Event:SXSW Interactive 2011

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One of several events that Mozilla is participating in.

SXSW Interactive SXSW® Interactive features five days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders, the incredible new SXSW Trade Show and an unbeatable lineup of special programs showcasing the best new digital works, video games and innovative ideas the international community has to offer. Join us for the most energetic, inspiring and creative event of the year, taking place March 11-15, 2011 in Austin, Texas.

South by Southwest (SXSW) Conferences & Festivals offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW is the premier destination for discovery. Year after year, the event is a launching pad for new creative content. New media presentations, music showcases and film screenings provide buzz generating exposure for creators and compelling entertainment for audiences. Conference panel discussions present a forum for learning, business activity thrives at the Trade Shows and global networking opportunities abound.”



SXSW Sessions

2011-03-11 Friday

8pm-12am - Help out at the Mobile Truck. Location: TBD https://intranet.mozilla.org/Mobilelaunchevents

2-3pm - Chrissie Brodigan (Mozilla Creative Team) How Not to Design Like a Developer (Open Source Projects) http://t.co/DOKUjuY

Open source projects, in particular, have long skimped on presentation and packaging (basically, they are the equivalent of "she has a great personality!" in the world of blind dating). This talk is on how designer (graphic, UI & UX, all deft ninjas of the visual and editorial) organize and contribute their visual hacks to open source projects, working in tandem with engineers.

Specifically, we'll look at how designers can get involved with Mozilla's Creative Collective, as well as how developers can leverage some of lessons learned by Mozilla's workflow and community-organizing techniques to foster their own design communities and inspire individuals to contribute to other open source projects of all sizes. People who have contributed to or are working on an open source project, do so in an effort to create and distribute free software (free as in “free speech” v. free as in “drinks on me tonight!”*).

This is a great opportunity to get involved with a team and movement (or start your own) that making a better and more awesome internet. As a bonus, contributing to open source is also a great way to enhance your portfolio, discover the brightest people, and create career-inspiring opportunities for yourself and your peers.

2011-03-12 Saturday

11:00 Drawing back the curtains on CSS implementation

8pm-12am - Help out at the mobile truck. Location: TBD

2011-03-13 Sunday

8pm-12am - Help out at the mobile truck. Location: TBD (https://intranet.mozilla.org/Mobilelaunchevents)

2011-03-14 Monday

11:00 Big Data and APIs for PHP Developers

Big Data creates problems and opportunities that do not exist when dealing with smaller datasets. You will learn how to scale, utilize, and visualize Big Data as well as create and integrate Big Data related APIs. We will talk about how to scale your data, expose your data through APIs, integrate existing data from the data marketplace, and communicate your data through visualization.

You will find out what techniques and strategies work best when working with Big Data. Many developers have learned how to scale their systems for high levels of concurrency. However, scaling for Big Data has its own unique challenges. Sometimes strategies that would make no sense for smaller systems work great when dealing with larger datasets. This Workshop is geared towards PHP developers, but all are welcome.

  1. What is unique about scaling for Big Data?
  2. What are some best practices and strategies for exposing Big Data sources through APIs?
  3. What are some existing sources of Big Data, free or commercial, that can I integrate into my applications through APIs?
  4. How do I communicate information clearly, concisely, and eloquently through visualization?
  5. What techniques and strategies work best when working Big Data?

15:30 The Future of Microformats

Google, via it's rich snippets, has reported that microformats has a 94% usage share (as compared with RDFa etc.). So how does the future look for microformats? In this session, we'll look closely at real problems with implementing microformats in HTML5 and how this can be done, and whether there will be a continuing place for them. We'll also look at emerging technologies and techniques, such as RelAuthMe and discuss advanced user techniques. As Microformats passes through it's 5th birthday, we'll discuss the highs and lows of the project.

