Webdashboard is the dashboard to display all webl10n projects. The initial implementation is in bug bug 657615. This is nothing urgent as we already have a working dashboard at http://l10n.mozilla.org/webdashboard/. That said, no Timeline will be introduced.
Requirements (WIP)
- List of projects
- Locales affected per project
- Completion percentage per project
- Urgency
- Several levels of urgency
- Urgency is assigned to a project - locales inherit urgency
- Locales
- Pending bugs
- Archived projects
- Logging in not necessary
- RSS feeds per locale/project
- Bugzilla Web Service
Project would be a webl10n project for mozilla.com/mozilla.org(later mozilla.org(later, all website l10n projects)). Project would affect certain locales, which would be shown on the project page, along with the links to the per-locale bugs. Project will have a name and decription. Project will be assigned an urgency level. Project will have a completion percentage.
Locale will be a language short-code that has opted-in for a webl10n project. Locale will have a name, description, and RSS feed for the new bugs. Bugs for locales will be filed per project([ab-CD] Project name). Webdashboard will query bugzilla for bug resolution and status.