Mobile/Testing/04 27 16

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Previous Action Items

Status reports

Dev team

Rel Eng

A Team

  • android-4-3-armv7-api15 Total failure rate: [2.21%]
    • last week 1.78%
    • total failure excluding retries 1.32%

Data fetched for: 2016-04-19 08:58 — 2016-04-25 22:25

  • bug 1267020 Assertions from Android reftests/crashtests don't appear to be getting reported back to the harness


  • bug 1260824 Autophone - submit s1s2 data to perfherder
    • improvement for phonedash graphs almost ready to land. will greatly improve ui for autophone graphs.
    • testing submission to perfherder
  • bug 1266990 Autophone is receiving 502 Proxy Errors for fx-team and mozilla-central
  • bug 1268022 - Autophone - mochitest bustage from bug 1231981 due to new requirement for twisted.internet
  • bug 1268023 - Autophone - update manifests to remove no longer supported tests / devices
  • bug 1268026 - Autophone - only run mochitest unit tests on mozilla-central


Round Table

Action Items