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These are the instructions to be provided to and reviewed with each person who is presenting a project during a SpeekGeeking session.

Before the session:

  • Prepare a 3-minute demo or pitch. This is not a lot of time, so make sure your presentation is tight and informative.
    • Visual aids are good: a few slides or screen captures
    • Do not count on being able to do a live web demo (risky in terms of connectivity)
    • Pre-load any needed web pages, and just talk about whenever possible instead of loading in real time. Page loads take significant time away from a SpeedGeek presentation

At the event:

  • When asked by the main facilitator, set up your table.
    • Any laptop or screen facing inward towards the center of the room
    • Always have printed contact information (e.g. business cards or stickers with URLs) ready for participants to pick up
    • Plan to face the center of the room.
  • As the start of the SpeedGeeking session, the main facilitator will explain the overall process, assign participants to each table, and start the proceedings.

When presenting your project:

  • Give out any materials (cards, brochures, stickers) at the start of the talk, not at the end. The latter slows down the process
  • Make at MOST four (4) major points. Suggested points include:
    • What is the name of your project or topic?
    • Why should listeners care about your technology or project? How does it benefit the listener?
    • What distinguishes you from other efforts, from the listener's perspective?
    • Share Screen shots if appropriate. Slides are sometimes OK, but dialog is better. Deep technical demos are too much.
  • Finish with presenting as quickly as possible, leave time for dialog. Be ready to answer questions and enter into discussion for at least one minute. Be loud and be lively.
  • When the main Speedgeeking facilitator tells your participants to rotate to the next station, please help the process by refraining from further dialog with your current group. Encourage them to come speak more with you later.
  • Repeat your presentation N times and then enjoy the gratitude and respect of everyone who passed by.