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< Identity | WeeklyMeeting
Last Week's Actions
- Ben to send Crystal and Mary baseline security requirements for clicked links in email.
- Dan and Ben to consider load-balancing impact of base domain names vs. www.*
Major Topics
- improving information flow in a distributed team: Yammer? More open tool?
- Trains moved to two week cycles,
- Frontend: Changes for UX testing, bug fixes
- Etherpad progress Dev environment bug 698110
- [GECKO platform / ddahl] A native property is now functional and has a test suite, however, still needs some tweaks to produce the proper JOSE formatted keys and assertions, see bug 665057
- Question: DSA algorithm, NSS only provides 1024/128bit, does BrowserID default to 2048/256?
- Question: are we moving to ECDSA only? Let's make sure NSS provides the correct curves
- Action: I need a walk through of the existing JOSE JWT/JWK formatting produced by our code
- [Findings] The Mozilla DOM team prefers event-drivin DOM APIs. They probably will frown on our callback-driven during review
Security & Privacy
- browserid phx1 buildout continues
- machines kicked, network ACLs next
- then loadtesting, cross-DC DNS testing, etc.
- supporting train in stage, going to prod this week (Wednesday?)
- Train 20: Stage
- Bug 723755 - QA and deploy BrowserID train-2012.02.02 to production
- Bug 721455 - Deploy localized browserid to stage
- Bug 723775 - Create/Deploy l10n preview env for browserid
- Hot Fixes:
- #1 for #1059
- 1059: Use l10n-all config file when building locale data.
- #2 for #1063/#1058
- 1063: Hotfix 1058 forgot password
- 1058: Two new issues with the dialogs for 'forgot password' (train-2012.02.02)
- QA action items
- Test planning for new UI changes/flows (desktop/mobile)
- QA sanity testing of Prod deployment to PHX colo (delayed till late Feb/early Mar)
- Client-side Selenium II automation
- Work with Pete to finish up RPM install and configuration of QA environment (ID2)
- Usage planning for new Test/CI environment
- Test planning for upcoming BID/Etherpad and BID/ work
None. Dashboards seem to be chugging along well.
- Ben/Lloyd show ddahl JWT
- Christian needs a better front-line demo