FLISOL Lara 2012
FLISoL Lara 2012
The event will start on 2012/04/28 08:00:00 AM till 2012/04/28 05:00:00 PM.
Cabudare, Venezuela, LATAM
This event is owned by ThePhoenixBird
It is estimated that 100-500 people will be at the event.
Biggest Open Source Event in all spanish speaking contries of LATAM, this event is running the same day in several countries in Latin America and some of their cities. El Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (FLISoL) es el evento de difusión de Software Libre más grande en Latinoamérica. Se realiza desde el año 2005 y desde el 2008 se adoptó su realización el 4to Sábado de abril de cada año.
Bugs Associated
Budget ticket : [1]
Swag ticket : 743494
Event Website : http://www.flisol.info/FLISOL2012/Venezuela/Lara
- "{{{eventdate}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
- "{{{eventdays}}}" is not a number.
- URIs of the form "{{{http://mozmymeetup.eventbrite.com/}}}" are not allowed.
- Property "Eventbudget" (as page type) with input value "{{{eventbudget}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Google Map: http://t.co/fOeUJvmg
There will be a Mozilla Talk by Arturo Martinez (ThePhoenixBird) in the main Event schedule, and a Mozilla Booth.