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Meeting Info
- 1.30 pm Pacific Time
- Hal Wine's vidyo room
- Backchannel in #vcs
Hot items
- On Call Handoff!!!
- We haven't updated for 3 weeks :/ That implies Ben has it, but we should discuss.
Last week
- bkero
- [laura] I know he's on a plane today
- fubar
- j random ops bugs, catchup after work week
- BMO: move compression to zeus for bzapi fixes
- MozReview: deployment goatrodeo
- Treeherder: move rabbitmq off admin node; dependancy work for staging
- gps
- fully upgraded to 3.2.1!
- load follow-ups
- version control planning document
- try to nudge Python 2.7 on production forward in bug 1005361 with code that produces a standalone Python install
- participating in "future patch workflow" discussions
- trying to cobble together a "let's fix l10n packaging" meeting in Portland
- hwine
- 3 days PTO!!!!!!
- Friday - 33.1.1 release (Fridays with releases often consume me.)
- TCW on Saturday
- laura
- planning how to go full-cloud in 2015
- mozlandia stuff
Planned for this week
- bkero
- fubar
- Treeherder: testing new puppet module for staging, finish?
- gps
- work on version control planning document
- work on establishing unified gecko repository for headless try
- hwine
- getting app level hg.m.o logging live
- intern interviews
- laura
- intern interviews
- more Mozlandia planning
- more cloud planning
Other business
- hgweb machines are over-provisioned?
- version control planning document discussion
PTOs, etc
- hwine likely 1 day this week (Thursday likely)