- 1 2016-02-05
- 2 2016-01-22
- 3 2016-01-08
- 4 2015-11-13
- 5 2015-10-30
- 6 2015-10-16
- 7 2015-10-02
- 8 2015-09-18
- 9 2015-09-04
- 10 2015-08-21
- 11 2015-08-07
- 12 2015-07-24
- 13 2015-07-10
- 14 2015-06-12
- 15 2015-05-29
- 16 2015-05-15
- 17 2015-05-01
- 18 2015-04-17
- 19 2015-04-03
- 20 2015-03-20
- 21 2015-03-06
- 22 Feb 20th
- 23 Feb 6th
- 24 Jan 23rd
- 25 Jan 9th
- 26 Dec 12th
- 27 Nov 28th
- 28 Nov 14th
- 29 Oct 31st
- 30 Oct 17th
- 31 Oct 3rd
- 32 Sept 19th
- 33 Sept 5th
- 34 August 22nd
- 35 August 8th
- 36 July 25th, 10am PDT
- 37 June 11th, 10am PDT
- 38 June 27th, 10am PDT
- 39 June 13th, 10am PDT
- 40 May 30th, 10am PDT
- 41 May 16th, 10am PDT
- 42 May 2nd, 10am PDT
- 43 Apr 18, 10am PDT
- 44 Apr 4, 10am PDT
- 45 Mar 21, 10am PST
- 46 Mar 7, 10am PST
- 47 Feb 21, 10am PST
- 48 Feb 7th, 10am PST
- 49 Last meeting: Jan 24th, 10am PST
What have you been up to?
- ashort: django 1.8, tv, ktlo
- mat: IARC changes, removing china queue, random AMO stuff
- spasovski: last of UI debt, docker config
- ngoke: quiet on my front
- ddurst: fixed docker config locally, still-another-string-extraction, scripting for mass bug updates
- Any QA announcements?
- Krupa with us through February
- will take care of IARC, UX/UI, django 1.8 (in case Iris is out through 2/14)
- Upcoming changes (rough schedule):
- Engineering remove China Queue, remove 128MB, remove MOWs. Target live date: ASAP
- Engineering do work and file bugs to remove Desktop, Android, Tablet submission, and filter by platform. Target live date: 03/07
- Remove payments. Target live date: TBD
- ddurst to find out about scheduling of changes -- whether they can happen sooner or need to be gated to specific push dates (like 3/8, etc)
What have you been up to?
- ashort: memory leak investigation, tv site, django18 upgrade
- mat: (out with a bad neck) IARC update, should hit QA next week
- spasovski: UX/UI debt (mostly feed changes atm)
- ngoke: ktlo slog
- ddurst: TV simulator set up, bug triaging, reviewing planning with dbialer
- Launched this cycle:
- little fixits
- Any QA announcements?
- QA transition January - February
- Iris is ramping in to QA
- she is 14 hours ahead of PST (eek) -- we need a new plan for active involvement with QA (triage, push, etc)
What have you been up to?
- ashort: translation tarpit, django 1.8 upgrade, tv support
- mat: AMO stuff, IARC, translation fire drill
- spasovski: finished 2.5-related navigation bugs, UI debt
- ddurst: triaging bugs; reviewing maintenance mode things; re-starting conversation about moving Marketplace ownership to another part of the org; messing up string extraction :\
- ngoke:
- 1/12 will be our first deployment in several weeks
- QA announcements:
- QA transition January - February
- UX/Product/other needs:
- Maintenance mode transition planning is underway
- talking about needs from FxOS 2.6 (pin-the-web, W3C manifest support, TV, NSEC)
- We cancelled the intern for next year!
What have you been up to?
- ashort: homescreens, tv api
- mat: bringing some compatibility intelligence to Install buttons, 2.5 post-MVP fixes
- spasovski: nav bugs and tests
- ddurst: updating wiki pages for all things stemming from 2.5 and TV
- ngoke: 2.5 post-MVP fixes, deleting my last two years of work :)
- Launched this cycle:
- better More button on mobile
- package fixed (and uplifted) for 2.0, 2.1, 2.5 etc
- Any QA announcements?
- lost QA
- UX/Product/other needs:
- notification for compatibility? banner at the top for throwing people to the app on FxOS
- IARC needs -- emailed
- GA update(s) -- one bug filed
- paas migration -- bug 1220899; maybe community can do it?
- remove website on feed stuff -- let’s ask Product
- We got an intern for next year!
- MOWs: we're not doing the 30-day test for one region
What have you been up to?
- mat: addons (doh!)
- ashort: homescreens, late customization
- spasovski: addons nav bugs
- ddurst: blocklisting, mostly; lots of bug shepherding through fxos etc
- ngoke: addons
- Launched this cycle: mostly localizations
- Any QA announcements?
- QA is resigned to having no time on this release
- Let's get some deliverables filed! Suggestion: add-ons
What have you been up to?
- chuck: add-ons
- ddurst: add-ons, late customization, homescreens kickoff, roadmap nudging
- ngoke: add-ons
- ashort: late customization, homescreens
- mstriemer: canadianizing AMO
- spasovski: new mobile nav (somewhat new desktop nav)
- shared Sketch of new nav (in progress)
- Launched this cycle: add-ons (beta)
- Any QA announcements?
- [QA rage quits]
- Everyone has filed travel for Mozlando (and registered?)
- Let's get some deliverables filed! Suggestion: add-ons
- Next meeting is Halloween meeting. Do with that what you will.
What have you been up to?
- chuck: addons
- robhudson: Hi from MDN-ville! <3
- mstriemer: AMO, late-customization frontend/operators
- clouserw: looking at our roughly 2015 schedule, trying to sort out re-org schedule stuff. Got access to It's mildly useful/annoying.
- spasovski: addons consumer pages
- mars: addons
- ngoke: addons
- Launched this cycle: noop
- Any QA announcements?
- pushing next week, but ops is at AWS conf. Let's keep it easy.
- Moving this doc to google -- stay tuned next week!
- Attack on bugzilla: -- consider changing your password and adding 2FA
- There's been another attack since that one:
- File your travel for Mozlando!
What have you been up to?
- mat: fxos more add-ons API/Backend work
- chuck: addons
- spasovski: addons
- ashort: late customization
- mstriemer: AMO validator/review queue
- mars: addons
- ngoke: addons
- nopers
- Launched this cycle:
- improved protection against Zip Bombs and a bunch of changes for 2.5 add-ons
- Any QA announcements?
- nopers
- Reminder: Attack on bugzilla: -- consider changing your password and adding 2FA
- There's been another attack since that one:
- File your travel for Mozlando!
- Look at Wil's beautiful ecosystem (and Durst's, Bialer's, and Krupa's fake ones):
- KTLO chapter 3 has been filed!
- Watch the FxOS monthly all-hands:
Featuring a presentation by Bertrand
- Next Time on Wild Canada: When Frisbees Attack
- Coming soon: Scented Devices and the Open Odor API
- Send ddurst your Great-or-Kill ideas
- What's the difference between a poorly dressed man on a bicycle and a well-dressed man on a unicycle?
- attire!
What have you been up to?
- clouserw: the very last update of them all. practicing my JavaScript. add-on signing concerns (turns out Firefox uses ~200 add-ons built on the fly in its unit tests!). Reviewed so many applications for AMO position. Started an AMOv5 doc, but didn't do much with it. Need help with an etherpad for what adding TVs to Marketplace would be:
- mstriemer: AMO work: review reporting and review queue optimizations, interviews for AMO
- ashort: storages stuff, addons->webapp rename, old bugs
- spasovski: catching up after PTO, finishing large checkbox component
- robhudson: storage bug fixing, adding celery to docker, investigating JSON serializing for celery
- ddurst: interviews, planning sprints for 2.5, updating old bugs, gab triage
- mat: storage, fxos 2.5 add-ons
ddurst demoed walking skeleton for 2.5 addons
- Launched this cycle:
- Any QA announcements?
- when will s3 AWS stage be ready?
- We're moving to AWS, but not to S3 (yet). We'll be using SoftNAS as a bridge so we don't get backed into a weird corner of edge cases and sad failures.
- Attack on bugzilla: -- consider changing your password and adding 2FA
What have you been up to?
- chuck: homepage MOW, addons submission/review
- ddurst: HR transitions, trying to figure out workday (deliverables), re-organizing our resourcing, gfb triage, apparently a lot of email. Talking about testing MOW content in Colombia.
- ashort: s3 storage work
- mstriemer: amo-validator related stuff
- ngoke: games, 2.5 addons submission, porting to redux, react modules
- robhudson: s3/storages work
- mat: s3/storages work, fxos addons backend
- clouserw: interviewing, hiring, working with ops about AWS transitions for Marketplace, AMO, and payments. Omg, add-on signing and slow review queues never end. Well, they will, just a lot of angst around it.
- It slices! It dices!
- It even cuts your hair!
- and it can still cut a tomato!
- but not cucumbers.
- Now watch as I cut through this shoe
- but not cucumbers.
- and it can still cut a tomato!
- It even cuts your hair!
- It slices! It dices!
- GraphQL + Relay
- There's goodfirstbug triage every other week, Thursday, 11am PST. You should go!
- Let's all use the cloud services PTO calendar
- Can we get our own? Subscribing to the Cloud Services PTO calendar results in a lot of noise. That's not a small team, and we are a pretty isolated piece of it.
- 7 items on it today, none that affect us.
- you can hide it when not referring to it
- It kind of defeats the purpose of having it if it's hidden all the time.
- Can we get our own? Subscribing to the Cloud Services PTO calendar results in a lot of noise. That's not a small team, and we are a pretty isolated piece of it.
- Launched this cycle:
- Django migrations
- Django 1.7.10 security release
- Desktop games
- MOW on mobile homepage
- Any QA announcements?
- Note: Read to be informed about big add-ons decisions
- If you know of someone who would be a good contractor for TV Marketplace let clouserw know.
- <Joke of the week>
What have you been up to?
- chuck: getting MOWs on homepage (merging this afternoon, going out with next week's tag)
- ashort: so much fixing stuff for S3
- mat: OpenMobile ACL things, moving zamboni to S3 storage
- mstriemer: amo-validator updates for addon-signing influx + firefox 40 compat. PTO next week.
- ddurst: turning chaotic things into recorded, more predictable chaotic things; trying out pivotal tracker, cleaning up user stories, 2.5 planning, reviews.
- ngoke: finishing desktop games, will be tagging late to get some prs in, wI'll be late to meeting
- clouserw: recruiting for AMO, planning for FxOS add-ons and TVs, updated (still....), transitioned MDN, all pending HR requests happen after the August comp cycle!, pondering next-version add-on signing/versioning/updating. Some ideas at but it's slightly out of date due to email thread.
- Next two weeks: Hire someone for AMO, conclude the plan for add-on versioning. Start talking about improvements to blocklisting maybe? Discuss AMOv5(!!) with stake holders.
