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Toronto Agenda - 24 April 2010

This is the draft agenda for a Toronto event. Feel free to add comments, questions, or propose a session in the afternoon time slots!

9am - Coffee and socalizing

10am - Opening Circle

  • Introductions
  • Welcome from Mark Surman, Mozilla
  • Agenda overview

10:30 - Spectrograms

These interactive opinion polls will invite participants to weigh in with their views on open web and related topics along the way. Come ready to share an opinion and stand by it, or raise a question and let others weigh in

11:15 - Articulating the Open Web

Participants will break into small groups to discuss the central question of the day: How do you explain the concept of "Open Web" to someone who has never encountered the concept?

12:15 - Lunch

Sit with folks you don't know!

1:15 - SpeedGeeking

Participants will both share and discover open web projects in a fast-paced, interactive format. Speed geek sessions:

A quick run down on the new ways we will need to think about digital privacy in an age of social media ubiquity. For example, how does gender play a role? How do children conceive and negotiate privacy.

2:30 - Afternoon Sessions I

3:30 - Afternoon Sessions II

  • Project proposals and project signups
  • design clinic
  • Add your session here!

4:30 - Where from here?

Participants will be invited to reflect on the day and discuss how best to continue collaborating on the open web.

5:00 - Closing Circle

We'll say our thanks you's and good-bye's and move on to the social session.

5:15 - Post-Event Beveration