure rate: [1.21%]
    • last week 2.12%
    • total failure excluding retries 1.21%
  • android-4-3-armv7-api11 Total failure rate: [1.58%]
    • last week 2.44%
    • total failure excluding retries 1.23%

Data fetched for: 2015-11-04 11:00 — 2015-11-10 11:00

  • gbrown working on bug 1219807 - Install/run JimDB from mach


  • Devices
  • Deployments
    • Bug 1220405 - Autophone - Talos graph points to Treeherder staging
  • Bug 1214812 - Autophone - re-enable mochitest-dom-media tests
    • Have attempted changing where the profile is located; changing PYTHONPATH passed to UnitTest environment to using absolute paths to the test's modules; updating the xre; updating Python to 2.7.10;
    • Will next try SELinux Permissive in production though this shouldn't affect the Nexus S or Nexus 7 devices.
    • It may be a simple case of all tests being SKIPPED but I am not sure.
    • Can file bugs on Mdm failures seen with Nexus 6 and 9.
  • Bug 1129534 - Autophone - Replace
    • Working out details of trip to deploy Linux servers with Nexus 6 and 9.


Round Table

Action Items