Kubla:Meeting Notepad
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Kubla » Meeting Notepad
Oct 23, 2007
- Attendees: morgamic, clouserw, oremj
- Clouserw felt the project was moving in a direction that was going to be good for a small subset of people, but not for the majority, and so put the brakes on the launch. Specifically, using the database to store nodes, aside from being a pain (check out the bugs), it also means:
- Code is not available to the public
- We can't use the huge amount of tools out there (find, grep, etc.)
- Creating many files/directories at the same time is a pain (we make about 150 new files for every firefox release)
- The code is less mobile (I can't check out a copy somewhere and just start working)
- We lose the simple directory structure the current code has (drupal doesn't have a concept of directories other than URL aliases)
- We lose the SVN training that Pascal has been going through with localizers
- We have to modify core drupal code (bug 397540, maybe others)
- Drupal is hella slow (and I don't like saying hella!)
- Drupal opens up new security problems (I got six new security announcements on the drupal mailing list last week)
So, the plan:
- Current mozilla.com
- Essentially remains unchanged (continues to be the production tag in SVN)
- /press/ pages will be handled inside of drupal, we'll need a way to integrate the two
- Current Kubla:
- Write an interface to view a file system (check for something that exists)
- Write an interface to edit flat files
- Write any svn interface stuff we need - look at PEAR's VersionControl_SVN
One of the main problems with using SVN as a backend in our current products is speed - SVN is ridiculously slow. I think this might make fix our problems in this area, but input would be awesome:
- Create SVN post commit hook script
- Script will ping back to kubla on update script (details below)
- Kubla's update script
- Will accept file paths that have been updated in SVN
- Will `svn up` those paths (upping the individual paths should be pretty quick...I hope)
- When user wants to create a new file:
- When user wants to edit a file:
- User clicks "edit" or "create" on file
- Give user a textarea where they can input changes.
- User clicks save
- Kubla checks for an svn lock in .svn. If the lock exists, prompt user to retry later; exit. If the lock is over $x seconds old, watchdog() it.
- If no lock exists, save changes to disk
- `svn commit` the file with appropriate message
- New Questions:
- How will updates be managed on mozilla.com? (oremj)
- Either `svn up` on a cron job, or another post-commit hook to update the live site off the production tag.
- How will we sync SVN and Drupal permissions? (oremj)
- SVN currently grants permissions for localizers to /locale/. Kubla can have more specific perms, but there won't be much syncage. Moving an account from localizer->admin will require a bug.
- How will we be able to make new accounts? (oremj)
- We'll have to have a special form in Kubla that files an IT bug. Since people have to get r+ and potentially fill out agreements, this isn't a terrible thing. It's also a good papertrail.
- How will updates be managed on mozilla.com? (oremj)
Sep 10, 2007
- Current timeline says live on moz.com in 2 weeks! (omg)
- new wiki page for Documentation
- Triage bugs
- next meeting?
Sep 4, 2007
- new wiki page for Kubla:Deployment
- Questions
- How does a reviewer know when a new version of a page exists?
- New review queue getting committed soon. Click "Workspace" then "Review Queue"
- How does a reviewer know when a new version of a page exists?
- Triage bugs
- How do we want to split these up?
- Need to implement Bugzilla::RandomAssignment - new project for Reed?
- How do we want to split these up?
- clouserw to file bugs from the Outdated ToDoThat page and the last of his notes
- Next Meeting
- Sep 11th, 2pm
Aug 23, 2007
- Recap Alex's Schedule
- Gone Aug 26-32nd, Leaving on Sept 15th
- Look at where we currently are with todo/things that should be done
- Language detection and URL handling?
- Essentially done, got some tweaks to do
- Need to add locale mapping: en->en-US, es->es-ES, ja-JP-mac->ja, no->nb-NO, pt->pt-PT, sv->sv-SE
- Need to add English fallback to front pages only (it works on all other pages). eg. User goes to /de/ and page doesn't exist, they should be redirected to /en-US/
- Need to test host switching
- Language detection and URL handling?
- Workflow module?
- Finished, ready for review
- Publisher/admin can choose to immediately publish their changes, but should default to "needs review"
- Workflow module?
- Permissions structure?
- locale_access module is finished, ready for review
- Permissions structure?
- Upload/download files
- Under development
- Upload/download files
- clouserw to review/verify all these next week
- Other Concerns?
- fligtar contributes: hey guys, did you know that rrruffles have ridges?
- Need to fix breadcrumbs
- Need to incorporate product-details code
- Need to setup /press/ pages
- Need hella testing
- Investigate drupal's simpletest module?
- Lots of cleanup/link checking/etc.
- Next Meeting?
- Sep. 4th, 2pm. Be there or be square.