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Please add here what is running on l10n.m.o right now, with a quick description, and a contact.

The dashboard is the old code of static html pages, served off of /dashboard (Pike)
Two waterfalls are running, bringing builds to the old dashboard, accessible on /buildbot and /buildbot_admin (https) (Pike)
An instance of planet is aggregating a bunch of feeds on /planet/ (Pike)
anloc langpacks 
Periodic builds of language packs for ANLoc languages
( https:///l10n.mozilla.org/narro ) has a MySQL database, uses php and has a few cronjobs on the username alexxed, and uses what's in /home/alexxed -- Depricated
Web dashboard + main.lang checker
TODO app for web localization, no DB (Pascalc)
European Community blog
Community blog maintained mostly by our European localizers, one DB (Pascalc)
Events application for mozilla europe
a web app allowing people to register to events we organize in Europe like Fosdem, Mozcamps or MAOWs, one DB (Pascalc)

PS: The dashboard and buildbot will be mothballed soon, see bug 554226.