London launch party fx4

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Okay so this is a quick and dirty wiki page on the plans that should be solidified for the Firefox 4 Launch Party in London.

Working Group

William Duyck, Gervase Markham, Arran Ross-Paterson, Desigan Chinniah, Laurian Gridinoc, Henrik Mitsch, Piotr Zalewa, WeLikePie, Rob Hawkes

Date & Venue

We now have a venue for the event!!!
This wonderful, benevolent, glorious venue isThe Hub - Kings-Cross on April 21st, 2011 So not only do we now have somewhere to party we also have a set date. And its this year!!! :P


100% Free!


The times on this schedule are quite loose we want to keep the event relaxed and comfortable

  • 6pm - start setup (moving tables, setting up sound equipment etc. a few volunteers here would be welcome)
  • 6:45pm - doors open (anyone early will be asked to help with final bits of setup)
  • between 7pm and 7:10pm - start short talk on Mozilla (who we are, where we come from, why we rule)
  • between 7:10pm and 7:20pm - start talk from Chris on the amazing Firefox 4
  • between 7:30pm and 7:40pm - get the drinking and socializing going with some music (this is where the dj comes into play)
  • 9:30pm - last orders at The Hub
  • 9:45pm - attendees leave for pub, some stay behind to help clean up operation (a few volunteers here also would be great)
  • 10pm - the party at undisclosed pub
  • some point Thursday night or the wee hours of Friday morning - everyone goes home (or to nearby accommodation will get a list of good places on this list and event page)

Between the talks and party there will be games that will fun to play that will get people interacting... Think MMMPTW (multi-massive multi-player thumb war) mini tournament. As well as a small game of opposites ( see here for instructions (we will make tweaks) so people can learn each others names and we can have a laugh at everyones confusion. Oh and of course this will help community spirit and bonds. We maybe only want to do one of these two games however.


  • The party should come in two parts, an afternoon talking bit which younger community members like Leo and others can come to, and an evening till night part which should contain lots of drinking and does not have to be at the same location, for this part we could just move on to a local bar/pub/club.
  • Invite not just Mozillians but those interested in becoming Mozillain or those who just want to join us in celebrating the Firefox Awesomeness