
< CrashKill







  • Crash rate for 19.0.2 looks high, but no signatures stand out significantly - probably just rapid uptake.
    • No Radeon signatures in high ranks.
  • Top concern remains D3D11-6.2/Win7 - bug 819028, bug 812683
  • Dual Intel/NVidia bug 806786 and Crossrider bug 836263 also remain in the top 10.


  • bug 787158 (nsHttpConnection::OnSocketWritable, SPDY) is still the top concern (new in 20).


  • bug 837370 (js::types::TypeCompartment::addPendingRecompile) continues to be the top concern, backout only reduced volume.
  • bug 836951 (nsSecureBrowserUIImpl::MapInternalToExternalState) also still is a concern on Aurora and Nightly, waiting for review on bug 840388.
  • bug 744836 (... nsThread::Dispatch | nsTimerImpl::PostTimerEvent) is rising into the top 10.


  • bug 798274 (gfxContext::PushGroupAndCopyBackground) has been back for a while, top 10 crash, but no reaction from devs recently.
  • bug 837370 (js::types::TypeCompartment::addPendingRecompile) remains the #1 issue, no dev action so far.


  • Crash rates for 19.0.2 and 20.0b4 look good, also no surprises in top signatures.
  • bug 849254 (org.mozilla.gecko.BrowserApp.setToolbarHeigh) is a new topcrash on Nightly.
  • bug 847002 - crash in AlignWithLayerPixels @ PresShell::Paint is the second highest in Nightly
  • bug 847021 - android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: Can't upgrade read-only database from version <n> to 14 at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase( at org.mozilla.gecko.db.LocalBrowserDB.filterAllSites top crash for aurora
  • bug 782223 - crash in on Asus Nexus 7 (NVIDIA Tegra 3) with JB : needs STRs to make it go forward; beta top crasher
  • bug 752828 - android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseLockedException: database is locked at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.native_executeSql(Native Method) on ICS : top crasher in release
  • bug 795675 - crash in JSC::Yarr::interpret mainly on JB : second top crasher in release, need STR to make it go forward


  • bug 840176 - crash in nsAppShell::ProcessNextNativeEvent
    • closed off as WFM as there hasn't been any recent crashes.
  • bug 848439 - crash in android::MediaStreamSource::getSize on Geeksphone
  • bug 849884 - crash in PR_Lock|mozilla::layers::AsyncPanZoomController::SetState|mozilla::layers::AsyncPanZoomController::ContentReceivedTouch


  • nhirata worked with mbrandt to understand automation tests