MDN/Doc Sprints/2011Q1
MDN Doc Sprint 2011 Q1
This will be a virtual (all online) sprint. (If you want to organize a local meet-up of doc sprinters, please go for it!)
- Starting time: 28 January 2011, 14:00 UTC (6:00 am US Pacific time)
- Ending time: 29 January 2011, 23:59 UTC (4:00 pm US Pacific time)
- Coordinate via #devmo on
- See our Etherpad with notes
You are welcome to start earlier or continue later, but this time frame is when you are likely to find other people online working on MDN. Obviously, you do not have to participate the entire time; drop in when it's convenient, and sleep when you need to.
Here is a schedule for meetings in IRC during the sprint:
UTC | US Pacific | What |
Fri 14:00 | Fri 6:00a | Kick-off |
Fri 20:00 | Fri 12:00 pm | status check |
Sat 06:00 | Fri 10:00 pm | status check |
Sat 12:00 | Sat 4:00 am | status check |
Sat 18:00 | Sat 10:00 am | status check |
Sat 23:59 | Sat 4:00 pm | final status and wrap-up |
To translate these times into your local timezone, see Time Zone Converter
Some places to get ideas of things to write about:
- MDN documentation wishlist
- Notes on dev-doc-needed bugs
- What we did in the Paris sprint (for inspiration)
Suggest a topic, either that you want to work on, or that you'd like to see done by someone.
- We need more intro-level tutorials for HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- These don't need to cover all of HTML, etc. You can pick a related set of features, come up with a small, realistic example, and explain how it works.
- More examples! (for everything! could link to a jsfiddle working demo of the code demonstrated in the article)
- Make sure we have good examples for everything in the CSS Reference; this would be a fun, easy task to take on that would have a big impact on doc quality. Also good for people who don't write a lot but know CSS.
- Similarly, the HTML Element Reference could use a going-over to ensure there are samples for each element.
- Add/update cross-browser compatibility charts at the bottom of each page
- Create an attribute directory for HTML that maps attributes to the elements they're used by. (evilpie: JSON Dump of attribute -> elements mapping, I am sure there are errors in it, but you get the idea) (spec:
- Enhance constructor with more of a description and examples.
- Augment existing articles with the gotchas you've hit.
- :TheOne: I can write Places stuff (with JavaScript) if needed/wanted, or just general add-on coding or interface documentation for JavaScript
- Go through all the "New in JavaScript X" articles and make sure the stuff they cover is included in the JavaScript Reference and JavaScript Guide.
- Collect pages to add here: (it's kind of embarrassing right now)
- Flesh out Canvas API (don't just regurgitate the spec), and interlink with the Canvas Tutorial.
- Add some of the code examples on restartless add-ons from the recent blog posts about it.
- The Embedding API Reference is completely worthless. Would rock if someone would make it not so.
If you're planning to participate, please add your name, IRC nickname, and what you'd like to work on below (you need to create an account on this wiki, which is spam-free).
- Janet Swisher [:jms], update IndexedDB API, CSS tutorial part 2
- Eric Shepherd [:sheppy], Cocoa NPAPI event model for plugins
- Florian Scholz [:Elchi3], MathML reference/tutorial & various German l10n tasks/updates
- David Bruant, JavaScript/ECMAScript stuffs
- Tane Piper, JavaScript/ECMAScript stuffs
- Andreas Wagner [:TheOne], see above. I have to start and stop a bit earlier.
- Tom Schuster @evilpies JavaScript/ES (maybe jsapi), TypedArrays, HTML Attribute List
- Paul Irish [:paul_irish], TBD
- Addy Osmani [:addyosmani], Introduction to Web Development
- Jeremie Patonnier [:jeremie], Improving and cleaning SVG Documentation
- Garann Means [:garann], contenteditable or designMode stuff
- Moises Trovo [:mtrovo], intro-level tutorials for HTML, CSS and Javascript (including mini-tutorial for page-turning effect in Javascript).
- Mathias Bynens [:matjas], TBD
- Jussi Kalliokoski [:quinnirill], JS/ES/Harmony, Audio API?
- Brian Brennan [:brianloveswords], JS, tutorials, examples, compatibility (maybe)
- Anastasia Cheetham [:anastasiac], techniques for supporting keyboard navigation; "why ARIA?"
- Anton Kovalyov [:antonkovalyov], TBD
- Seyi Ogunyemi [:micrypt], TBD
- Robert Massa [:Grepsy], TBD
- Jonathan Wilsson [:McGurk] CSS Page pseudo-classes, HTML reference
- Daniel Lopretto [:timemachine3030], TBD
- Trevor Hobson [:trevor], XPCOM Interfaces
- Miles Clark [:mmclark], CSS Reference, etc.
- Colin Clark [:colinclark], accessibility overview, keyboard navigation
- Maxime Chatelle [:xakyz], writing examples, french translation, others...
- Alexandre Chatelle [:shz] TBD
- Ioana Chiorean [:ioanachiorean] TBD
- Tomislav Jovanovic [:tomica], CSS ref, multicolumn, JS stuff
- Matheus S. Svolenski [:msvolenski], brazilian-portuguese translation
- Christian Sonne [:cers], CSS gradients, TBD
- Mason Stewart [:masondesu], HTML & CSS tutorials, examples, references, etc
- Manuel Strehl [:Boldewyn], mostly SVG
- Ryan Olson [:thatryan], CSS examples, attribute descriptions
- Fabrício Ferracioli [:fferracioli], Brazilian-Portuguese localization
- Alex Lakatos[:Alex_Star] CSS examples
Please list who you are and what you did (this will be published in a blog post).