- robhudson: S3, ES updates (1.6.x, facets->aggregations in various places), db schema changes
- spasovski: FF18 search issue, KTLO part deux
- There was a whimsical demo of the reduction in size of our l10n.
- There's been more community involvement lately, which is great
- Launched this cycle: 6 bugs, then 9 bugs; fixed multiple notifications, fixed button l10n; about to land a whole bunch of stuff in a row.
- Any QA announcements?
- QA will be out Thursday and Friday next week
What have you been up to?
- chuck: desktop games planning, websites-on-homepage planning, doing the thing he's going to demo.
- mat: removing last traces of cache-machine, some zamboni optimizations, new buchet mechanism to go past 2^53
- robhudson: db schema updates with ashort, s3 backend testing/fixes.
- ngoke: openmobile, games backend
- spasovski: minor UI bugs, learning react
- mars: fxos 2.5 planning
- ddurst: 2.5 planning, ux/ui estimates (poker) & stories, HR stuff (August comp cycle) -- and will be discussing Q3 goals next week (!)
- Isomorphic React Flux Buzzword Bingo Winner Jugband
- Launched this cycle: bug fixes
- Any QA announcements? none
- Dev-to-dev 1:1s?
- Walking Skeletons for 2.5
- Mummyplace <-- very nice
- Get your reviews to ddurst (please)
- Altdev: where big changes go to get tested
- Waffles for 2.5
- we should review existing waffles and remove any if no longer needed+1
- Vacation planning: gonna be a busy late Summer/early Fall, so if you're planning (or just thinking about) a big ol' outage, please let ddurst know.
- robhudson is out next week Wed-Fri
What have you been up to?
- mat: Misc websites/openmobile acl fixes, removing cache-machine, exploring changes needed to switch storage to S3
- ashort: KTLO, db schema reform
- mstriemer: visual/l10n/app-validator fixes, starting on games update
- chuck: db schema reform (emergency fix), desktop games planning, websites-on-homepage planning, finishing submission tools
- mars: FxOS 2.5 release, Q3 resource plan
- ngoke: helping uplift acl packages, phase 1, optimize l10n, visual regression api work, setting up new machine
- ddurst: lots of meetings and emails about 2.5, Phase 1, resourcing, and Workday.
- n/a
What are you working on in the next two weeks?:
- mat: PTO
- ashort: S3 storage, django migrations
- mstriemer: games for desktop
- chuck: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- mars: FxOS 2.5 spin-up
- ngoke: finish phase 1
- ddurst: docker issues?
- Launched this cycle: MOW Phase 0
- Any QA announcements? nope
- Dev-to-dev 1:1s? (still only robhudson)
What have you been up to?
- mat: MEOW, and some super-sickret confidential stuff.
- atiqueahmedziad: fixing small bugs of UX
- robhudson: last of the MOW bugs
- mstriemer: finishing up MEOW preload, RTL, various bugs
- spasovski: KTLO
- ngoke: MEOW submission tool
- chuck: what ngoke said
- submission tool-- uses
What are you working on in the next two weeks?:
- mat: more MOW, more super sickret stuff, and surviving Whistler
- robhudson: Finish MOW bugs, attend Monitorama conference in PDX, probably fix celery tasks so we can use the default json.
- clouserw: hopefully finishing up 2 HR issues. Final changes for add-on signing. Would love to have the AMO forums on discourse by then. Lots of meetings at Whistler, I imagine. Also lots of driving time to get to Whistler.
- mstriemer: preload bugs, KTLO
- atiqueahmedziad: will setup fireplace & zamboni in pc & fix rest of the bugs i assigned.
- mars: program dashboard, whistler prep, backlogs for projects underway
- spasovski: want to work on more stats bugs if MOW:1 isn't ready
- Launched this cycle: lots of bug fixes!
- Any QA announcements? n/a
- How can we make our time in Whistler the most useful? GET SOME THINGS DONE AS A GROUP
- webdev hackathon -- tuesday night pitch, wednesday implement! <-- tepid response
- cross-team collaboration! (project idea?) <-- also tepid
- KTLO hacking <-- some eyebrows. Ideas:
- Get on Django 1.8
- Update code to use new Django 1.7 features (there are bugs filed for that)
- s/schematic/migrations/
- P1 closing bonanza? We have 27 open
- Dockerize system setup for new people, get the contributor workflow short and easy
- ddurst meeting with muffinresearch, others welcome
- Make sherlocked pass/fail using pdiff. Perhaps approve/reject diffs.
- probably could be able to flag captures as "never should change"
- What news about react.js vs commonplace?
- going smoothly, it's definitely more pleasant/fun/clean/testable than commonplace
- Are there blockers before we can put fake data on stage?
- no, arguably some stats would be nice, but let's not touch this until after MOW Phase 0
- Have people been using Sherlocked? Has it been helpful?
- +1 I'm finding it super helpful (mstriemer)
- Dev-to-dev 1:1s? Who's done them?
- only robhudson (and andym)
What have you been up to?
- robhudson: updating celery libs, migrating to new categories, adding website search to lookup tool (and rewriting app lookup to DRF), URL parsing for websites indexing.
- ngoke: sherlocked
- clouserw: finished my estimate for AMO auth. Working on an estimate for decoupling services on AMO. Pushed out 4 more regions for (and totally caught up there afaik).
- mstriemer: Updated headers, finishing up MOW preload.
- spasovski: been working on some assigned fireplace bugs, next week: KTLO
- Sherlocked:
- MOW on alt-dev:
- Launched this cycle: buncha bug fixes
- Any QA announcements? none
- Mark has a horse.
- Looked for a new window for this meeting closer to the start of the week. Didn't find any good gaps.
- on fireplace, make your pull requests on mozilla/fireplace (rather than your fork) to try out visual regression testing
- How can we make our time in Whistler the most useful?
- webdev hackathon -- tuesday night pitch, wednesday implement!
- cross-team collaboration! (project idea?)
- KTLO hacking
- Get on Django 1.8
- Update code to use new Django 1.7 features
- s/schematic/migrations/
- Dockerize system setup for new people, get the contributor workflow short and easy
- <your ideas here>
- We are net negative on bugs for the past couple weeks!
Coming up:
- adamm: minion! There is an airmo recording of a presentation about this if you haven't seen it. adamm is looking for testers.
- chuck: phase 1 mow
- davor: outstanding FE bugs, KTLO begins!
- ngoke: working with chuck on phase 1 reviewer submission tools. Playing with react.js.
- react.js -- a replacement for commonplace?! News at 11.
- I would love to hear more about this (rob)
- react.js -- a replacement for commonplace?! News at 11.
- krupa: Has some more AMO signing stuff to review on Monday (two AMO pushes scheduled for next week). Going to review MOWp0 starting Monday.
- mars: reviewing engineering process, determining how to make it flow smoothly.
- robhudson: category migration, website lookup and edit
What are you up to?
- chuck: mow phase 1 and beyond
- clouserw: I think finished with R&D reporting. Enabled Bengali (India), Lower Sorbian, Ukranian, Upper Sorbian, Welsh, Indonesian, and Hausa locales in Marketplace. Enabled Cameroon, Botswana, Tunisia, and the Ivory Coast regions in Q2 deliverables are all in, Q1 deliverables are assessed. Add-on signing coordination (now: internal launch May 21, Public Jun 1). Wrote an estimate to get AMO to use FxA, feel free to comment.
- Sorbian? (whoa:
- ashort: various fixes for fake data. trying to figure out weird indexing failure messages.
- ddurst: setting up docker and fireplace to work nicely (?) for Marketplace community day (apparently the first one?) for Amy Tsay with ramd; making cheat sheet documentation; made my first tiny inconsequential PR. w00t.
- ngoke: mow phase 0. sherlocked for MDN Pro?
- robhudson: finishing up last bug for AMO, started getting dockerized mkt set up locally, looking what's coming for me for mkt MeOW phase 0 bugs, trying to get celery up to date.
- mstriemer: mow phase 0
- spasovski: KTLOyesss
- Marketplace Community Day
- Launched this cycle: n/a
- ddurst is our new engineering meeting MC
- ddamn
- Let's move it to... Monday? is that possible schedule-wise?
- And let's talk about what's coming up.
- Today begins maple syrup beer. Heretofore called "the ides of May."
- Maris Fogels is now an EPM for MP.
- Instead of weekly 1:1s with ddurst, how about bi-weekly 1:1s with ddurst, and on the off-cycle weeks meeting with other developers? Great idea!
- Any QA announcements?
- 3.0 and 2.2 may have the wrong builds on them. Krupa will verify today.
- Bash warning: [a-e]* is not your bash friend unless your shell options are smart
What are you up to?
- clouserw: meeting with ALL the people. Did some research for our R&D tax credit in 2014. Organizing some AMO forums + Discourse conversations. Finalizing Q2 deliverables in workday. Made a bad call on add-on signing last week and had to call people on a Saturday :(, but the project is on track to ship on time. Have two more estimates for AMO started (FxA, blocklist). Oh, sorted out some region/language stuff in the marketplace: got rid of the old HIDDEN_LANGUAGES constant, etc.
- durst: finished deliverables (yay and thank you), finished flip-flopping on normalization of URLs in data, finished collecting all the KTLO bugs (only to find ~18 more, d'oh), working with lindsay and maris on sprint and release planning. [Oh, also starting over with docker and fireplace.]
- ashort: Fixing fake-data bugs, adding API endpoints for app review, adding API endpoints for MOW review
- mstriemer: finished RTL stuff, did some amo-validator gecko compat changes. Starting MOW preload shortly.
- robhudson: Mostly working on AMO w/ magopian for add-on signing, finally finished Django 1.7 and pushed to prod, trying to finish reviewer tools on ES.
- ngoke: trying to squeeze out visual regression testing service before jumping into MOW
- chuck: is on PTO
- mat: is on PTO (but is in the process of adding all the countries)
- krupa: adding whimsy
- ngoke: visual regression testing service
- Launched this cycle:
- Upgraded to Django 1.7!
- Added Taiwan as a new region. Also there is a PR (hint hint!) enabling several new languages.
- new nav is live! already sooooo much better
- Happy May Day! Also, a bank holiday in France.
- Lotta bugs fixed in fake app generation. Let's do a db refresh on -dev.
- We should update the -dev database to get new hotness from Fake Data
- Add instructions for preloaded data to
- We'll be using RHEL7 when we move to AWS
- MOW Roadmap slide draft -
What are you up to?
- clouserw: Totally landed a patch on BMO. NBD. Triage/Review of bugs, including a pile of security ones. Worked through q1 deliverable questions. Finished coding and closed (an) project! Some HR stuff to open headcount which was promptly frozen. Spent some time cheerleading AMO signing. Got a cat last night. Secret fear: that it will chew through my wires.
