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Meet your friendly neighbourhood Human APIs! The folks in the lab coats.

These people know amazing amounts about tools and tech that will help you get things built. Reach out to them directly or through the #MozHelp hash tag.

David Raznick Drazinck-e1311285094180.jpg
I can help you: Access and use data from the UK government
Find me: tweeting to #MozFest

Makoto Inoue photo__1__reasonably_small.jpg
I can help you: How to use Storify API, programming & scraping with Ruby & Javascript. Data mining with SQL & NoSQL . Data visualization with JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit
Find me: Twitter

Cyberdees deesc.jpg
Mozilla Web Apps
I can help you: Build browser-based apps that work on any device.
Find me: Twitter

Reedy 255050_10150660967400385_747360384_18955954_422872_n_reasonably_small.jpg
MediaWiki, Wikipedia
I can help you: Hacking MediaWiki, reuse Wikipedia content
Find me: Twitter

Brian Brennan blue-beanie_reasonably_small.png
Open Badges
I can help you: Integrate open badges (peer-based credentials) into your project.
Find me: Twitter

Bobby Richter me_reasonably_small.jpg
Mozilla Paladin
I can help you: Learn about our new HTML5, browser-based games engine.
Find me: Twitter

Evert Pot Screen_shot_2011-08-24_at_3.04.41_PM_reasonably_small.PNG
I can help you: Use our media transcoding and video editing API, PHP, Javascript, API design, Rest-services and anything HTTP
Find me: Twitter

Zach Beauvais zach_beauvais_reasonably_small.jpg
I can help you: Find and Publish Linked Data, Get APIs for datasets
Find me: Twitter: @zbeauvais

Mary Rose Cook avatar.php?gravatar_id=4fc0d13d7bbdbf5c075560c919db373e&size=100.png
I can help you: JavaScript, WebSockets, HTML5 Games, Realtime Web and Pusher
Find me: Twitter

Phil Leggetter avatar.php?gravatar_id=016deaac2e0c5474e0588e00a15e8dcf&size=100.png
I can help you: JavaScript, WebSockets, HTTP Streaming, HTTP Long-Polling (boo!), Realtime Data, Realtime Web and Pusher
Find me: Twitter

Rob Spectre 4a1ecddb56fa45f5a1f745ed00a4595c.jpg?size=100.png
I can help you: Python, JavaScript, RESTful APIs, Twilio, Boxee and hating the New York Yankees.
Find me: Twitter Brooklyn Hacker

Stevie Graham 248248_10150281900776057_514231056_9044761_1568240_n_reasonably_small.jpg
I can help you: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, CSS3, Twilio, API design, HTML5, WebSockets
Find me: Twitter

Peter O'Shaughnessy 3240_706047310368_199711785_42800482_807427_n_normal.jpg
I can help you: Accessing content via the Pearson APIs node.js javascript java
Find me: @poshaughnessy

Dan Murphy DanMurphy_normal.jpg
I can help you: Using the Pearson APIs, programming in ruby javascript java etc
Find me: @dgem

Jonathan Watt jonathan-watt-2.jpg
I can help you: Using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), DOM (Document Object Model) and other Web standards stuff.
Find me: @jwatt