DHylands Ubuntu 12.04
This page documents some of the customizations I've done to make Ubuntu 12.04 usable.
Install Gnome 3
Unity leaves alot to be desired. Do yourself a favour and install gnome 3:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
When you login, you'll be able to choose between unity or gnome 3.
Install Gnome Tweak Tool
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
Add Advanced Settings to the menu on the top right corner.
By default gnome 3 only gives you a close box, and not a minimize/restore. Use the Advanced Settings and add minimize/restore back in by going under Shell and changing "Arrangements of buttons on the titlebar" to All.
Alt-Tab behaviour
Under both unity and gnome 3, they've changed from being window centric to being application centric. This means that Alt-Tab switches between applications, and not windows within an application. They both use Alt-` (backtick - above the tab) to switch between windows within an application. I tried this for a while, but became annoyed. Fortunately, gnome 3 has some alternate behaviours like Alternate Tab.
Alternative Status Menu
The Alternative Status Menu adds a "Power Off..." item to the user menu, which allows for Restart and Power Off.
LookingGlass Button
There are JavaScript bindings for Gnome which seems to be what the extensions use. LookingGlass allows access to the error log, and an interactive evaluator. You can get this by either doing Alt-F2 and typing in lg (press ESC to exit) or you can add a LookingGlass Button to your top panel.
Quit Button
The Quit Button extension replaces the user name with a quit icon.
Remove Accessibility
The Remove Accessibility extension removes the Accessibilty button from the top panel (useful if you don't use the functionality).
System Monitor
The System Monitor extension adds some information to the top panel. I normally enable CPU usage and network usage.
You'll also need to install libgtop2-dev or it will show as "ERROR".
sudo apt-get install libgtop2-dev
I've also found that the network seems to show solid yellow sometimes. Disabling and reenabling the extension will reset things.