Mobile/Testing/02 29 12
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Previous Action Items
- Joel to take care of Ts-moz-afterpaint
- finkle to give joel a list of perf tests he wants to write
Status reports
Dev team
- Can run xpcshell tests via SUT now (bugs 705192, 730153, 728298)
Rel Eng
- bug 723667 talos robocop
- bug 728955 - while running robocop unittests we seem to hit OOM very frequently
- bug 731637 - robocop on tegras hit OOM for PixelTest due to getPaintedSurface() array creation
- armenzg to land other pieces while jmaher figures out robocop/fennec issues
A Team
- bug 728955 - tegra gets OOM and we terminate robocop tests early
- bug 728942 - r2 failures
- bug 728945 - r3 failures
- working with releng to deploy a instead of local cached copy on foopies
Upcoming work:
- xpcshell in automation
- [power usage] tests
S1/S2 Automation
- Once the old changes (last weeks) go through the system, we will turn on to run nightlies.
- Ctalbert still owes Jmaher a talos test that uses the instrumentation ETA next week
- Raw Fennec Startup
- Should be ready to run automation this week (for phones/pandas and things with HDMI out)
Panda Boards
- [P1] [NEW]: bug 731669 (ctalbert) we can't reboot a panda board without using a PDU to reboot it
- hopefully the ES boards make things better
- [P1] [NEW]: bug 731670 (ctalbert) MAC address gets re-created on every reboot
- high enough screen resolution
- are there more details about this?
[P1] [DONE] bug 729323 - board racked on haxxor for releng to mess with- armenzg to verify that I can reach the board
- [P1] bug 725846 - 8 boards have been received
joduinn to order SD cardsbug 731694 - ctalbert to grab 4 boards
[P2] [DONE]: bug 725859 - document process for re-imaging and remote re-imaging - concerns
- IT is concerned about not having remote re-imaging
- the boards sometimes become unstable (much more than the tegras)
- each a-team member has a different experience on how to make things work
- hopefully the ES boards make things better
- armenzg: do we have an alternative to the panda boards?
- blassey: no fallback plan
Crash Stats
- Screenshot and data from 2/27/2012 3:35 PM PDT
Top crashes:
- see Stability Report 2012-02-28
- all Java crashes reported as of 2/27/2012 3:35 PM PDT
Note :
- Socorro/Breakpad work:
- bug 726385 Please create skiplist implementation for the Java field
- bug 726693 Some java crashes are not being mapped correctly to bugs in bugzilla even though the crash signature fields have the "signatures" listed
- bug 672606 - Aggregate numbers and topcrashes for Nightly and Aurora channels based on build ID date instead of crash date
- bug 727234 - Crash Report [@ EMPTY: no crashing thread identified; corrupt dump ]
- bug 727286 - Incorrect messaging when failing to submit a crash report
Should be fixed in next release:
Round Table
- who wants to run this meeting next week?
Action Items
- ctalbert to grab 4 panda ES boards
- joduinn to order SD cards
- Jmaher to drop panda for a bit and focus on robocop/talos
- Jmaher to follow up with mfinkle re perf tests post-mwc
- ctalbert to flash new ES board with build and see what new problems we find and what ends up fixed