Firefox/Projects/Startup Time Improvements/IO Scratchpad
From MozillaWiki
< Firefox | Projects | Startup Time Improvements
- Pref files
- read every startup
- read after the profile is selected too?
- combine into separate gecko/firefox files?
- all.js
- security-prefs.js
- xpinstall.js
- channel-prefs.js
- firefox.js
- firefox-branding.js
- firefox-l10n.js
- reporter.js
- All libraries loaded at startup - why?
- softokn3/nssdbm3 loaded by safe browsing invocation
- bug 501605 still needed on trunk
- content-prefs.sqlite
- don't create it until there are actually prefs to store
- fastload
- fastloaded files are stat'd every startup - JAR up components?
- {profile}/minidumps created or stat'd every startup
- Rooting around in Crash Reports directory
- bug 507101 - 5 separate component files for password manager
- also 209KB - compress whitespace?
- bug 507073 - Build browser dirprovider into existing browser lib
Potential modules
- safe browsing
- nsAddonRepository
- nsContentDispatchChooser