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What is Ubiquity?

Ubiquity was a Mozilla Labs experiment that was in development from 2008 to 2009. Its purpose was to explore whether a radically different type of interface to the Web — a task-centric, natural-language-based command line — could help us get common Web tasks done faster.

Development is currently on indefinite hiatus. We will most likely revisit the experiment at some point in the future. In the meantime, the Ubiquity extension for Firefox is still available for download (see below). Also, some of the ideas from Ubiquity are being implemented in Jetpack.

You can learn more about Ubiquity by reading Atul's blog post entitled Ubiquitous Interfaces, Ubiquitous Functionality, or try it out via the User Tutorial.

Other informative blog posts about Ubiquity include:

  1. Trusting Functionality by Atul
  2. Mouse-Based Ubiquity
  3. Sharing Streamable Functionality by Aza
  4. Language-Based Interfaces, part 1: The Problem by Jono
  5. Our Presentation at Labs Night by Jono
  6. Why Verbs? by Jono
  7. Selected Press



  1. General Google Group/mailing list - Useful for discussion of command development, user interface, feature suggestions, and other high-level discussions.
  2. Core Google Group/mailing list - Discussion of low-level internals of Ubiquity.
  3. Get Satisfaction - Ideas, Complaints, Forum, and "Customer Service"
  4. #ubiquity - Live internet relay chat discussion.
  5. Good-for-beginners bugs - bug tickets which may be good for a Ubiquity beginner to attack
  6. Frequently Encountered Bugs - bugs that get reported a lot on the mailing list and Get Satisfaction that would make lots of people happy if they got fixed
  7. Commands In The Wild Add links to your commands here.
  8. Issue Tracker - Used to report/discuss bugs and submit patches for Ubiquity.
  9. Trac Components and Keywords - Keywords and categories to use when filing Trac tickets.
  10. Ubiquity HG Repository - The Mercurial source code repository for Ubiquity.
  11. Buildbot - Continuous integration that runs Ubiquity unit tests after every commit. If the tests fail, they're reported immediately to the mailing list.
  12. Credits





  1. @mozillaubiquity: The main source of news & info about the Ubiquity project via Twitter. Be sure to follow.
  2. @azaaza: Mozilla's co-lead developer for the Ubiquity project
  3. @toolness: Mozilla's co-lead developer for the Ubiquity project
  4. @reybango: Evangelist for the Ubiquity project
  5. @theunfocused: Fellow Mozillian Blair McBride
  6. @_abi_: Created the Devo Firefox extension which provided a keyboard command launcher similar to what Ubiquity is today.
  7. @fernando_takai: Major supporter of Ubiquity.
  8. @mitchoyoshitaka: Resident linguist
  9. @bpung: Mozilla labs intern, developer for Ubiquity
  10. @ChristianSonne: Developer for Ubiquity

The Herd

The Herd keeps track of all Ubiquity scripts. For more information, see the following links:

  1. Herd HG Repository
  2. Herd Developer FAQ
  3. CouchDB - database used for Herd
  4. The Herd-The Herd Itself.


  1. Ubiquity Roadmap - from 0.5 to 1.0
  2. Command Suggestions - use this page to suggest new Ubiquity commands you'd like to see.
  3. Proposals for New Nouns
  4. Proposals for new "Magic Words"
  5. Ubiquity Commands Center - an idea for a web-panel that maintains a database of Ubiquity scripts.
  6. Ubiquity Trust Network - a proposal for a distributed trust network
  7. Ubiquity In Thunderbird - let's make Ubiquity work in Thunderbird!
  8. 0.2 Roadmap Proposals - Brainstorming on possible directions to go for Ubiquity 0.2.
  9. 0.2 Design: UI and Security Extensibility - Design-related thoughts on how to make Ubiquity extensible in regards to security/command-execution and access by other Firefox UIs.
  10. Proposed commands for uplift into Ubiquity 0.2
  11. Writing commands with semantic roles - would enable commands to be automagically localized
  12. The Great Renaming -- proposal for renaming all built-in commands for consistency and to work with the Overlord Verbs system.

Internationalization and Localization

  1. internationalization and localization pages
  2. Ubiquity i18n Google Group/mailing list for discussion of internationalization and localization topics
  3. Command Localization Tutorial for how to translate commands to your language

Release Notes