- Don't worry, there are only 2 sorts of cats: the ones who claws through your furniture, and the ones who chews through your wires. Maybe yours does the former. ;_;
- mat: MOW prototype adjustments, including load-testing. Regions & carriers stuff.
- chuck: TRIBE, wood duck, trying not to touch anything at SFO
- robhudson: helping AMO on addon signing, trying to figure out the Django 1.7 test teardown failures, playing too much Destiny in the evenings
- mstriemer: finished some nav stuff, moving onto RTL
- ashort: sprucing up fake data, getting it on -dev. reviewer tools API
- kumar: finished up an fxpay release, Hacks post forthcoming
- ddurst: lots of talking about MOW and languages (and regions), re-arranging bugs for languages/regions/carriers, wood duck, MOW phase 1 investigation.
- ngoke: nav
- Launched this cycle:
- n/a
- Schedule your Whistler travel and register!
- now 100% tastier with fake data!
- Cat names (currently "Rex"):
- Persona(+1)
- Odessa (goddess of wrath)
- Odin
- Thor
- Chairman Meow
- Andreas
- Exquisite Burrito
- Taco Cat
- Nyan(+1)
- Kat
- Snupe Lion
- Happy guy, grumpy guy
- Here Kitty Kitty Kitty
- Firefox Cat / Firecat(+1)
- MOW / MeOW(+1)
What are you up to?
- mat: MOW MOW
- robhudson: Recovering from vacation in Hawaii and MDN hack weekend in Berlin. Getting back up to speed.
- ashort: fixing fake-data nits, looking at reviewer tools api for webapps/MOW
- chuck: wood duck (such a fowl project), wrapping up style guide, helping UX with their future content strategy
- clouserw: Lots of talking: RTL, MOW, KTLO. Finished script: built 4 regions with it. Bug Triage! Thinking about scaling testing.
- ddurst: chasing wood duck, re-re-scheduling meetings and re-resetting timelines, slight rtl, mow, ktlo planning.
- kumar: almost finished with fxpay 0.0.15 which will have a new interface and lots of nice things.
- ngoke: nav
- ngoke: navigation / previews
- robhudson: hawaii stories! :D
- Launched this cycle:
- JWT security fixes for -
- anyone buy the private yacht for free?
- I got Monkey Rage for free (in so many ways)
- JWT security fixes for -
- Use our bug recommendations to mark the severity of bugs. At a minimum, differentiate enhancements (new functionality) from everything else please.
- Q2 Goals:
- Q2 Personal Goals
- Did you see any of the Product Line Reviews? They are filled with info, search your email for "First Product Line Reviews" for the Fx and FxOS docs.
- Has there been traction on Gaia taking ownership of the Marketplace app?
- No change, but will probably still happen
- What is the status of discontinuing support for 1.1 and 1.3?
- An ongoing discussion about balancing QA/Engr time with "most of our users are on 1.1 and 1.3". clouserw to follow up
- Whistler travel plans
- Come early/late, but realize whistler is ~2 hours from the airport and there aren't cabs.
Welcome, Stephen Donner (stephend), to see/talk about testing.
What are you up to?
- clouserw: is the name of the game: wrote a script that does 90% of the work for me. Have been thinking about process a bit w/ Maris. Some time learning/helping with add-on signing and MDN.
- kumar: converting fxpay to promises and other fxpay fixups
- muffinresearch: Fixing free in-app product payments + testing that out. Debugging karma disconnections. Moving payment demo apps onto stackato.
- chuck: style guide, nav, working with Liz and Philip on Marketplace X, support + maintenance of operator dashboard
- ashort: fake data v2, architecture for mobile optimized websites
- mat: code quality bugs, discussions about mow architecture, ktlo estimates, fixing couple regressions
- mstriemer: Testing updates for frontend projects. Slimer is running on fireplace now.
- spasovski: RTL and shelf tweaks
- ddurst: estimates estimates estimates (thanks, everyone), trying to help plan Q2 pipeline and processing (also with Maris), dealing with operator shelves (hrm), and hoping to learn more about ES for MOW. Oh, and lined up KTLO bugs. Ramping down from tree-style tabs; all recommendations welcome.
- ngoke: l10n rework, perf
- Mark's Professional Testing as a Service (PTaaS):
- Pulled out of Casper. Runs in Slimer and Phantom now on Travis.
- Launched this cycle:
- Mark's Testing Improvements
- 2 big project estimates
- UA updates (ngoke)
- We're still on track for our 3-lane strategy!
- Have you been attending the UX meetings? They've been knocking them out of the park lately.
- Review your Q1 goals. Are you on track? Do you need any help?
- We should start talking about Q2 ones, too.
- Thoughts on a Gaia managed Marketplace app?
- Bug severity suggestions:
What are you up to?
- muffinresearch: last week, webfighter in-app demo (see: (uses real payments via stage)) . This week bugfixes for free in-app. Docker env resource reduction efforts. Coming soon switching to NFS (osx) and some more memory reduction.
- clouserw: HR stuff (Drop by #amo and say hi to magopian!). Some post-mortems. Have half a patch for adding Puerto Rico content to TIL: You can easily get the base64 encoded value of anything by piping it through openssl base64. Roughed out pages for MOW and RTL - also made templates for future wiki pages and scoping/estimation docs. All wiki projects are easy to find because they are a category.
- mat: code quality bugs
- ngoke: improving our UA tracking (which includes reworking device filtering), some commbadge stuff, consumer page bugs, starting to think about the new nav
- robhudson: Finishing off the last of the search bugs for Q1 -- adding keywords to app submission and devhub.
- durst: late on talking to davor and mark about RTL, mat and allen about MOW. Trying to clean out tree style tabs (still), reviewing UX work for MOW, and talking to mat about the upcoming push. :) Oh, and triaging Consumer Pages bugs (still) when I get the chance.
- ashort: native fxa fixes, fake data for feed, thinking about MOW architecture
- adamm: security architecture & threat modeling docs for marketplace & payments on wiki
- chuck: style guide, navigation changes, trying to upgrade stylus without breaking the world
- mstriemer: improve unit testing for fireplace, setup slimer for fireplace e2e
- sturner: mobile-optimized sites program stuff
- andym: wood duck will have some terms changes, we are going to be emailing developers about the change sometime real soon now.
- kumar: wrestling with my local fireplace, fixing little fxpay things.
- feed fake data! on
- Launched this cycle:
- Desktop designs/fixes
- Payments
- Review your Q1 goals. Are you on track? Do you need any help?
- What's the plan for this week's push and that migration?
- See "Revised Plan".
Feb 20th
What are you up to?
- muffinresearch: Added slimer JS to Spartacus tests - now runs both Phantom and Slimer to cover both webkit and Gecko. Final Popup changes for desktop payments landed. Made an android payment \o/. Fxpay docs updates. Docker updates.
- See for what the main problems were.
- mat: finishing touches on langpacks, removing username from User model in zamboni, a couple minor frontend bugs, reviewing search PRs.
- clouserw: Lots of focus on our delivery (down to 3 priorities once we clear our list). Illustrated a proposal for mobile optimized websites. Settling into the re-org, meeting with MDN - they have some awesome ideas for 2015! experimented with systems diagrams. Wrote a bunch of (sorry, non-public) documentation for the stuff. Tweaked jugband again, a couple of display changes. Trying to stay caught up on email.
- ashort: native fxa launch, fake data for feed
- andym: helping desktop payments, native fxa launch. Doing the minimum for app stats. emails, lots of emails. Payments planning for Q2. Playing with AWS. Oh Boku.
- robhudson: a few search improvements around localized name queries, some MDN search updates. Next few weeks: adding keywords to devhub and search, Django 1.7!
- mstriemer: karma unit tests for fireplace, updating frontend projects with MCM 2.0 changes
- durst: hoping to talk with DB and GC about GA/UA tracking (what we're doing and what we want to do, for ); finishing desktop UI; preparing for nav, platform selection, mobile-optimized websites, design style guide, and learn elastic search.
- kumar: fxpay validates receipts! ( ). I've also been finishing out some Boku bugs.
- laura: OHAI. Trying to figure out what everybody is working on, processes and people and stuff like that.
- spasovski: desktop UI bugs
- sturner: helping on mobile optimized value prop, strategy, phased approach. working with fxos on apps usage ping project mgt for marketplace deliverables
- krupa: Boku, Android payments, Desktop UI changes, reading about lang packs and documenting marketplace packages
- ngoke: UA
- mat might be able to demo show a video of langpacks. Video (made by :stas) :
- durst can show a tiny video of design style guide progress. but it's tiny:
- Launched this week:
- Upgraded to Python 2.7!
- Desktop Payments!
- Successfully processed refunds
- Please use .com instead of .org for marketplace-devs-internal mailing list
- Check out the thread "a2g..." on b2g-internal if you haven't
- Renewed focus on reducing number of active projects. As we close out our projects there are three that will remain for the next few weeks: MOW (mobile-optimized websites), RTL (right-to-left), KTLO (keeping the lights on, aka close-the-papercuts-planned-2-week-sprints)
- first order of business: buy an Acme™ De-Acronymizer (aka, the ADA)
- Laura is in our meeting! \o/
- Dr. Durst recommends chocolate for a healthy immune system boost
Feb 6th
What are you up to?
- clouserw: converted code to use geodude. HR things which we can talk about by the end of the month. add-on signing phase 1 is done. Major change to [jugband] adds Roadmap tab. Tried to make a different diagram but this one came out - will try again soon. A pile of Scoping/triaging/planning. Current question at the top of my mind: what does it mean to launch?
- +1 on the launching thing
- andym: boku testing, app stats, watching mat do all the work on lang packs, search improvements, desktop payments.
- muffinresearch: Android payments debugging, Fixing last few desktop payments popup issues. Converting payments casper tests to use SlimerJS as well as phantom.
- ddurst: trying to iron out the post-desktopUI changes (in order), updated wiki pages (!), finding out if we're moving ahead with more feature detection?, lots of talking about what to do with P3s and what it means to launch. (+1 on the "should we push more frequently" question, or "should we push less frequently to give QA a chance to see things stable" question.) Also, my daughter has had a cold (as has my wife) for weeks now, between the two of them. Exhausting. Please make them stop coughing.
- More tales of the durst household to come in the next installment.
- mostly about boogers
- whats the difference between a booger and broccoli?
- ...
- kids don't eat broccoli
- kids don't eat broccoli
- ...
- whats the difference between a booger and broccoli?
- mostly about boogers
- More tales of the durst household to come in the next installment.
- ngoke: desktop UI
- mat: langpacks, langpacks, and more langpacks
- chuck: helping with Galaxy, going to the mountains
- kumar: wrangling Boku, polishing desktop payments. Cleaning up Webpay.
- spasovski: desktop UI
- mstriemer: testing/Travis CI for marketplace-core-modules
- ashort: fake data, starting on API for reviewer tools (!!!)
