From MozillaWiki
< Elmo
- [CARRY OVER] new designs (peterbe)
- Get new templates into production (from Lee Tom PSDs to html first)
- [CARRY OVER] Shipping / l10n stats (pike)
- Data 1.1 (Pike) - requires new pushes/signoff
- Adjust the data model to the new rapid release process (pike + stas)
- (dependency on data 1.1) Merge l10nstats and shipping and get into production. (/dashboard and /shipping/dashboard should merge into one dashboard.) (peterbe + stas)
- Data 1.1 (Pike) - requires new pushes/signoff
- [CARRY OVER] bugsy (stas)
- Integrate Milos improvements Q2
- [CARRY OVER] metrics (laura)
- Deploy a metrics solution (web trends?)
- [CARRY OVER] Infrasec review (laura)
- [CARRY OVER] webby (stas)
- revisit the current form
- track bedrock / make sure bedrock is what we want it to be (pike + stas)
- [NEW] drain (laura + pike + milos)
- implement it to the extent which allow us to do RSS for web dash
- [NEW] prepare the infrastructure for dev, stage, prod
- [NEW] liberate buildbot env from the VMs (Pike)
- [NEW] set up the new boxes for realz (laura)
- [NEW] claim l10n.mozilla.org (stas)