Impact Goal Curricula
MoFo FLEX 2019 - Project Proposal
Project Lead: Becca Ricks
Area of Focus: Machine Decision Making (Impact Goal)
Knowledge Level Required: Intermediate
This project is actively seeking contributors, you can sign up to participate here.
Project Information
Project Description:
MoFo has an opportunity to educate itself and learn together about this year's impact goal, machine decision-making (AI). The project idea is to develop a set of curricula (suggested readings & questions) based on the challenges raised in the literature review–data privacy concerns, bias in training data, algorithms & behaviors, lack of accountability mechanisms, etc. The idea is that anyone from MoFo can self-organize into small discussion groups to talk about each topic.
Expected Outcomes
The hope is that MoFo as an organization is able to develop a more in-depth knowledge about the challenges posed by AI that goes reacting to the news cycle. We should all be able to speak and work confidently around the impact goal.
Help Required
Based on the challenge areas identified in the literature review, the hope is that contributors will volunteer to tackle a topic and develop out a suggested curriculum on that topic. These are suggestions–groups can diverge from the topics, too.
Required Time Commitments
The project will take place over 1-2 months. The Project Lead will spend 1 hour working on the project per week and contributors would need to allow for 1 hour per week to fully get involved.
Project Updates
More to come...