Drumbeat/events/new york/notes
Introduction to Drumbeat
Ben and John gave a brief introduction to what Drumbeat is and an overview of the day
Sponsor thanks
Thanks to OpenPlans for providing an awesome space. Thanks to the Mozilla Foundation and Twilio for sponsoring food, drinks, supplies, and security.
We did four spectrogram statements:
- When I use Facebook I feel remorse.
- I only like to share with people who also share.
- The recent Wikileaks leak was a good thing.
- The internet is basically open now.
Introductions Circle
We all sat in a circle and introduced ourselves: Name, From, Mood and one sentence about what we do.
Speed Geeking
There were a total of 12 projects with speed geek sessions, we did two rounds of 6 stations each.
- P2PU and School of Webcraft
- Universal Subtitles
- WebMadeMovies
- Brooklyn Amps
- Flat World Knowledge
- Innovation in Eduaction
- Add your project... I can't remember them all.
Wall of ideas
After we finished up with speed geeking we constructed a wall of ideas using sticky notes and organized it into a set of working groups.
Working Groups
Each working group took about 45 minutes to come up with a big idea or a concrete drumbeat project, after we finished we all reported back to the group and finished up for the day.
Please create a page for your group and fill in what you talked about:
- Drumbeat NYC—Edu
- Drumbeat NYC—P2PU
- Drumbeat NYC—Video
- Drumbeat NYC—Drumbeat meta
- Drumbeat NYC—Collaborative content
- Drumbeat NYC—Political/International/Economics
- Drumbeat NYC—Open Hardware
Drumbeat NYC was epic, we had a great crowd and a great space. We had some great conversations and made good connections.