Engagement/Product Marketing/Projects/Installer

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A project to optimize the stub installer in a effort to increase the overall download conversion rate.

  • Project lead: Laura Forrest
  • Project members: Robert Strong (Installer Eng), Kev Needham, John Slater (Brand/Creative/Copy)


Kicking off project again

Next steps

  • Gather metrics to help assess business case


Provide a frictionless installation process that will:

  1. Increase install success rate
  2. Provide clear and consistent brand messaging

This will be done on two levels: through the product via the dramatically improved sub-installer, and throughout the website by extending consistent and streamlined messaging across the download flow and across locales. New users should be left with the feeling that Firefox is smooth/easy to use (based on Laura Mesa’s latest positioning), and is made by a organization that puts users first.

Target Audience

Installer improvements will impact first-time Firefox downloaders mainly coming from IE. These are mainstream users familiar with the web expecting a smooth and easy installation process. They've most likely heard about Firefox from a friend but are not really sure why they should use it or what to expect. (dig into this more re: what users expect from IE, Chrome, Etc.

Additionally existing Firefox users who download again should be pleasantly surprised by the ease of use and refreshing re-introduction to Firefox since their initial download. They should clearly experience first-hand that Firefox is fast, easy to use, and created by a non-profit with their interests in mind.

Success Metrics

We're severely limited when tracking how this will affect long-term acquisition rates but we will be able to track and test the direct impact this has on installation compared to the current experience.


Increase Download --> Install: Of those visitors who download Firefox through the new installer a large improvement is expected. According to metrics there is no current baseline but tests after launch will reveal exact improvement measurements.

Install --> ADI: A simplified installation process and a more cohesive brand story should result in a slightly increased user retention 30-days later. The more people who manage to get Firefox “out of the wrapping” the better the chance of a ADI. According to metrics there is no current baseline but tests after launch will reveal exact improvement measurements.

DIP: Decrease Install Pain. Two components make-up DIP: time and number of clicks. New install process should greatly lower DIP. Time will take half as long as prior install process (condensing 6 steps into 1, initial start-up requires no additional action) and number of clicks should be cut in half.

Non-Profit Awareness: The qualitative survey responses from users that install through the new funnel should report a higher % of non-profit awareness than users who did not. Brand awareness tracking is in progress and should be released this quarter in time to establish a baseline metric. Bug 660996.

Download Mirror Optimization: The Stub-Installer will enable us to identify and fix the slowest download mirrors, something we’re unable to do today. Fixing those slow mirrors may yield the largest results by increasing the amount of non-abandoned downloads.

This is severely out of date but the last known funnel metrics:


Sources here and here.

Timeline / Milestones

Phase 1 : X

  • TBD</span

Phase 2 : Y

  • TBD

Phase 3 : Z

  • TBD

Timeline TBD

These are the bugs of interest:

Bug & Summary Owner Status
bug 563723 - enter here
x done


  • Update


  • Update






  • Update