- robhudson: Researching some ideas about refactoring our ES mappings and queries (, [MDN] Ported search from using elasticutils to elasticsearch-dsl
- durst talking about Desktop UI
- Python 2.7 ready to go onto -dev next week (after our push)
- woohoo!!
- +1
- +2.7
- pep8 in zamboni and solitude, working on jshint in zamboni (andym), fireplace (mstriemer) etc.
- Hack day proposal. Could we organize an apps focused hackday/hackweek where we park roadmap stuff and build apps? Would be great for dog-fooding marketplace as well as potentially unleashing everyone's creativity to build some cool apps. Also get UX and other teams involved.
- i have like 5, am i off the hook? :) Not a hook :)
- like the idea but have no ideas :)
- Can help other people if people list possible ideas?
- lang pack demo app? or maybe that's too roadmap focused :)
- +1. We haven't done one in a while. Sounds fun.
- this app actually gets used so it would be fun to work on it and fix some bugs, polish the UI, and maybe try rewriting it in React for fun Ooh, maybe it needs langpack(s). Lots of stars and angry reviews too
- for the moment (first iteration landing in FxOS 2.2) langpacks are only available for gaia apps
- d'oh
- +1. I have a app idea that I've been sitting on for about a year now.
- a chair related app?
- no, but the idea I think is ready to hatch
- also, if it was a stool related app, I could name it stool-sample-app. Yes you could. If that's the idea you're sitting on I'd say it's time to stand up.
- +1. I have a app idea that I've been sitting on for about a year now.
- We should come up with a solution to address our P3-P5 backlog. Repoman v2, perhaps.
- Schedule for coincidental workweeks was announced, how do we feel about that?
- ngoke with the fourth trip to orlando in a row!
- If you play an instrument you might be interested in this event proposal:
- I like playing music. Last time I was in Orlando, it was on tour. Looking forward to another chance at getting to see something about Orlando instead of a bar.
- Fireplace testing is stabilizing (thanks mark & kevin!)
Jan 23rd
What are you up to?
- chuck - finishing up the operator dashboard, style guide, setting up my 2-year refresh \o/, moving into a coworking space
- muffinresearch: Popups, popups and more popups. With a side of popups.
- mstriemer: Mac install instructions banner, removing FxA migration, show skipped unittests in fireplace
- clouserw: "severely sprained" ankle but managing a decent hobble. Signing project continues. Helped scope lang packs for 2.2. Fixed JS extraction on AMO. Spending time trying to get getting the code running.
- (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
- andym: docker improvements, desktop and android payments, payments for firefox accounts planning
- ddurst: documenting feature detection and filtering (wiki), apparently auditing our GA set up :\, watching kevin and davor finish desktopUI, trying to align other things desktop/feature/filter/platform-detection-related -- oh look, platform filtering on the homepage and integrated GA...
- kumar: desktop (i.e. web!) payments, some Boku resurrection too
- ashort: fake data. preparing a script for deploying on altdev
- robhudson: light week from helping MDN, some langpack code reviews, some research on ES queries working towards Q1 goals.
- mat: langpacks
- no demos? :( ashort will save us go ashort!
- ashort demoed the delicious Fake Data generator
- What are your Q1 individual goals?
- Are you participating in v3 ideation (and who are you)?
- mat is
- How are we doing with code stability? Are tests still breaking routinely? Are they staying broken or being fixed ?
- Looks like things have been consistently green, the last week or so, yay!
- Fireplace has some flakey tests and it is constantly passing/failing :(
- related: maybe consider sinon?
- Travis has been lying to us in irc on occasion saying builds are broken when they were green from travis' perspective.
- I sometimes cheat and ask travis to rebuild failing builds, especially fireplace ones so that could be causing this
- How's modularization working for you? Noticed every change these days revolves around tweaking modules and bumping a lot. Just wanted to raise the question - presumably this is the right way, but are we happy that we're modularising what we need to and nothing more and what strategies can we have to minimise the amount of module wrangling we're doing?
- I'm working on updating the style guide and codifying it in CSS that can be brought into projects as a set of base styles. Will also be updating marketplace-template to use them.
- I'm planning on updating markteplace-elements to distribute .styl files. That should fix chicken-and-egg issue with our circular dependency,
- It's pretty amazing that we have a shared payments lib for both Marketplace and all other third party apps now. This will allow us to ship a more stable and robust product to all apps in the ecosystem
- +++
- We can investigate combining marketplace-core-modules and marketplace-elements
- There will probably be a new marketplace-env next week with faster builds.
Jan 9th
What are you up to?
- clouserw: made zamboni tests faster! 2015 budgets not finalized yet, but should be this month which will help get things going. We still have QA. Leading scoping meeting at 1pm for langpacks. Started new Firefox profile - awesomebar weeps.
- robhudson: Working on trending apps backend code. Next up, adding trending sort options to the API. Researching various search improvements for Q1: If there's anything search related you'd like to discuss ping me.
- amuntner: completed shelf tools review, 2 open bugs: 1119509 and 1119869. One low, one high.
- ddurst: getting rid of extraneous notes and note-taking vehicles, revising feature detection bug tree, about to launch desktopUI beta desktop and move on to platform detection and content filtering.
- muffinresearch: FxPay popup wrangling. Native FxA bugs.
- ngoke: desktop UI refresh
- ashort: fake data, native fxa
- andym: native Firefox Accounts, Firefox Accounts payments and payments everywhere
- mat: earlier this week making sure update notification was working (currently limited to users) ; thinking about feature detection future, getting rid of cache-machine, misc small bugs
- chuck: operator dashboard launch, getting started on style guide with pwalm.
- ngoke would like to be involved in a small role
- mstriemer: would be nice to get this in marketplace-elements
- mstriemer: desktop promo, OS X banner PTO: Jan 12-19
- kumar: getting desktop payments working in fireplace / more work on fxpay
- kumar or muffinresearch: desktop payments?
- also payments everywhere
- ngoke: desktop UI progress @
- Happy new year!
- Fireplace tests have been failing for 28 days.
- Discuss.
- To remind everyone: we spoke about this in Portland
- Andy: find a way to fire off all the tests when we tag, for that tag so we can be sure that whats going to prod is going to pass.
- Let's as a group try to take responsibility for the tests before we get into something stricter like sheriffs.
- Landing patches without PRs
- I (rob) have been guilty of this a couple times recently b/c of the difficulty of getting PRs reviewed.
- We should be careful about adding too much process overhead
- Available to all developers, marketplace runs on it really well thanks to docker
- There is a scoping meeting at 1pm about Language Packs in the Marketplace. Anyone is welcome, marketplace vidyo. More info:
- Ops is converting our deployment infrastructure from dreadnot to jenkins. dev/stage deployments may be unstable, but hopefully not, and they'll communicate with us when there are any changes happening.
- Ops will begin the AWS migration towards the end of Q1. There is several weeks of work for them. If we need to do any other infrastructure changes we should consider piggy-backing.
- Talk about individual Q1 goals?
- next week
- We can't tell when anyone is on PTO anymore. There is a cloud services PTO calendar. Let's start using it! It is shared in Google Calendar as Cloud Services PTO. You should have all gotten emails about it this week, but if not, ask ddurst and he'll add you.
- PTO is not added automatically you have to add it.
- Update notifications work! w00t!
- Next week: carousel on desktop, beta logo
- OS X issue messaging moved out a week - SUMO article on it up in English
- Mobile-optimized website spec next week - be honest, not brutal
- mobile app usage metrics for 2.2
- improving user feedback project
- dbialer is looking into uservoice. Open to feedback
- What's the status of Python 2.7? Django 1.7 work is down to only a few test failures.
- Ops is on it.
- Are you participating in the v3 ideation (and who are you)?
- mat is (Paris group)
Dec 12th
What are you up to?
- robhudson: recommendations follow-up work, misc repoman stuff, Django 1.7 is getting closer (only 35 errors/4 failures from 118/152 when I first started)
- clouserw: enjoyable/tiring work week. Most conversations were productive. Now following up on our QA story for 2015, learning about quarterly bonus changes, helping you with v3 ideas!, pushing on add-on signing project, gearing up for email switch, working with cloud services to finish 2015 proposals
- muffinresearch: Fixing up lockfiles in l10n compilation for spartacus. Other grunt-i18n-abide patches. paymentFailed/Success shim for fxpay in spartacus. Testing payments stuff.
- ddurst: wrapping my head around quarterly bonus structure, trying to assist with things going out next week, started daily standups for desktopUI, familiarizing myself with feature detection code, trying to recover from this stinkin' cold
- kumar: getting fxpay ready for desktop payments
- andym: getting recommended to the end, payments for firefox accounts, 2015 planning
- adamm - reviewing operator tools/shelf, q1 2015 planning
- mstriemer: Newsletter signup, desktop promo
- ashort: fake data
- mat: newsletter signup, feature detection (WMW/Hello), app removal (885047), fxos ideation group
- Kumar: Desktop Payments
- Any takeaways from the work week?
- v3 ideation is real. Got ideas? Be involved. Read email "Fwd: V3 Ideation: Enable, Capture, Communicate" for lots of info.
- Short summary:
- Ideas go in #fxos-v3-submissions channel in Slack
- There will be 2x weekly lightning talks promoting ideas
- They'll be reviewed/revised over the next month or two
- Maybe you want to be in a group?
- All communications around v3 Ideation are available, for @moz addresses, at
- Short summary:
- If you're on the Marketplace team you should be on these mailing lists:
- apps@m.c (zimbra list, I think you need to file service now)
- Did you give a presentation at the work week? Please link to it:
- clouserw:
- ddurst:, (press P for notes)
- ashort: sorry no notes :-(
- No presentation for the docker stuff, but the charles instructions are here:
- Firefox 34 is getting a lot of positive press. People like Hello because it's so simple and cross-browser/app.
- Not moving forward on the Siberia Desktop App in the near future
- Push is moved to Thursday 12/18. Is Kumar doing it (or is someone else)?
- there will be cherrypicks :(
- PTO:
- robhudson: 12/18-19
- ddurst: 12/22-1/2
- ashort: 12/22
- ngoke: 1/02 and 1/05
Nov 28th
What are you up to?
- andym: FxA, desktop payments, android payments, recommendation engine
- mstriemer: finishing FxA stuff?
- clouserw: Making new tarako packages (fff), adding Russia, secret shirt club!, add-on signing totally happening,
- ngoke: frontend docs/docs+README sweep, some fireplace frontend bugs, help fxa work locally
- QA: Bangladesh testing, Disney, Android Payments, Desktop UI review
- ashort: native FxA, fake data
- muffinresearch: Finishing off FxA bugs. Helping \n with proxying solution to be able to proxy FFOS devices. Started looking at desktop payments.
- robhudson: wrapping up last recommendations bugs, helping mat with perf and new buchet stuff, need to get back to Djano 1.7 work.
