L10n Talk:Localization Process

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mic: how about "Assess the merits of the language, in particular in terms of population and linguistic. Are there new users to be reached by adding this language that we can't reach with existing languages, or will there likely be an active user community forming around this language?" --Pike 14:01, 26 April 2007 (PDT)

Introductory paragraph

I'm not sure if I still need the following type of paragraph as an introduction to this section, or if it's ok as is: This is an overview of the L10n process to localize Firefox from a process perspective. What we're attempting to convey is the step by step process that you as a volunteer might expect when you take on the task of localizing Firefox into a new language. We're hoping this encourages you by providing more transparency in our process and indicating how and where (like expanding your community, doing local marketing, etc) we'd like to be more helpful to you. Feedback is welcomed at mic@mozilla.com or l10n-drivers@mozilla.org


I think this is too much detail for this page in particular as the introduction, and we should aim to make it much simpler. I think I understand your intent to describe two stages, language packs and then (typically) official builds, but I'm not sure if that needs to happen here. --Mic 17:58 July 3, 2007 (EST)

a plug for .l10n

Could we add a plug for .l10n there to invite new localizers to join the l10n community at large, and not just their own little pond?