Firefox3.6/Marketing/Page Testing
From MozillaWiki
< Firefox3.6 | Marketing
Project Goal
On-going project to test and optimize pages on
- Laura Mesa, Creative Marketing
- John Slater, Creative Marketing
- Jane Finette, User Marketing
- Bob Morgan, Consultant
- Blake Cutler, Metrics
- Steven Garrity, Wed Development
- Stephen Donner, Web QA
Pages to Test
First Run
- Control Metrics
- ~400K pv/day currently
- CTR rate is 8.93%
- bounce rate 91.07%
- Versions
- First Run A:Task Oriented Design
- 11.9%
- bounce rate XX%
- Bug:
- First Run A1: Tak Oriented Design with Personas Tab as Default
- bounce rate XX%
- First Run B:Tab Oriented Design
- bounce rate XX%
- Bug:536982
- First Run C:Process Oriented Design
- bounce rate XX%
- Bug:541233
- First Run A:Task Oriented Design
- Control Metrics
- ~325K pv/day currently
- CTR rate is 90.86%
- bounce rate 9.14%
- Versions
- A: Paired down page, bringing all content above the fold page with as few links as possible.
- A: Paired down page, bringing all content above the fold page with as few links as possible.
- bounce rate XX%
- Bug: 546524
- B: Expansion of Design A with links to detailed benefits below the fold.
- bounce rate XX%
- Bug: 546527
- Control Metrics
- 650K pv/day
- CTR 48.57%
- Bounce rate 51.43%
Getting Started
- Control Metrics
- 625K pv/day
- CTR 9.96%
- bounce rate 90.04%
- Versions
- Tips & Tricks Content
- bounce rate XX%