- FxA go live, thank you everyone for the help
- Local should be working
- Connecting localhost:867x to -dev should be working
- Persona about to be shut off, that ok?
- Native FxA next up for 2.1+
- Rob made feed way faster >
- Other perf things Mat and Rob found?
- See tracking bug
- Other perf things Mat and Rob found?
- Y'all read about HTTP/2 and how it's amazing (and also replacing SPDY now):
- Facebook's Top Open Data Problems as of a few weeks ago:
- Work week schedule:
- Sprints
- Web dev meetup
- Old Tarako packages are being orphaned. New Tarako packages are getting a new origin. Have already landed on Marketplace; will land on Gaia today.
- FxOS Langpacks targeting 2.2 - 2.3 (tbd) - hosted by marketplace
- FxOS downloadable Homescreens targetting 2.2 - maybe 2.3
- FxOS targeting "Open Flow"(aka instant apps) 2.3
- Marketplace will replace functionality in Q2 2014 - embrace the mobile-optimized web
- Megafon ( launched a phone in Russia yesterday without telling anyone
- 2015 goals for marketplace email
- Rob's amazing performance improvements wouldn't have been necessary if we paid for CDN prefetching. hint hint
- It's still nice that we serialize faster, but if the user never hit the application server, they're never slowed down by serialization.
- I agree we should do this, but we should still figure out how to make Python+Django faster - because not everything is served from the CDN
- It's still nice that we serialize faster, but if the user never hit the application server, they're never slowed down by serialization.
Nov 14th
What are you up to?
- andym: FxA, desktop payments, android payments, recommendation engine
- mstriemer: finishing FxA stuff?
- clouserw: Making new tarako packages (fff), adding Russia, secret shirt club!, add-on signing totally happening,
- ngoke: frontend docs/docs+README sweep, some fireplace frontend bugs, help fxa work locally
- QA: Bangladesh testing, Disney, Android Payments, Desktop UI review
- ashort: native FxA, fake data
- muffinresearch: Finishing off FxA bugs. Helping \n with proxying solution to be able to proxy FFOS devices. Started looking at desktop payments.
- robhudson: wrapping up last recommendations bugs, helping mat with perf and new buchet stuff, need to get back to Djano 1.7 work.
- FxA go live, thank you everyone for the help
- Local should be working
- Connecting localhost:867x to -dev should be working
- Persona about to be shut off, that ok?
- Native FxA next up for 2.1+
- Rob made feed way faster >
- Other perf things Mat and Rob found?
- See tracking bug
- Other perf things Mat and Rob found?
- Y'all read about HTTP/2 and how it's amazing (and also replacing SPDY now):
- Facebook's Top Open Data Problems as of a few weeks ago:
- Work week schedule:
- Sprints
- Web dev meetup
- Old Tarako packages are being orphaned. New Tarako packages are getting a new origin. Have already landed on Marketplace; will land on Gaia today.
- FxOS Langpacks targeting 2.2 - 2.3 (tbd) - hosted by marketplace
- FxOS downloadable Homescreens targetting 2.2 - maybe 2.3
- FxOS targeting "Open Flow"(aka instant apps) 2.3
- Marketplace will replace functionality in Q2 2014 - embrace the mobile-optimized web
- Megafon ( launched a phone in Russia yesterday without telling anyone
- 2015 goals for marketplace email
- Rob's amazing performance improvements wouldn't have been necessary if we paid for CDN prefetching. hint hint
- It's still nice that we serialize faster, but if the user never hit the application server, they're never slowed down by serialization.
- I agree we should do this, but we should still figure out how to make Python+Django faster - because not everything is served from the CDN
Oct 31st
What are you doing?
- clouserw: AMO stats now use Hive instead of Pentaho (~3 month project)! 2015 HR and goals stuff is time consuming. A day of meetings with "horizon 3" project planning. Was out for a week. Costume inspired by
- ngoke: bolstering gulp, commbadge bug squashing, looking for time to do frontend docs
- mat: (use Steve Ballmer voice when reading this) performance, performance, performance
- muffinresearch: Bango meetings. Zippy fires put out. Mozfest! fixing last few fxa issues on payments - hacking on desktop payments prototype.
- andym: mozfest, bango, fxa
- ashort: payments/docker config, FxA bugs, making native-FxA work with yulelog would require package push
- chuck: operator dashboard
- ddurst: getting ready for desktop UI, Tarako, have been looking at performance, but... mat and rob have done more.
- mstriemer: Final FxA fixups'
- robhudson: Django 1.7 work, rm test-utils, performance tracing FeedView
- spasovski: fireplace and stats front-end fixups
- cvan: fireplace css cleanup and nav fixes, perf
- Humble Bundle was successful. 90k units sold @ about $6 apiece
- Tuesday Nov 4th, 10am: Platform team Bonus Q&A
- Clocks are changing this weekend in the US
- CentOS is still on track for this quarter < Python 2.7 finally?
- everything's moved to gulp + bower (let me know bugs/hiccups)
- (what's the webdev mailing list? just webdev@lists?)
- dev- web dev ... wow.
- open position is on hold
- FxA is on stage and getting ready to go
- pushing discussion
- push hero (for the probably not happening push):
- mstriemer
- ngoke is fixing JS bundles so we can't tag just yet on stats/transonic/commbadge
Oct 17th
What are you doing?
- clouserw: New Gaia PR for our dev/stage packages - added instructions for how to test gaia changes on your device to our docs. Wrote to help people flash devices. Plenty of HR stuff. Starting to talk about 2015 goals. Gearing up for our new zero-based accounting. Have filed for PTO for next week.
- muffinresearch: Helping out getting FxA payments bugs quashed. Fixing dev-env bugs. Fighting with devices.
- andym
- The FxA fight (only 3 p1s left and they are going down fast)
- Some docker tips:
- run fig as a daemon for improved perf: fig up -d
- delete old containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- always run tests with: :-P
- docker 1.3/boot2docker 1.3 is out which bundles vbox guest additions so iso wrangling is no more. yay!
- note that some of us are now able to complete payments from end to end on docker
- ashort: setup on docker, payment flow on docker, FxA/trusted-ui headscratching and bugfixing
- mstriemer: Firefox accounts payment flow
- durst: (finished Tarako GA stuff! -- thanks, mat) setup on docker, learning to work with Flame, make builds, etc. Beginning triage of perf bugs, running timing tests on builds (locally, on Flame); getting no responses on package version proposals; prepping for desktop UI refresh (feed); trying to plan ahead for getFeature and feed refactoring.
- chuck: operator dashboard.
- spasovski: feed.styl refactoring
- dbialer: userman - bugs for consumers and devs that fall between the cracks of repoman and projects. bigger than 1 day but should be defined enough in the bug.
- robhudson: mostly random repoman bugs this week. Will continue Django 1.7 work next week.
- ngoke: upgrading frontend projects to use gulp/bower, documentation
- Repoman
- Triage not too well attended, so replaced by emails (andy needs to send one out)
- fellow repomen reviewing other repoman PRs would be much appreciated
- Humble Bundle has sold almost 50000 packages @
- Did we ever answer Andy's question of whether we should revisit *how* our packaged app is structured (based on what we learned from Tarako, etc)?
- Official apps now:
- dev:
- stage:
- prod:
- tarako: ( -- soon to be updated
- payments-alt:
- /me updates metaplace
- Questions on any announcements in emails? Ask your managers!
- Personal goals are going to be important - start considering them if you haven't been.
- Portland
- looks like golf with durst it is
- If you haven't registered yet (there are 3 of you!) today is your last day
- Next week, A bunch of us at Bango and then mozFest
- Wed-Thur Bango in the UK
- Fri in the London Office and going to mozFest
- Update on renaming our repositories?
- There are Cloud Services show and tells each week; details @
- [userman --> cvanman?]
- open for nominations, add [userman] to the whiteboard
- confusing defintion for [userman]: larger than repoman but smaller than a project
- yboily is organizing a security tools hands-on training for the work week. Sign ups going out soon
- UX Team was reorganized
- Anything we want to demo?
Oct 3rd
What are you doing?
- clouserw: Spent a week focusing on AMO. Triaged *every AMO bug* @ . Got some AMO goals (top two: integrate FxA, move forum over to discourse). Debugged a crazy bug where someone wasn't getting email (spoiler alert: they were blocked at socketlabs for having too many failures to their address). Updated Jugband On Deck UI @ Spent a pile of time doing HR stuff.. Lots of meetings about packaged apps and Q12015 stuff. Played the last mid-week soccer game of the season last night. :(
- muffinresearch: Got zippy running in docker. Fixed a bunch of first-run issues with dbs etc. Super close to having app -> payments up and running - just some dns troubles to fix. Experimented with using different code sharing methods from host to docker.
- robhudson: Added search by author, finished up recommendation API and front-end -- currently waiting on recommendation server to come online, working on misc repoman bugs. My "fun bug" is getting the pending queue working on ES.
- ashort: so much FxA features + bugs. Working with Krupa and Identity teams to smooth out problems with various flows; continuing to work on migration from Persona
- andym: fighting FxA which is looking awesome and also the packaged app which ngoke did an awesome job on
- ngoke: packaged app, commbadge launch, fireplace visual bugs, fixing dependency issues with login/consumer info code to upgrade other commonplace projects to use fxa
- mat: various repoman bugs
- chuck: operator dashboard, recovering from strep
- spasovski: app tile fixes, UI bugs
- mstriemer: fxa migration
- durst: attempting to verify GA and fireplace & tarako; talking about/planning for NEW tarako releases; setting up Flame and adb and such; reorganizing all marketplace perf bugs under a new tracker for running debt things; trying to get people to help out with game center/galaxy; watched 2 out of 3 acts I wanted to see on the iTunes festival (last night)
- kumar: some bits and pieces on fxpay then some repoman paper cuts
- Updated our packaged app in prod for the first time ever. Are your devices upgrading cleanly?
- As it turned out, its not the first time ever.
- There is an influx of new volunteers. If you'll mentor a bug put yourself on it and make sure it's tagged [good first bug]
- Cloud Services all hands was recorded if you missed it. Also 55 people in one vidyo room!
- Apps Day was also recorded (and you should watch it, if you haven't already)
- Webdev Extravaganza next Tuesday at 10am
- Work week coming up in December. What are our hopes and dreams for using that time?
- Ideas, suggestions
- Open Positions:
- Web Developer:
- Senior WebRT Engineer:
- If the website would load for me, I'd maybe link to some others :(
- Why do all the devs have beards?
- winter is coming
- ngoke doesnt, ngoke cant
- rob has a nano-beard under his lip - a soul patch
- Ngoke's demo of commbadge
- Quick demo of docker progress. Payment accounts.
Sept 19th
- What are you doing?