15:30 Mozilla School of Webcraft @P2PU

P2PU School of Webcraft: Web developer training that’s free, open and globally accessible. Mozilla and Peer 2 Peer University are creating the P2PU School of Webcraft, a new way to teach and learn web developer skills. Our classes are globally accessible, 100% free, and powered by learners, mentors and contributors like you. Our goal is to provide a free pathway to skills and certification to help people build careers on open web technology. Existing developer training is expensive, out of touch, and out of reach. We leverage peer learning powered by mentors and learners like you and self-organized study groups. We use existing open and free learning materials In this sixty minute session we'll briefly cover the inception of the Peer 2 Peer University along with details and success stories from the first three cycles of courses. We'll then dive into more detail about our collaboration with Mozilla Drumbeat including Mozilla's mission to engage the next million Mozillians. We'll present the P2PU School of Webcraft, and a case study of courses offered so far, including the first course, 'Mashing Up the Open Web.' Additionally, we'll introduce our plans to separate learning from assessment and our community driven credentialing system. At the end of the session we will invite the audience, and all of SXSW, to join a course on open web skills to be offered during the week of the event. Read more.

2011-03-15 Tuesday

17:00 Voices from the HTML5 Trenches

The term HTML5 now refers to the much-hyped kitchen sink of the web. It covers *everything* including things not officially part of the HTML5 specification. Yet "HTML5" is now the catch phrase to describe the new wave of platform competition on the web, and browser vendors vie to outdo each other on benchmark tests touting compliance and performance. Every major browser vendor -- Apple, Opera, IE, Chrome, and Firefox -- will have a significant browser release by SxSW 2011. Microsoft's recent IE9 press event suggests that they are "all in for HTML5." So if all of us browser vendors are "all in" for HTML5, what does this mean for web developers? And what's up with the dirty marketing buzz around tests and demo pages? This panel will expose the areas where we browser vendors cooperate as well as compete, and will push on the painful spots where we seem to disagree. We'll bring every major browser vendor to the table, and talk about open video on the web (and video codecs), what this all means to Flash, APIs (including contentious ones, like databases), CSS (including once hot areas like fonts) graphics, SVG vs. Canvas, WebGL, Device APIs, and security. This browser wars panel will be less like Inside Baseball, and more about the practical issues confronting web developers today. We'll poke at the raw spots that browser vendors need to discuss. As always, audience participation will account for a substantial chunk of time

8pm-12am - Help with the mobile truck. Location: TBD (*8pm-12am - Help out at mobile truck - Location: TBC (https://intranet.mozilla.org/Mobilelaunchevents))


Please also add yourself to the SXSW 2011 listing on the Events page.

MoCo and MoFo

Add yourself, alphabetical by family name:


  • Caitlin Looney
  • Stormy Peters
  • ...


  • TBD

Mozilla Team Goals

  • Developer Engagement:
    • Promote Mozilla and MDN as a trusted source of high quality vendor-neutral information about open web standards.
    • Identify and try to meet with experts/influencers on HTML5, etc.


Things that worked:

Things that we can do differently:

2011 Proposals

Saved here for posterity, here are session proposals that don't appear to have made it to full fledged sessions.

How to Create Prototypes and Influence People

The value of an idea is zero unless it is communicated. To make a difference in your company, to get funding as an entrepreneur, to change the world, you need to be able to convince others of your ideas. Even the Palm Pilot started as a single-day prototype: a block of wood carried by founder Jeff Hawkins for weeks. Firefox Tab Sets started as a Saturday hack. The first wind-up radio was slapped together in a few hours after its inspiration. Many of the worlds most influential products have started as a prototype done in a day. This talk teaches you how to get a prototype done now, the right way and wrong way to give a demo, and how to start influencing people.

Mozilla's Army of AWESOME: Engaging Non-Technical User Participants

Mozilla is traditionally known as a technology focused, open source geeky project. And, whilst Mozilla builds Firefox for all users, its community for many years remained heavily technical. Until recently. As online life expands and more people become aware of the true collaboration and communication potential of the Web, Mozilla has attracted artists, film makers, teachers and other less technical people into its community. Learn how Mozilla increased participation and engagement in the Mozilla project on a variety of levels truly opening itself up to everyone hackers — who side by side with coders are also building and shaping the web we all want.