Mobile/Testing/04 17 13
From MozillaWiki
Previous Action Items
- blassey to push on bug 857359
Status reports
Dev team
- bug 862493 Disabled 7 robocop tests for panda stability
- Post-bug 861158: 11 green, 1 orange, 2 retries
- bug 862493 Disabled 7 robocop tests for panda stability
Rel Eng
- (kmoir) Coordinating bringing down masters so power supply work on panda chassis can proceed bug 860028
- Still working on a higher density chassis. Just waiting for the prototype chassis to be fabricated.
- Working on Panda stability issues. bug 860028 Replacing 5v supply wire and adj power supply output in panda chassis in scl1 - In Progres
- We are staggering the work in batches which will be completed by Fri 4/19
A Team
- Android 2.3.5 on Pandas
- Mochitest - small number of unexpected failures (<100), but needed to remove another 150 some tests that would cause timeouts. One common thread is tests which require focus. Local/session storage also problematic.
- Robocop will run.
- By end of week will check reftests, crashtests and talos.
x86 automation
No progress this week, spent time investigating Android 2.3.5 on Pandas.
- [bc] Working on adding x86 phone for s1s2 tests.
- No Android updates since last week
Round Table
Action Items
- Gbrown to follow up with the Tree Sheriffs to get robocop tests unhidden once more now that the strategic test disabling seems to have been done
- Follow-on - once the pandas are re-wired, we'll send a try job re-enabling those tests so that we can see if those particular tests were causing reboots due to increased CPU activity thus causing a power spike.
- Jake and Kim will have all the pandas upgraded with new power infrastructure by Monday
- Dan will let us know at the next meeting where we stand w.r.t. the amount of work estimated to replace tegras with pandas running 2.3.x.
- Follow-on once we know that, Joduinn and I (ctalbert) will need to talk with Karen and Blassey about their projected timelines for EOL'ing 2.2 support.