- clouserw: Lots of HR/legal stuff this week. AMO signing & maintenance planning. Some "horizon 3" planning with 3rd parties. The regular triages. Figured out how to invalidate caches across data centers! I'll be in MV next week.
- mstriemer: Firefox Accounts migration
- jkerim: repoman tickets, making docker work!
- andym: lots of things, firefox accounts, packaged app fun
- muffinresearch: Spartacus bugs for android/FxA. Fixing up + investigating packaged app issues. Adding t&cs + PP iframing to SPA for FxA. Getting zippy dockerised in the background.
- chuck: working with pwalm to refine style guide, prepping for operator dashboard
- spasovski: unifying app tiles across fireplace
- ngoke: must launch commbadge, bowerifying mpconstants/commonplace modules, instant apps, feed stuff
- QA:
- kumar: shipped a first version of fxpay for easier payments
- yay hacks blog post
- ROB: The Addon model is gone! Some quick waffle cleanup. Misc repoman bugs. Starting work on recommendations API.
- yay addons are gone from the db! +1
- ashort: firefox accounts for payments, generation of fake packaged apps, blackice
- Roundtable
- Position available
- Link?
- Refreshing careers, waiting for it to appear
- Are you using Docker?
- Trying to!
- More people that use it, and tell us what doesn't work for them the quicker we can iron out the kinks.
- Should I go to the December work week?
- Yes
- Proposal for a new FirefoxOS Emulators module! Andym rejoice!!topic/mozilla.governance/S2aPQHYBd80
- What happened with the repository renaming proposal?
- Feedback wanted!
- Security gotcha, can't rely on travis because the security branch is private
- Splitting Zamboni API and Developer hub into separate services +1
- Position available
Sept 5th
- What are people working on?
- jkerim: finishing off inapp products pages for launch, starting on repoman tickets
- chuck: feed post-launch, codifying pwalm's style guide, operator dashboard planning
- spasovski: many front-end fixes for fireplace
- andym:
- single page app: found a couple of bugs we should solve
- firefox accounts: planning for end of sept
- repoman: focusing on consumer pages and going to focus on killing off admin tools
- docker: is awesome, you should try it+1
- instant app prototype
- serverless in-app: sounding pretty much done
- apk factory stabilisation
- clouserw: planning next steps/projects to work on, meeting cloud services, still haven't found any volunteers for L10n!, AMO+Metrics=aahhh, reviewed PRDs,
- durst: feed changes, tarako dev submission (temporary) & reviewer queue (thanks, mstriemer), tarako outreach comm, fake data, galaxy team wrangling, desktop/about:apps
- ngoke: feed post-launch, instant apps, thinking about bowerifying front-end modules
- kumar: jkerim, mark and I got a working release of the fxpay lib out! Time to get devs to start using it. Hacks post soon.
- robhudson: add-on database removal leading up towards merging the Addon and Webapp django models. Other misc repoman bugs. Sprinting at the DjangoCon!
- cvan: writing spec for game centre, figuring out FxA integration, rewriting prototyped for galaxy.js (a drop-in script for client-side in-game services)
- mstriemer: finishing Tarako review queue changes. Starting to work on Firefox Accounts migration.
- dethe: repoman bugs
- mat: about:apps, some misc repoman bugs, mobilenetwork related stuff in fireplace, GA for packaged apps/tarako debugging
- Roundtable
- 15k Tarako devices sold in 3 days!
- Welcome to cloud services!
- much silver lining, so wow.
- Some awesome demo?!
- How important is Python 2.7 to y'all?
- Language features + improved security
- Django 1.7 would be nice. I really do not like schematic.+1^infinity
- Are any developers using Docker?
- yes, its pretty awesome, did my first test and pull request from it
- how to install docker...
- So far all feedback on feed that I (wil) have seen has been really positive (which seems really surprising? most people really dislike change!). Also the way Scott can target regions and feature single apps with descriptions is a positive for partners looking for emphasis
- If we're trying to be contributor-friendly, we should really reconsider our repository names. They're nonsensical, not descriptive, and must be overwhelming to prospective contributors who don't understanding the architecture.
- A good start: renaming wharfie to "marketplace", as it (seems to be) intended to be the canonical way to set up a Marketplace development environment.
- Other prospective changes: fireplace -> marketplace-client, transonic -> marketplace-curation-tools, etc.
- +1
- I like this idea
- marketplace-stats == win
- I can attest to the overwhelming part.
- And there are a ton of them
- (ngoke) Do we have enough repos to just have our own Github org?
- Probably, but it would be a huge change at this point. I don't think it nullifies my original point, though.
- Not that I'm against it, but want to note that renaming repos is also a huge change
- If we're asking everybody to change remotes already, it might be worth considering.
- Not sure this is a win
- Better to combine related repos into directories of one repo?
- Might get hairy for deployment/branches
- missing yogafire (marketplace-client-tarako)
- missing transonic
- What if in an app is not markeplace specific, eg: solitude can hopefully be more than just marketplace
- eg: payments-backend (solitude)
- plus solitude is a pretty descriptive name, it's a lonely world of inner reflection ;-)
- See also:
- Added in this for consumer:
- is pretty sweet! Sets up a post-commit hook to take a picture with your webcam on every commit.
- Nobody wants to see pictures of me.
- Can I take a picture with your webcam every time I commit?
- There is a cloud services show and tell everyone is invited to
- Space lettuce
- repomen, forget the other movie
August 22nd
Recording: None. Andy was PTO and we don't know what we're doing.
- What are people working on?
- clouserw
- While in the discussion of multiple data centers, the idea of splitting data per region came up (eg. European data stays in Europe). The more I think about this the bigger of a project it becomes. It's not a requirement right now, but worth thinking about as the site evolves. Want to be involved? Speak up!
- Add-on signing project
- Some L10n fun
- mat:
- device filtering on desktop
- mvno carriers detection (+mobilenetwork.js refactor)
- feature detection using the new hasFeature API
- rob
- hidden apps - done, shipping next week
- file system and db clean of AMO extensions (repoman)
- small elasticsearch optimizations
- ashort
- fake-data generation tools
- no-Landfill startup for new dev environments
- Firefox Accounts
- dethe
- Marketplace hub add-on for Firefox Android:
- mark
- tarako submission process for developer hub
- chuck
- feed
- clouserw
- Roundtable
- durst demoing the feed
- It's a big week for pushing. We've got hidden apps and the feed, among our usual pile of fixes. Please help Krupa if she asks for it, and if not be aware of things you can do to make things quicker for her (adding STR, testing things well, not breaking builds, etc.).
- The Feed is a big deal so we're going to be talking about it and getting a lot of eyes on it. Let's make sure it's as good as it can be. From what I've seen it's a really cool change.
- Our packaged apps have landed in all the branches of Gaia. Please help test them and any bugs we have we should fix in the next couple of weeks before 2.1 freezes.
- Are any developers using Docker yet? Any reason not to?
- Allen has used it briefly on linux. Couple of issues with ES
- Read, contribute your problems
- Coveralls is added to zamboni at least. Let's add it to the rest of our projects - it's awesome. Also worth pointing out our super high coverage. 96% I think?
- Desktop filtering was backed out of this week - scheduled for next week.
- Interesting what's deployed app. Here is zamboni:
- Apps show and tell is today at 12:30 Pacific Time
- tarako launch date! today
August 8th
- Things people are working on
- Jared
- Docker for marketplace deployment
- Andy
- Serverless in-app payments, meeting with Krupa to figure out how to get this onto stage.
- Firefox Accounts, figuring out migration plan, aiming for end of August launch, payments on a Firefox 2.0 device the big blocker.
- Single page app, would like to move this into stage for testing next week
- Bango identity, aiming for shipping next week, identifiying blockers or issues to be fixed later. Android payments can be turned on next.
- Desktop payments, scoping and planning.
- Docker, looking good for first milestone of getting developers to use it, not perfect, eg: content ratings are blocking.
- Travis for zamboni, robhudson says its all green including ES tests! Let's talk about disabling Jenkins in the future?
- Hidden Apps, robhudson valiantly fighting the fight
- Repoman, just dethe a few awesome UI fixes and polish have been landed
- Packaged app, ngoke might have the stage and dev packages building, yay!
- Durst
- Feed: Officially in QA. Backend is in Production so Scott can pre-load data. Front-end going live on August 26th. Hang on to your hats!
- Desktop and about:apps. More plan than you'll want to read @
- Galaxy: video of cvan controlling a game with a Firefox OS phone as a controller:
- clouserw
- Exploring Marketplace in multiple data centers. Comments encouraged @
- Devhub: Has weekly meetings. Get involved @
- Kumar
- server-less in-app payments
- single page app (Spartacus)
- new user identity approach (by user ID) for payments
- FxA for payments
- Stuart
- Docker dev-env + spartacus bugfixes.
- Allen
- Firefox Accounts integration
- Testing Docker dev env
- Investigating generating test webapps
- Mat
- about:apps and related bugs (design implemented: )
- Mark
- support for new jpm style addons. (
- New Tarako review queue for devhub.
- Dethe
- Making storage handle JSON stringify/parse automatically
- Finish off some UI issues and then back to repoman
- Rob
- Elasticsearch is 1.2.x on dev, shipping to prod next week
- Continued work on hidden apps. Fell down a rabbit hole with packaged apps and versions.
- Enjoyed some PTO this week up in the WA peninsula
- Jared
- Demo!
- Stuart is going to show off the docker stuff. (What could possibly go wrong :))
- <- instructions for getting it up and running. If you're feeling adventurous come give it a spin + help us file bugs / create an FAQ.
- Stage freezes at 11am today
- Push hero this week: ngoke
- What is going out?
- Next week: mstriemer
- Roundtable!
- Put Travis on your own forks to get test runs before you make PRs!
- Let's talk about turning off jenkins next week
- Public mailing lists. Use them as the default.
- Any volunteers to take over L10n extraction on a ~weekly basis?
- Workweek will be in Portland the first week of December!
- If you file an ops bug make sure to communicate priority
- uiwanted triage has successfully triaged all the open bugs. Total number of bugs cut in half.
- Feeling like a cog in the machine? Get your voice heard:
- Marketplace UX Design Review: Thursdays @ 4pm
- Marketplace uiwanted triage: Thursdays @ 1030am
- Marketplace Old Bugs triage: Thursdays @ 1pm
- Marketplace Bug Triage: Wednesdays @ 10am
- Marketplace Vidyo Hangout: Thursdays @ 8am - noon
- Marketplace repoman triage: Thursdays @ 10am
- Marketplace productwanted triage: TBA
July 25th, 10am PDT
- Things people are working on
- Andy to talk about: SPA, In-app payments, Bango Identity, FxA and repoman
- Andy to look after assigning packaged app things
- SPA is on
- FxA is good for test on
- Bango is good for test on stage
- Durst to talk about: Feed, Desktop, about:apps, dev app submission vis-a-vis Tarako
- Feed front-end:
- Amazing feed back-end:
- about:apps:
- status of being a real packaged app?
