Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-01-25
From MozillaWiki
< Labs | Jetpack | Weekly Meeting
- followups from last meeting
- Brian to set up Skype account for testing Skype-based meetings
- Myk to recommend API with e10s adapter to serve as testbed for Vats
- FlightDeck 1.0a8 status
- SDK 1.0b2 status
- SDK 1.0b3 planning and status
- continuous integration status
- roundtable
- Followups
- warner didn't get skype experiment running, will try again for next week
- FightDeck-1.0a8 status
- All deliverables are on-track for release
- 1.0b2 status
- Strict mode has been fully activated in Fx and has caused errors to be throw in the SDK tests. This is not considered a blocker.
- 1.0b3 planning
- The 1.0b3 release plan is now final.
- All deliverables but Window and Tabs APIs are on-track
- Roundtable
- XPIs will no longer bundle every API in the SDK for each add-on