- sole
- callahad
- havi
- dietrich
- jason
- potch
Standing Agenda Items
Weekly Team Update from Jason
- jason out at DevNexus, reschedule 1:1s for Friday
- Big push on getting Hacks posts; if you haven't written something yet, get on it!
- Also, work on Content Kits -- we want ours to be modular, scripted, and have solid references to external materials. E.g., Dan's Valence draft: Also, if possible, let Havi know when you start working on a kit.
- WebRTC (esp. using data channels) would be great. E.g., Tanx + phone controllers
- FxOS NFC API just dropped privilege level
- Facets of WebGL
- Please keep the calendars up to date with when / where you're going to be places.
- Work ongoing on IoT plans; more to be shared in future meetings.
Nonverbal Updates
- worked on demos for developer tools
- working with stack over flow to determine our strategy for 2015
- reviewed MDN webapi docs
- preparing devnexus 2015 presentation
- Submitted event sponsorship metrics to Andreas
- Sourced a Mozillian speaker for PhillyTechWeek (:asuth)
- Sourced a Mozillian keynote speaker for devObjective (:josh)
- Closed the loop and provided collateral for our CascadiaJS sponsorship
- Investigated HTML5 presentation libraries
- Reveal and Shower seem like the only ones that are actively maintained, and which care about exporting to PDF.
- Reveal is easier to style. Using it for upcoming presentations.
- Building slides for Python/Rust talk; done with ~40% of the code examples.
- Completed final QA pass on Gmail / Persona OAuth upgrade, scheduling deploy for this week.
- CFPs Accepted:
- PyCon (April 10-12): Rust/Python FFI, CoreOS Intro
- Fluent Conf (April 20-22): Mobile Web Debugging
- Twin Cities Code Camp (April 25): Rust Intro
- OpenWest (May 8-10): FxOS App Dev, Web Components, Rust Intro, (new) TA for FxOS Workshop
- dev.Objective (May 12-15): Valence, Rust Intro
- CFPs Pending:
- JSConf (May 27-29): Rust/Node FFI
- MidwestJS (August 12-14): FxOS App Dev, Rust/Node FFI, WTF.js (from pdf.js to j2me.js)
- Tech speakers wiki page, draft roadmap
- Tech speakers google group
- Got the ball rolling in getting Tech Speaker pilot participants to Whistler
- DevRel in Asia - reached out to Gen for his thoughts
- Push: Zach Carter to get his node SimplePush server docs updated, and the lowdown from Nikhil about Push future
- Talked w/ some Android folks about what our story is there, ongoing
- Met with William Quiviger to talk about how his team can help ours - short term high impact projects
- Worked with WPR to get a slackline put in at the Portland office
- Final delivery meeting w/ PSU student group. They’re writing their Hacks post this week.
- Hacks blog momentum: Excellent. February Metrics report available, March #s even better
- ES6 Blog post series will run on Mondays April-June, driven by Jason Orendorff (JavaScript engine lead) & Jean-Yves from MDN:
- Will need technical reviews from DevRel & MDN to ensure usefulness to web devs, as well as compiler engineers
- Mozilla Tech Speakers Pilot - has a name, a mailing list, a wiki in progress, a list of to be invited pilot participants, a proposal from a speaker coach ++
- Finished up GDC!
- Great event and energy
- People are both surprised and excited to see what the web platform can do
- Action items
- Event write-up on my blog
- Hacks post on Tanx (Date approx? :-) ) ~1wk from now \o/ thanks!
- Hacks post on demystifying WebRTC (Date approx? :-) )
- Drafting Content Kit on Flexbox
- back from jQuery UK!
- talk seemed to go well, albeit FAST
- web components are still relatively unknown & we need better literacy
- spoke to a lot of interesting people in the UK / London community. Standardistas, University, Government and digital agencies people -they'd like to get Mozilla involved or hear more about mozilla or be involved w/mozilla or mozilla-organised events
- conference had a lot of topics, not only jQuery centric
- Addy Osmani did a great demo of their developer tools. I was slightly embarrassed that people were so impressed with things FirefoxDevtools have had for months. We need to be better at demos and outreach :-P
- A way to "be better" is to run a practical demonstration on how to find and fix issues using features in the devtools. Rather than just enumerating "here's this new cool feature yay"
- Addy Osmani did a great demo of their developer tools. I was slightly embarrassed that people were so impressed with things FirefoxDevtools have had for months. We need to be better at demos and outreach :-P
- talk seemed to go well, albeit FAST
- in Berlin tomorrow until Friday, attending local devs meetups + platform + spec team
- now going to focus on the upcoming talks with firefox os + p2p + web audio stuff
- Add Hacks ideas to
- Review the CFP calendar : upcoming -
- First set of participants in the new Mozilla Tech Speakers program will receive invites this week (today).
Other Topics
(Try to keep things timeboxed and concrete. E.g., can we actually make a yes/no decision in this meeting? If not, discuss on list first.)
What are we missing on our team? (3 minutes)
We have at least two open reqs for this year -- how do we want to use them, and what are we missing? Diversity? Geography, esp. EMEA/APAC? Very junior / senior evangelists? Visually oriented folks? Social media / Stack Overflow / Blog-focused folks?
- Someone geared more toward visual presentation, CSS, etc. would be great.
- Someone in APAC; there are too many events in Japan and China that we're not getting involved in.
- Community building (create more speakers)
- can we get someone else in Europe?
- Callahad is seriously considering moving to Europe, though probably nothing before the end of the year. :-(
- Callahad also wants to build something together
- Sole has ideas-will post to devrel
Q & A
Sole: I'm getting requests for my time on helping with developing other Content Kits / managing community / etc. I don't have time for that. How do I fix that?
Jason: Forward it to me, I'll help redirect and establish focus.
Potch: Do we have a public list?
Dan: There's evangelism:
Jason: I don't like that name. Can we rename it?
Potch: That's a bikeshed for later.
Dan: For now, everyone sign up for that list. We'll worry about names later.
Dan: I want to work on *something* with the rest of y'all. Ideas?
Sole: I want to extract something from Bespoke.js
Jason: Work on Content Kits in pairs. Also, I want a team meetup... can we attend the same conference? Push early push often.
Potch: Do more of this in GitHub.