- Andy is going to make sure we're on track
- Stuart talk about kick-off of Dev-env project. +1
- Investigating using instead of the traditional VM
- Any comments/suggestions - feel free to talk to Stuart/Jared.
- exists for your instant-update needs!
- Andy to talk about: SPA, In-app payments, Bango Identity, FxA and repoman
- Andy API Authentication
- Andy Tests
- zamboni travis is now on
- marketplace-dev got refreshed from production
- Use factory_boy for generating fixtures easily
- Add target milestones to your bugs when you close them or QA won't know to look at them
- Could just [qa+] work? I don't use milestones much anymore
- everyone should be using milestones
- it would be interesting to see how many do
- Could just [qa+] work? I don't use milestones much anymore
- Want to see FxOS activations?
- Stage freezes at 11am today
- Push hero this week: spasovski
- Next week: chuck
- Roundtable!
June 11th, 10am PDT
- There are time limits on expenses now. Submit receipts in a reasonable time frame (read: 90 days) please. :)
- Handy FxOS timeline:
- Are we a packaged app? 2.0 freezes in a week or so and it would be nice to be in there.
- What has to be in that? e.g Firefox accounts, payments
- Its a feature freeze not a code freeze?
- Stuff landing in 2.1:
- 3 RTL languages
- getFeature() API
- EF_SPN (distinguish MVNOs)
- homescreens/lockscreens/ringtones
- these are just privileged apps at this point so should be minimal changes on Marketplace
- Are we shipping commbadge? need sign off from UA/QA
- Are we shipping hidden apps?
- need sign off from QA
- not waffled
- Stage freezes at 11am today
- Push hero this week: cvan
- Next week: kumar
- There is a leadership Q&A from 1030-1200 today
- Everything but zamboni is running on Travis. Let's get Travis going on zamboni. Talk to andym.
- The show and tell is at 1230 today. Join up for awesome demos and camaraderie
June 27th, 10am PDT
- Gaia apps are starting to make their way to the Marketplace. The Email app is now privileged and on it's way, others to follow
- Yay!
- We'll make stats public when Android version "launches"
- Apps days were a big success. Check out the replays if you didn't watch, the panels were valuable. Any opinions from others? people on
- Next one Sept 23-24, 2 half days, open to anyone who wants to go
- (clouserw) Are we ready for an RTL language? Rumor has it support will be in FxOS in 2.1.
- (clouserw) Do you use the bugzilla dashboard?
- (clouserw) Friday Pull Requests! 2pm
- (andym) Friday Triage! 2:30-4pm, marketplace vidyo room
- (andym) Will still encourage people to start deleting their settings_local files.
- (clouserw) Anti-harassment training upcoming. Attendance is encouraged.
- (clouserw) Are you interested in a uiwanted triage meeting? Let me know and I'll invite you, or just show up to the Marketplace room at 1030 PDT on Thursdays.
- Firefox Accounts
- We have our own dev environment
- Ping Allen if you want to test it out locally - tell Allen if it doesn't work.
- What's the consensus on ?
- Would like to avoid and use feature detection.
- Future of packaged apps discussion:!topic/
- App Scopes presentation by Jonas
- Holidays next week:
- Canada Tuesday
- US Friday
- Next push:
- ashort @ 2014-07-01
- dethe @ 2014-07-08
June 13th, 10am PDT
- Update on some open platform bugs:
- 756364 - onoffline and ononline events should fire when connection status changes
- I asked for an update but I don't think is blocking us, so they are targeting Q3 roughly. Tell me or leave a note if that's not the case.
- 999931 - make SVG performant enough for use as icons in Gaia apps
- This depends on several bugs which are currently getting fixed. It's being worked in as a primary focus so expected to land this quarter. If someone can volunteer to measure the improvement I can get you in touch with the right folks (or comment in the bug).
- 1009645 - Implement the API detection parts of navigator.getFeature()
- This is the latest in a series of bugs (you can see the dependency tree) but is making solid progress. Expected to land in 1.4 or 2.0...I should know that.
- Are there other platform bugs that are are blocking us or are particularly difficult to work with?
- 985614 - Packaged app installation does not trigger `onsuccess` callback
- Is listed as fixed yesterday. Golly.
- 756364 - onoffline and ononline events should fire when connection status changes
- (clouserw) Flame devices: sssshhhhipping!
- Once the OTA update channels are up, you'll need to flash the device to get it switched over to those channels.
- (andym) got mine, yay so many phones
- (clouserw) Feedback cycles are spinning up. Be honest and take your time.
- If you aren't asked for feedback on someone but you have some, please share. Find their manager, find me, find someone they trust.
- How easy is it for a newcomer to install the Marketplace?
- (andym) Getting easier! :)
- database 80% smaller
- How close are we to being a real packaged app?
- Do we have a feed yet?
- Payments
- Bango are currently experiencing problems, documented in bugs and awaiting fixes
- Working with their NOC to resolve, moments after typing this it worked better.
- (andym) Will be tagging shortly. Make sure your code is in and unstable.
- next week its: clouserw < ddurst turn?
- then: dethe
- Jun 26th is the next Public Apps Day
- Next week is the Quarterly App Day in mountain view
May 30th, 10am PDT
- Project Updates:
- Tarako: Closing out this week (!!)
- (still need to do the submission/review checkbox)
- LatAm Operator Billing: Paused until AMX & Boku sort our their differences
- Feed: Picking up steam again; work week pajama party at davor's next week with a side of desktop marketplace
- Repoman: Still being awesome. Schedule for rotation?
- Dethe and Allen to Firefox Accounts next week
- Rob still going strong, focusing on technical debt and hidden urls
- Single Page App:
- Mark and Stuart, in the closing stretches, hopefully one more week.
- Serverless in-app payments:
- Kumar and Jared, just started up, over 50%, next week working on receipts
- Android Payments:
- Waiting on Bango changes and Single Page App to finish up.
- (coming up) Android Marketplace: Let's finish this up!
- Only P1s left is platform, waiting for that to land.
- (coming up) Hidden URLs
- Maybe related
- (coming up) Fx Accounts
- (coming up) Operator Dashboard
- (coming up) Recommendations Engine
- (clouserw) Patch to fix app installation notifications on Android has landed.
- (clouserw) We got rid of ArcSight (woo) and can see CEF reports now (including CSP)
- (clouserw) Flame update
- (clouserw or andym) repoman strategy update:
- High priority stuff is tagged [repoman] right now but there is a hole in our triages where anything that isn't a P1 will get lost
- Once we're caught up on the [repoman] tagged bugs we'll have the repoman team start focusing on specific components per-week (or whatever timeframe)
- (clouserw) There was a Marketplace Town Hall on Thursday. Check out the recording if you missed it.
- (clouserw) [RFC] Recommendations Engine Architecture:
- (clouserw or andym) Triages have been very successful. We get through 100% of bugs now usually in 30minutes which, week-to-week is hours of less meetings I think.
- Pull Requests are at a low also
- Tag is at 11am!
- Push hero this week is:
- robhudson
- next week is ddurst
- Tarako: Closing out this week (!!)
May 16th, 10am PDT
- is a cool summary of L10n status
- Record lows for startup time @
- under 3.5s once, although we're kind of cheating by ending before the data shows up
- 2014 Goals Status (Goals: )
- Sathya is here 5/27 - 8/??
- Tarako is looking good. Will go in official build next week!
- Boku and America Movil
- Holy deletions batman
- 274,843 additions and 833,254 deletions
- banishing amo code to the shadow realm
- Vagrant baby!
- Push hero this week is:
- mstriemer
- and next week is: dethe
- Status updates:
- andym: testing boku, got side tracked by playing with baked and vagrant
- muffinresearch: this week: Finish model/view refactor. Readying for deployments of spartacus. Locale fixes. Looking at the new dev env stuff. Next week: Getting spartacus on -dev.
- chuck: tarako + feed
- ashort: this week: vagrant, django upgrade, mysql-pool debugging. next week: repoman bugs, vagrant/developer automation
- robhudson: PTO next week. Lots of code deleting/AMO cleanup this past week.
- ngoke: tarako, commonplace code quality
- mstriemer: spartacus
- Note: Bank Holiday on Monday in Canada, yay Queen Victoria. Memorial Day in the US on the 26th. yay memories.
- happens every week and y'all are invited.
May 2nd, 10am PDT
- Join us on May 8th for Marketplace Day:
- got 23 bugs for the day, more needed! mark with [contribute]
- Interested in learning advanced English for business?
- Homework! Upload an app or two to . I'll go through and approve them later today. If everyone does this our landfill will have 20 or 30 apps in it for testing/contributors/etc. Awesome!
- Are test manifests ok?
- Marketplace Hangout Thursdays 8-12pm PDT in MarketplaceHangout vidyo
- We have a new payments test server, where we can test payments out without upsetting stage and pre-production testing:
- Push hero this week is:
- chuck!
- and next week is: ngoke?
- Status Updates:
- andym: getting Boku testing working on stage
- Tarako v0 is a thing!
- robhudson: repoman work and tarako.
- Check out all these AMO tables gone:
- muffinresearch: pin reset flows in spartacus.
- chuck: tarako
- tarako: ngoke <-- correct order huh? (tarako is working on ngoke, not vice versa) ha
- Note: Bank Holiday on Monday in UK
Apr 18, 10am PDT
- Marketplace Hangout Thursdays 8-12pm PDT in MarketplaceHangout vidyo
- Anyone interested in going to Blackhat/Defcon this year? Tell clouserw now.
- noooope
- When should we commit to commonplace? Kevin has the scoop!
- ngoke going to write an email update due to holidays
- Feed is paused, Tarako lives, Guillotine happening,
- Code freeze in an hour (Kumar is push hero)
- Kumar, let's sync up on a plan
- push docs:
- Eideticker outliers fixed:
- Tarako device exists there, but times aren't accurate yet
- Marketplace on datazilla (cold load start time):,messages,phone&app=phone&gaia_rev=f0872318d46781bb&gecko_rev=32bb713e6d0d&plot=avg
- We're pretty average. Check the boxes on the left to see more apps.
- Status Updates:
- clouserw updated . So much Tarako.
- kumar: getting Boku to work
- ashort: final touches on guillotine, switching to custom user model
- ngoke: tarako
- spasovski: tarako
- mat: perf, tarako
- robhudson: landing, catching up on a few stats bugs, then some guillotine work on zamboni. Check out pycon videos at
Apr 4, 10am PDT
- is pretty cool
- Feed v1 plan is to *not* launch it on Tarako as it will likely be a performance hit and will need to be optimized/tweaked/dogfooded/etc. Would be nice to see some A/B testing in Europe or something. Chuck has a plan to share!
