FirefoxOS/New security model/FxOS 2.5 Scrum

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Key milestones and Target Dates

  • Release Available (RA) : Nov 02 2015
  • Code Complete (CC) : Jan 18 2016

Detailed Sprint schedule

Sprint 5: 2015/08/10 - 2015/08/21

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1165214 -- DOM: Device Interfaces Honza Bambas (:mayhemer) DOMStorageManager should use origin for ScopeKey and QuotaKey RESOLVED
1170894 P1 DOM: Content Processes Kan-Ru Chen [:kanru] (UTC+9) Implement process switching for browser-element RESOLVED
1180087 P1 Networking Kan-Ru Chen [:kanru] (UTC+9) Switch privileged process when loading a page from a signed package RESOLVED
1181137 P1 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] Packaged Apps do not apply security headers RESOLVED
1185439 P1 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] Packaged apps needs to know the header of the multipart'ed content RESOLVED
1188717 P2 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] Store necessary info to cache metadata for packaged web app RESOLVED

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 6 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint 6: 2015/08/24 - 2015/09/04

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1178525 P1 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] Ensure the package is verified before content is served RESOLVED

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint 7: 2015/09/07 - 2015/09/18

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1165267 P1 Networking: Cookies Ethan Tseng [:ethan] Use OriginAttributes for nsCookieService RESOLVED
1209662 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Support session history navigation between different processes for new security model process isolation RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint 8: 2015/09/21 - 2015/10/02

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1163254 P1 Security: CAPS Henry Chang [:hchang] Add signedPkg OriginAttribute for new Firefox OS security model RESOLVED
1165256 P2 Networking: Cache Honza Bambas (:mayhemer) use origin for app_cache RESOLVED
1165269 P2 Networking: Cache Honza Bambas (:mayhemer) Use origin for http cache RESOLVED
1165466 P2 Security: CAPS Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] Fix up docshell and loadcontext inheriting code in nsIScriptSecurityManager to use originAttributes rather than explicitly querying appid/browser RESOLVED
1167098 P2 DOM: Content Processes IPC change for the new FirefoxOS security model RESOLVED
1168777 P2 DOM: Apps Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] remove mozIApplicationClearPrivateDataParams RESOLVED
1178518 P2 Networking Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] Support for verifying signed packages RESOLVED
1179060 P2 DOM: Security Ethan Tseng [:ethan] Apply a default CSP for signed packaged content RESOLVED
1179061 P2 DOM: Security Ethan Tseng [:ethan] Create CSP tests for signed packages RESOLVED
1179985 P2 DOM: Core & HTML [meta] Make all Origin-Related APIs OriginAttributes-aware RESOLVED
1181389 P2 DOM: Service Workers Dimi Lee [:dimi] check for full package update when doing service worker update RESOLVED
1181390 P2 DOM: Service Workers Dimi Lee [:dimi] fire install and activate events on service worker RESOLVED
1186843 P2 DOM: Content Processes Kan-Ru Chen [:kanru] (UTC+9) Notify observers "message-manager-will-change" before switching processes RESOLVED
1190290 P2 Networking Valentin Gosu [:valentin] (he/him) {{ FYI: OOO 14 June - 4 August }} Figure out updates of pinned packages RESOLVED
1196644 P2 DOM: Core & HTML Stephanie Ouillon [:arroway] (needinfo me) Add OriginAttributes to PermissionSettings RESOLVED

15 Total; 0 Open (0%); 15 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint 9: 2015/10/05 - 2015/10/16

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1178452 P3 General Allow hosting signed packages on developer server RESOLVED
1178556 P2 DOM: Security Ethan Tseng [:ethan] Ensure script-src 'self' is restricted to content inside the signed package RESOLVED
1186290 P2 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] Notify TabParent to switch process when a signed packaged is loading from different origin. RESOLVED
1202555 P2 Networking Henry Chang [:hchang] [PackagedAppService] Copy headers from package to each subresource for signed package. RESOLVED
1206058 P2 DOM: Apps Stephanie Ouillon [:arroway] (needinfo me) Register app handlers (system msg) on navigation to signed packages RESOLVED

5 Total; 0 Open (0%); 5 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint 10: 2015/10/19 - 2015/10/30

  • Planned
  • On-going

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

  • Completed
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status
1178448 P2 Gaia Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] Tool for creating new signed packages RESOLVED
1180088 P1 DOM: Core & HTML Henry Chang [:hchang] Fix security checks so that they work without appid by tagging a child process with a package identifier. RESOLVED
1196665 -- Runtime Yoshi Cheng-Hao Huang [:allstars.chh][:allstarschh][:yoshi] Add originAttributes into SpecialPowers RESOLVED
1214572 P2 General Henry Chang [:hchang] Should use a new process to load content when loading from a signed packaged web app. RESOLVED
1216469 P2 Security Jonathan Hao (inactive) [:jhao] Bypass verification for signed packages from trust origins. RESOLVED

5 Total; 0 Open (0%); 5 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);