- Not too much of a plan, really. We're going to package the `feed` branch of Fireplace and distribute it on Marketplace as "Marketplace Aurora" or whatever, with the cutesy purple icon (right?!). It will keep the somewhat major changes cleanly separate for now and allow dogfooding and community feedback before we roll it out to the community at large.
- Tarako
- Working with UX to figure out will be going on the phone for Tarako
- We are looking at other UIs and other interaction models
- Feed is not going on Tarako
- Any reason to keep the mkt-blocker bugzilla flag around?
- Let's start using amo- and mkt- push etherpads
- Push hero this week is dethe
- New triage schedule in April trial
- No more days peppered with triage meetings
- No more 1.5 hours of meeting right before we push on Tuesdays
- Agenda
- 1) New & Unprioritized bugs:
- 2) Any P1 bugs with no assignee:
- Boku is a new payment provider, we are working on it
- Check out
- Whoa, cool site!
- I've heard about this.
- Android Marketplace and APK Factory is planning on going live with Fx 29.
- Status updates:
- robhudson was in Barcelona this week working on recommendation testing with Telefonica.
- Check it out: (click Next, pick some apps, then go back to homepage for updated recommendations) This is what we ran user testing on. Tony will report on user feedback in a few weeks.
- ngoke: feed curation tool
- mat: performance stuff
- andym: was in Paris and Tribe, just go back and catching up - mostly Boku, Boku etc
- kumar: jamming on getting Boku working for the Phantom launch
- Chuck: Tarako planning, greasing the feed wheels
- dethe: performance stuff
- jkerim: new payment providers!
- mstriemer: boku in devhub
- cvan: perf & tarako
Mar 21, 10am PST
- Chris Mills encourages us devs to add the "dev-doc-needed" keyword to bugs that may affect documentation on MDN. (See )
- Apps day is available via recording on Any questions from it?
- Marketplace town hall next Wednesday. 10-11AM, AirMo
- I don't see that on air mozilla or its calendar
- Ddurst is in full(ish) swing
- You'll be pleased to know we are getting a hasFeature() API landing in the next couple of weeks / 1.3. *sad trombone*
- Re-prioritized to 1.5. I'm trying to get it to land in 1.4 instead.
- This really sucks. Can we escalate?
- Olympia has a schedule: Stage = Mar21, Prod = Apr1
- Are we pushing that in the morning or afternoon of April 1st?
- morning
- Quest for Speed thread
- Got an idea to make the marketplace faster? File a bug, keyword "perf"
- also fix those bugs. :)
- Contribution from bwalker (via
- JWZ's law states that "Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail." A corollary is that every complex system expands until it becomes a bank.
- is awesome for tiny/quick video calls
- contracting update
- Push hero is: clouserw
- Notable updates:
- Packaged apps on android are now live. APK Factory lives.
- warm cache marketplace performance improved by >99%
- commbadge is on stage
- olympia is on stage
- let's start using #marketplace for marketplace and #amo for AMO
- 10 new languages are going out next week
- tower library on travis-ci & tox thanks to magopian
- marketplace on eideticker! (kinda)
- marketplace-docs lives and is ready for docs, please add
- integration with boku payments is on the horizon, time line unknown, but expect sooner rather than later
- ngoke: feed + curation tool work (ngoke is out next wed-fri)
- andym: out in Europe and PTO next week and after
- kumar: in Europe next week
- chuck: feeding, omnomnom
- muffinresearch: This week: completed persona integrations + started the hookup of Spartacus to webpay API. Currently + next week abstracting errors to be able to complete the rest of the API hookup. Getting Spartacus running somewhere.
- dethe: work around timing issue when unhiding button, then replace Zamboni 404 page with Fireplace 404 page
- mstriemer: finish up in-app products devhub page, android install callback errors.
- jkerim: making good progress on in-app purchases
- robhudson: moving device types to platform and form factors. Next: Desktop toggle. Prepping for recommendations work week first week of April.
- ashort: guillotine schema cleanup, django1.6, user/auth refactor
- Django 1.7 beta 1 is out by the way(die in a fire)muahaha
- mat: PTO + perf bugs
Mar 7, 10am PST
- Andy (and Monday too) and clouserw are OOTO. Andy is running the show!
- Mozilla 2014 Goals public page is live:
- Apps day is next week. Send clouserw or andym (for payments) accomplishments we should call out.
- FxA API documentation:
- 272315 pull requests open for zamboni alone. Let's devote Friday after 1pm to open pull requests and get that down to zero.
- Next Tuesday (afternoon) and Wednesday (morning) tune in to air mozilla to see updates from across the whole apps ecosystem. PST
- Upvote this call for contributors!
- several updates to - check it out for a summary of current status.
- Operator dashboard has been successfully defined, designed, and estimated and is waiting for us to have time to do it. This is a big deal, because generally we don't have projects waiting in the pipeline all bundled up and ready.
- Feed v1 has been successfully defined, designed, and estimated and we're actively working on it.
- Developer and Payment choice are almost ready from a UX point of view to be pushed into development when ready.
- Both of the examples above are evidence of our new process for working with UX/prod/etc and following the steps for our project lifecycle. It's been a lot less stressful than previous projects (I'm so confident in that I'll say "ask anyone involved" even when I'm not there to support my claims!) and is helping us refine the flow. I'm (clouserw) looking forward to working on future projects that use the new system and I think y'all will too.
- New manager starts next week!
- Anything from mailing lists to talk about?
- Feature detection issues?
- Marketplace hang around - next thurs
- lives
- Weekly Status update:
- andym: fixing zippy, working on Apps day presentations, looking at receipts, chasing down android platform bugs
- mat: API perf/cacheability (removing user-dependant stuff in API, making fireplace do anonymous API calls, etc), misc AMO stuff
- chuck: feed (omnomnom)
- ashort: code review, debugging django1.6 deployment on altdev
- ngoke: feed frontend, small IARC bugs
- muffinresearch: this week: Spartacus styleguide + other bug fixes + test setup. Next week: finishing Spartacus testing for flows and beginning service integration. E.g. persona first, followed by the API.
- dethe: fixing some UI bugs, review styleguide
- jkerim: easier 'hosted' inapp payments in zamboni
- mstriemer: in-app products/payments in devhub, android touch-ups
- kumar: APK signer cleanup and a new developer lib for in-app payments
- robhudson: collapsing android mobile/tablet and calling it platform, adding form factor, biking around Paris
- Push hero:
- This week Jared
- Next week Andy
Feb 21, 10am PST
- Our goals exist in public now:
- Triage meeting strategy proposal:
- New 60-90min meeting. Required attendees are at least one representative from QA and one from Dev. Meeting triages all new, unprioritized bugs.
- Meeting is open to anyone to participate
- All individual componenent triage meetings are cancelled
- There might be triage meetings focused on features being worked on eg: Android
- They aren't mutually exclusive; we should be doing both
- Conclusion: Developers are split on which way we should triage. Let's try it for a couple weeks so we can get better data.
- Any RFCs to talk about?
- Manifest Builder
- chuck and wil are driving this, cool plans to integrate with App Manager
- modify mcc/mnc in the simulator < that makes me very happy
- I don't know if there is a mailing list, but paul rouget + fred wenzel would be who I would email. Soledad is working on the app templates.
- Refactoring documentation
- andym is driving
- Splitting marketplace?
- old news, its happening
- about a week
- Wil introducing Dethe! Tony introducing Liz!
- Weekly Status Update:
- andym: testing new receipt API, meetings, did I mention curling?
- clouserw: updating jugband (w/ feedback), good meeting about App Manager, sorting out priorities, HR stuff
- ashort: Finishing Django 1.6 port. AMO/marketplace code split.
- mat: Guillotine (Splitting AMO/Marketplace), misc API stuff
- jkerim: starting on the in app hosted payment flow, in SFO next week PTO mon-wed
- dbialer; scheduled a set of 3 roadmap prioritization workshops over the next 2 weeks. You are welcome to attend any of them.
- robhudson: An IARC bug, APK tokens for reviewer tools, new metrics for stats. Next week: Guillotine, more stats, stats refactoring, APK if needed.
- mstriemer: install button bug on android (all?), missing marketplace icon, serverless payments (time permitting)
- chuck: in SFO working with UX on operator dashboard and feed M-W, ElasticSearch training R-F.
- kumar: working on signer part of APK generation also Mohawk
- ngoke: iarc bug squashing + looking to finish commbadge
- dethe: adding credits page, spent most of my time just getting environment working, looking into proxying for testing android on my local dev
- Release Hero next week: chuck
- Tagging happening at 12:00, get yo patches in.
- Marketplace testday on 02/26
Feb 7th, 10am PST
- Our work week was last week:
- Great to see everyone. See for a braindump style list of accomplishments
- clouserw is working on organizing it into actionable items
- First result from clouserw is blog post on our new priority scoring strategy:
- Leave comments on the post or ask them next Weds in the Marketplace product meeting
- Look for email on choosing projects to work on
- Chuck on PTO 2/11-18
- Weekly status, what have people been working on:
- clouserw: Been at TRIBE for two days. Currently on an airplane, but been organizing results of our work week in the downtime. Also HR stuff.
- ngoke: moved theme reviewer tools back to AMO, getting commbadge to a non-purgatory state
- mat: fixing weird old code/magic to help django 1.6 porting
- andym: turning on zippy on -dev, filing bugs
- jkerim: landed in toronto office, starting on new payments pages in developer hub
- muffinresearch: Update all the things deps in zippy, updates to grunt-i18n-abide, see zippy into verbatim.
- kumar: APK signer and a new Hawk lib
- chuck: possibly/probably pivoting from feed to operator dashboard
- robhudson: regions in app installs (frontend and backend), DRF auth to middlewarez, help remove some top missed searches, monolith API on-the-fly queries.
- cvan: LOMA
- Releases:
- spavoski release hero this week
- ngoke release hero next week (ROGER)
Last meeting: Jan 24th, 10am PST
- Work week preparations
- Hackathon projects
- Something to talk about
- We're doing a lot of pair programming, think about that this week[end] so we can use our time well
- Releases
- cvan release hero this week
- kumar release hero next week
- Weekly status, what have people been working on
- andym: meetings, apk factory
- clouserw: omg-workweek-logistics, EOL builder.amo < omg yes
- muffinresearch: UI for mt-auth. Using bower for deps in zippy. Ui-tests. Adding behaviour to CC page. Prep for work-week talk.
- mat: API performance / cleanups
- robhudson: stats for per-app dashboards, downloads stats cleanup, misc IARC stuff, debugging why stats stop working :(
- mstriemer: validator updates, restofworld changes.
- kumar: APK Signer
- chuck: feed API bugs, reviewing all 7000 of mat's PRs
- ngoke: iarc bug squash, moving along the commbadge train
- ashort: AMO test debugging, django 1.6 porting
- Accessibility Rating/Reviews
- rating of apps to show accessible they are
- Interesting idea, please email with info so we cover product/UX people as well.
- New position open